Heh do you think he even gets thru all that in a year??

I bet he is playing 1 or 2 games all the time while the others just sit there :icon_cheesygrin:

I wonder if any of those ARE GOOD GAMES :icon_cheesygrin:

My collection is small compared to all of my friends. But I like to savor my games, not finish them the next day.

wow...he must be a game guru or something....


I couldn't agree with you more. I love to play RPG's, finish every single side-quest, and completely max out my characters.

I wonder if any of those are good games..

I don't think that this is the cluture here.
ppl here don't like you using pirate copies or rapidshare pirate downloads.

ppl in the different communities are behave very differently so this
is not a good community to share them in public. Go somewhere else if you wanna to find warez and cracks.

I don't think that this is the cluture here.
ppl here don't like you using pirate copies or rapidshare pirate downloads.

ppl in the different communities are behave very differently so this
is not a good community to share them in public. Go somewhere else if you wanna to find warez and cracks.

Does this post make any sense ? Who is trying to find warez and cracks ?

That looks like a library for games.
I guess he only played only few of them.

most of them are great

Omfg hahahahaha

omg wot more can ya say??? lol redo his list hell be there for a year at least!!!

Oh my God. Its a big big collection. I can't believe that.

I wonder how much memory worth of game's he has by now.

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