Hope you have gone through enough S.H.I.T. in humor to understand this one. :-)

Ancient Dragon commented: LOL :) +34
itdupuis commented: good stuff, keep it up! +1
Scuppery commented: dude that was so good I had to put it on myspace...keep it up +1

A very good and thorough memo!


It's a very funny memo... Who would have thought a company employee would go through all that shit in his career.


lol. At first I expected something like the origin of SHIT, Ship high in transport. But this is even better.

how is this funny? it's not even real.

commented: You need to get a sense of humor -7
commented: Blark +0
commented: I agree +15

how is this funny? it's not even real.

you're right, but its too ironic to be real....

how is this funny? it's not even real.

you're right, but its too ironic to be real....

Sounds pretty realistic to me.

Just imagine, someday I might be able to write such an important memo to my underlings, I mean associates, I mean partners, I mean coworkers, I mean colleagues, I mean friends, ...

hehehe !! This mail has ben going around the corporate mailboxes for a long time now... I guess some manager guy started the chain... ;)

Well that is a new one to me......i laughed so hard it took me five minutes to get through it!! Seriously funny to me, but hey, I have absolutely been through the S.H.I.T. at my job! Kudos ~S.O.S.~ you have made my day! Thanks!

it's bullcrap. if you're gonna post something funny, make sure IT IS funny.

commented: BOOL! -1

I can understand that kids at your age are rebellious. Come back after a few years and you might just be mature enough to enjoy/understand this one. Till then, happy cribbing/trolling.

commented: Nice comeback? +15
commented: wtf? you think i'm 10? -1

it's bullcrap. if you're gonna post something funny, make sure IT IS funny.


i laughed so hard it took me five minutes to get through it!! Seriously funny to me

It's a very funny memo...

I think people found it funny :)

it's bullcrap. if you're gonna post something funny, make sure IT IS funny.

In your case I think you need more S.H.I.T. I have extra if you want.

commented: the whole point of irony is that it has to be real to be funny. this obviously isn't -1

it's bullcrap. if you're gonna post something funny, make sure IT IS funny.

It is not funny for you, but it is funny for us.

it's bullcrap. if you're gonna post something funny, make sure IT IS funny.

It is funny. You just don't have a sense of humor.

commented: tell me how this is supposed to be funny? it's not irocnic, it's not real. it's CRAP -1

I can understand that kids at your age are rebellious. Come back after a few years and you might just be mature enough to enjoy/understand this one. Till then, happy cribbing/trolling.

Nice find, I found it very funny!

it's bullcrap. if you're gonna post something funny, make sure IT IS funny.

I should have mentioned this in my rep comment; bool, is spelled correctly.

Here is the competition:


You may have noticed the increased amount of notices for you
to notice. And, we have noticed that some of our notices have
not been noticed. This is very noticeable. It has been noticed
that the responses to the notices have been noticeably
unnoticeable. Therefore, this notice is to remind you to notice
the notices and to respond to the notices because we do not want
the notices to go unnoticed.

From the Notice Committee for Noticing Notices

commented: hehe +11

how is this funny? it's not even real.

Not real? I was in the USAF when this was policy. Training's gone downhill since those days.

commented: :-) +23
commented: retard -1

Hope you have gone through enough S.H.I.T. in humor to understand this one. :-)

Outstanding, how may of us can actually relate to this?

I recongnise most of the levels of S.H.I.T here and I am only talking about my last job.

Its been a while since I saw this last but it had me lmao!

thanks for starting my day off with a laugh!


this is probably the worst thread ever.

Daniweb has really lost quality in the last couple years.

commented: Let's see. Jul 2006, we are in Aug 2008. Just about when you came then. -2

this is probably the worst thread ever.

Daniweb has really lost quality in the last couple years.

How old are you? Why would you reply to a thread if you didn't find it interesting anyway, you obviously have way too much time on your hands, which is also probably why you don't find the thread interesting to begin with.

Daniweb has really lost quality in the last couple years.

Take a hint! Start posting something constructive for a change. :-)

this is probably the worst thread ever.

Daniweb has really lost quality in the last couple years.

Try posting the memo to a public place, you might actually find people having the same reaction.....its funny when you can relate to it ofcourse...

I thought it was funny, and rather applicable in some instances where I currently work... I also found this 1 to be really applicable too...

Here is the competition:

You may have noticed the increased amount of notices for you
to notice. And, we have noticed that some of our notices have
not been noticed. This is very noticeable. It has been noticed
that the responses to the notices have been noticeably
unnoticeable. Therefore, this notice is to remind you to notice
the notices and to respond to the notices because we do not want
the notices to go unnoticed.

From the Notice Committee for Noticing Notices

why does it matter how old i am? i've worked in plenty of business, and to be honest, nothing in that "memo" was true for any place i've worked.

why does it matter how old i am? i've worked in plenty of business, and to be honest, nothing in that "memo" was true for any place i've worked.

Well I think you are very lucky to be able to work in places where the memo doesn't apply...(I am not being sarcastic), I actually know a couple of people who work in places like that, but I also know a whole lot more people who work in places where the memo definitely applies.....so, it sorta applies to some persons, as well as it doesn't apply to others...

why does it matter how old i am? i've worked in plenty of business, and to be honest, nothing in that "memo" was true for any place i've worked.

So what you are saying is that you have worked in several environments and never have been in a situation where you had to put up with any shit from your boss or any number of your boss' bosses? Really? Watch "Office Space" and come back and tell me that that wasn't funny, because you just didn't understand it because you have never been in that situation.

If that is the case then you are showing just how shallow your personality is by

it's bullcrap. if you're gonna post something funny, make sure IT IS funny.

refusing to see this in any point of view besides your own and judging

this is probably the worst thread ever.

Daniweb has really lost quality in the last couple years.

anybody that has been in that situation and can relate to this thread because they apparently are not as hollier than thou as you.

Go find a godly thread where they can appreciate you at your level and leave us little people to relate to what ever we want to relate to.

commented: lol.. nice! +8
commented: Agreed +11

Watch "Office Space"

I have, many times. It has to be one of the funniest movies dealing with office life.

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