This is unlikely to be the first thread of its kind and nor the last, but with the recent release of Firefox 1.0 final, it would be interesting to see how the current browser line up is.

Personally, I'm a Firefox fan.

Personally i Like Opera very much .

I voted IE but I just installed Firefox there now, and I have to say I'm pretty impressed so far. I was actually very surprised at the filesize! It was under 5 meg, and at first I thought it was just a setup file which would download more stuff from the internet as Microsoft's product does, but nope, one download and that's it. I'll use this for another while and see how she handles ;)

Anyone else here voting, or is everyone else browserless? ;)

If I get everyone in the company and all our customers (several hundred) to vote next week will get a reward? :)
They'll all vote IE of course as that's what we outfit our machines (and those we supply to customers and support our software on) with.

Windows - Firefox
Linux - Firefox
FreeBSD - Firefox

IE is too insecure, I recently installed firefox on wifeys computer too.
Mozilla too much for what I need
Opera too pretty and if I want mouse gestures I will download the XPI thank you very much.

Firefox rocks for my needs minimal, excellent rendering very standard compatible. I do have a love for lynx and links though.

Oh and konquer is okay except I hate to use KDE if I want to slow down my computer I will downgrade the processor, throw out the memory and corrupt my own drives thank you very much :lol:

IE now and forever, :)

Windows - I surf in IE but I use Firefox to test / debug DaniWeb when I make layout changes
Mac - Safari

99.9% Opera user. 3.7 Mb download with all the bells and whistles :). Have firefox but use it seldom. Too many add-ons needed to bring it even remotely close to Opera.
Use IE only for microsoft updates.

I use Safari 90% of the time, as any Mac user should. Other than that I use Lynx and FireFox sometimes.

my friends made me one. and it's a lot better than most that i've used (netscape, inet, mozilla, etc.) because it has a lot of features thrown in. they're planning on released it on the net soon.


I knew that I'd forgotten one; Safari.

I like Konqueror. Light and neat.
Firefox is OK.



Firefox on the major three -- linux, windoze, macintosh.

Also enjoy using lynx. Lynx is especially great for calling from crontabs to download audio files and other sources of information that require automation, yet are http based.


I use firefox on windows and linux. i havent used IE in over 2 or 3 years except to test my website out on it. but thats about all i use it for. its to damn insecure for me and the fact that i use linux when im not at work. so that is another good reason ;) but i have just slowly grown to love mouse gestures after my long use of opera and now use them in firefox and also i love tabbed browsing as i normally have 5 or more webpages open at once :p

firefox is money

The usage level of Internet Explorer has dropped below 90% for the first time in ages, and the combined usage of Mozilla or Firefox has climbed to nearly 8% recently.

Keep the trend up, people. A browser without ActiveX means a much cleaner and safer system!

i'm having trouble enabling java script for for monopoly..PLEASE HELP ME!

I've tried the tools-security-internet-custom level enable java script...but nothing keeps on saying play site requires java...browser does not support java script.

i'm using that affect anything?

Hi chuckayashi, and welcome to DaniWeb.

I've edited your email address from your post, because it is not our policy to have members requesting the answer to to emailed to them. Doing so helps no one but the person asking for assistance, and our problem resolutions should be available for all to see.

You should also post your question in the Internet Explorer forum section, if that is the browser you use:

or in the Windows Software section if you use a different browser:

Piggy backing your question onto an unrelated topic is not likely to attract the best response to your question.


I Voted for Internet Explorer

think mostly people would use internet explorer

Damn shame that. If people used a better browser we wouldn't see so many spyware problems ;)

Best Xmas pic I've see yet this season, Michele73NY :D

well.. microsoft monoplised the market so cannot blame though

Damn shame that. If people used a better browser we wouldn't see so many spyware problems ;)

You mean "a different browser"...
And you're quite wrong, if more people use different browsers that just means the malware authors will target those in addition to (or instead of) IE.
It's economics of scale, when there's 10.000 people using an application there's no money in scamming them or stealing their data.
When there's 10.000.000 things become interesting.

The first malware targeting FireFox was I think already floated some time ago...

And of course most malware doesn't rely on activeX at all. It just tricks the user into downloading and installing some application with promises of something free.

im really using netscape

I meant "a better browser".

IE is not only the browser which is most prone to hijacks and spyware, it's also the browser which has the least amount of helpful features built into it ;)

Theres no reason to use another browse, IE does the job fine, and if Firefox had a 90% market share, there would be more bugs they you could kill with a flamethorwer

This is unlikely to be the first thread of its kind and nor the last, but with the recent release of Firefox 1.0 final, it would be interesting to see how the current browser line up is.

Personally, I'm a Firefox fan.

Firefox: some bugs it seems but they fix them. Well-designed and pretty.

I use firefox because of the extensions, FF allows me to surf without a mouse. I hate mice they make my hands ache!

Have to keep IE handy though still a lot of non-standards compliant sites that just die horribly!

Firefox for me. (with all the extensions available on the net, I can make a godly browser out of it)

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