I don't think this has been done before, but why not try it, it's tech related in a way:
I shall start

i might make a rival thread where we count in BCD (binary coded decimal)

1 in binary: 00000001 (assuming 8 bit word lenth)

e.g 101 in BCD= 0001 0000 0001
as opposed to 01100101 in binary.

dont you know that as you do electronics? - its used in clocks and stuff

Yes i am aware of Binary and BCD Bennet. :P
I can make circuits that work, can you? I doubt it :D
Binary is easier to understand though than BCD for some people.

but not for clocks. with BCD less calculation is required as you can increment individual segments at a time (e.g you dont want to have to retotal the whole time every second - that would require extra cpu cycles)

:( I only know binary !

go in binary then

2 = 00000010


4 = 00000100


Correct me if i am wrong

6= 00000111

yes u are wrong :P
6 = 00000110

7 = 00000111

hehehe .... twas a wild guess .. but can you please gimme the exact formula how to calculate the binary numbers ... !!
Actually i lost my notes ..!!

The next number to the left is double the previous number. So the pattern goes like this:
0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0
64 32 16 -8 - 4 - 2 - 1
and so on from 64 -> 128 -> 256 etc.
Remember the number to the left is double the previous one.

8 = 00001000

I have no idea why I bothered to add 4 zeroes before the true value >.<

for those who dont understand binary

in denary/base 10 (our system we use as humans)

it goes

Thousands | Hundreds | Tens | Units


In binary it goes

64|32|16|8|4|2|1| etc.....


in this case there is one four and one one so it is = 5

I think i just explained that mate :P
9= 1001

hey thanks for the expl... i think now i get it ..

10 = 01010

yeah thats correct :)

11 = 01011

12 = 1100

13 = 01101

14 = 1110

15 = 1111

16 = 10000

17 = 10001

18 = 10010

20 = 10100

21 = 10101

22 = 10110

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