I guess I should be embarrassed to ask this, but Help seems to be misleading to me, so it's not my fault. ;)
I'd like to enter a series of binary numbers in a component I am working on. Delphi's Help (see below) says all I need to do is add a "b" to my number, but I get an "undeclared identifier..." error, for code like:
br2400= 00000011b; // 2400 baud
Yea, I could use hex, but in this case it is easier to make the numbers look like those in the manual for the device I am programming.
Numeric constants
Numeric constants must be integers, and their values must be between –2,147,483,648 and 4,294,967,295.
By default, numeric constants use decimal notation, but the built-in assembler also supports binary, octal, and hexadecimal. Binary notation is selected by writing a B after the number, octal notation by writing an O after the number, and hexadecimal notation by writing an H after the number or a $ before the number.
Numeric constants must start with one of the digits 0 through 9 or the $ character. When you write a hexadecimal constant using the H suffix, an extra zero is required in front of the number if the first significant digit is one of the digits A through F. For example, 0BAD4H and $BAD4 are hexadecimal constants, but BAD4H is an identifier because it starts with a letter.