Hope you have gone through enough S.H.I.T. in humor to understand this one. :-)
~s.o.s~ 2,560 Failure as a human Team Colleague Featured Poster
Ancient Dragon commented: LOL :) +34
itdupuis commented: good stuff, keep it up! +1
Scuppery commented: dude that was so good I had to put it on myspace...keep it up +1
Ene Uran 638 Posting Virtuoso
loken 0 Light Poster
bloody_ninja -1 Junior Poster in Training
TheNNS 112 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso
Ancient Dragon commented: You need to get a sense of humor -7
sarehu commented: Blark +0
iamthwee commented: I agree +15
loken 0 Light Poster
R0bb0b 344 Posting Shark
ZZucker 342 Practically a Master Poster
siddhesh85 0 Newbie Poster
itdupuis 19 Posting Whiz
TheNNS 112 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso
jasimp commented: BOOL! -1
~s.o.s~ 2,560 Failure as a human Team Colleague Featured Poster
iamthwee commented: Nice comeback? +15
TheNNS commented: wtf? you think i'm 10? -1
nav33n 472 Purple hazed! Team Colleague Featured Poster
R0bb0b 344 Posting Shark
TheNNS commented: the whole point of irony is that it has to be real to be funny. this obviously isn't -1
invisal 381 Search and Destroy
bloody_ninja -1 Junior Poster in Training
TheNNS commented: tell me how this is supposed to be funny? it's not irocnic, it's not real. it's CRAP -1
Lardmeister 461 Posting Virtuoso
jasimp 427 Senior Poster Featured Poster
bumsfeld 413 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso
Ezzaral commented: hehe +11
vmanes 1,165 Posting Virtuoso
Daveodolph 0 Newbie Poster
TheNNS 112 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso
Aia commented: Let's see. Jul 2006, we are in Aug 2008. Just about when you came then. -2
R0bb0b 344 Posting Shark
~s.o.s~ 2,560 Failure as a human Team Colleague Featured Poster
loken 0 Light Poster
maydhyam 38 Posting Pro :)
TheNNS 112 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso
maydhyam 38 Posting Pro :)
R0bb0b 344 Posting Shark
jasimp 427 Senior Poster Featured Poster
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