guys after i bought my ibanez acoustic guitar, i played one traditional turkish song(without vocals) and put it to youtube, i want your feedback, the sound quality is bad since i recorded it with my laptop's webcam, the feedbacks will be better if they address to the music itself, i mean the melody of the song.

Ancient Dragon commented: Good job :) +36

Perhaps you should post the link. It might help people find your video :)

Your beautiful hands turn me on...

I'm going to make it so dry for you.

commented: if i had used protection, you wouldnt have existed today. -1
commented: Priestly +12 Cast Of Healing +12
commented: you are an immature newt +36

Your beautiful hands turn me on...

I'm going to make it so dry for you.

I think your attempt of "[making] [his] existence on this forum a miserable one." isn't working. He seems to be posting more often.

commented: You have no sense of humour. -2
commented: You do have sense of humour ;) +10

I think your attempt of "[making] [his] existence on this forum a miserable one." isn't working. He seems to be posting more often.

Definitely, he makes me feel more special, he is a talented guy and being hated by a talented person is something :) at least i am in center of his attention, he traces every post i sent.

Rashakil Fol,
What don't I have a sense of humor about? You should have been more specific.

You should have been more specific.



I must be too stupid to figure out why you think I don't have a sense of humor? Although your old age of 95 might have something to do with it ;) My post wasn't supposed to be taken seriously anyways; I had been following this little "game" of yours and serkan's for the past few days and found it interesting. I thought the Geeks' Lounge would be a much better forum to comment on it than in the tech forums.

I must be too stupid to figure out why you think I don't have a sense of humor? Although your old age of 95 might have something to do with it ;) My post wasn't supposed to be taken seriously anyways; I had been following this little "game" of yours and serkan's for the past few days and found it interesting. I thought the Geeks' Lounge would be a much better forum to comment on it than in the tech forums.

yeah this guy used to bother me a lot but i just learned to live with it. sometimes he is useful and address to my errors, which is good, sometimes he just talks bulshit, he promised to disagree anything i post and if he had a chance he would remove all my reputation points. I definitely think that he is too young, on the other hand he has an energy that i respect, recently he helped me find how to set conditional compilation parameter using visual studio, i think despite his garbage posts he has good contributions. There were times that i wanted to curse him but now he feels to me just another dialectic aspect of worlds. i may have become psychopat of that dialectic materyalism though, i dont like that nature, i just accept it mandatorily. if i believed in god i would blame him for not being able to create something pure good. i dont know what is good about dialectic nature and why it had to be so, why do we have to die for example, you do all the stuff then you have to die. understanding the fact of death is just to heavy from an atheistic perspective. Anyways, my reasons why i dont hate rashakil fool are because he is just a model of our very own nature, he is mixture of an agressive person who curses a lot, but also helpful at the same time. he is like the ying yang thing which is usually carried by some teenagers as necklace.

commented: he used to bother me a lot too, but now we seem to get on. just try and get used to it ;) +36


Nice guitar by the way, i used to have an ibanez bass, the build quality was nice

commented: It's all about you, isn't it. -2

he used to bother me a lot too, but now we seem to get on.

This is not true. I might act nice to jbennet, maybe, but that's all part of my master plan.

if this is you, it is amazing..

Are you a scientologist?

Are you a scientologist?

because i live in clearwater?

So Rashakil is Anon?! 0.0 Is he going to go blow up a van, like how Fox showed it on television? lmfao

The generated reputation comments is possibly the most entertaining part of this thread.

commented: haha.. That is so true! +10

by the way you usually save my ass adding to my reputation points, rashakil fool needs to wait a week to deduce your one contribution.

by the way you usually save my ass adding to my reputation points, rashakil fool needs to wait a week to deduce your one contribution.

Stop calling him Rashakil fool, maybe he will stop the 'war of words' too! ;)

Stop calling him Rashakil fool, maybe he will stop the 'war of words' too!

Naah !!! For a guy who plays tit for tat with Bad Reps his IQ is too low to understand that.

commented: Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying. -2

who is the guy playing the guitar?

I have no idea who he is. I was just listening to that video because of its content when it turned into someone playing the guitar, and I thought you might be interested.

Naah !!! For a guy who plays tit for tat with Bad Reps his IQ is too low to understand that.

Now because of the ambiguity I just want to mention 'his' = "serkan sendur".

Amazing. Visiting the Geeks' Lounge is like sitting in a room full of children.

Amazing. Visiting the Geeks' Lounge is like sitting in a room full of children.

Well we have to vent out our life's frustrations somewhere (or at someone) :P, might as well be the geek lounge where the rep points wouldn't affect me

Amazing. Visiting the Geeks' Lounge is like sitting in a room full of children.

You're amazed by this? You must not be as smart as I thought you were :P

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