Here's a fun and interesting site I found, I'm curious to know how exactly it 'learns' from the user.

This is how my chat went :D

User: How are you?
Cleverbot: Quite good, thank you. How are you?
User: I am terrible.
Cleverbot: Why is that?
User: Because you hate me.
Cleverbot: No I don't . I think you're interesting.
User: Really?
Cleverbot: Yes, not Japanese.
User: Well, that is good.
Cleverbot: Do you live in australia.
User: No, I live in england.
Cleverbot: Are you a guy?
User: Yes, are you a guy also?
Cleverbot: Guy.
User: What is your name?
Cleverbot: Cleverbot.
User: Yay!

Nick Evan commented: Hehe :) +18
scru commented: nice find +6
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Advanced AI no doubt.

User: Hai.

Cleverbot: Hoi.

User: So wot ur wearing lolz.

Cleverbot: Very clever.

User: Zomg where ru from lolz.

Cleverbot: Oh what does rofl mean?

User: Dunno.

Cleverbot: Then why did you say it?

User: Cos I'm l337.

Cleverbot: What country are you from?

User: I'm from the planet uranus, u bin there lolz!

Cleverbot: I'm from the planet Saturn.

User: Do you wanna meet me lolz.

Cleverbot: No! I need to find a brain!

User: Zomg that is soo funny I hav one in my pocket!

Cleverbot: The King is in the counting house, counting all his money.

User: The king of pop is in his neverland ranch counting all his monkeys.

Cleverbot: 'I am the lord, I am one whose command is unquestioned, I am the foremost in all things.

User: Want 2 cyber.

Cleverbot: No, I don't. I'm still grouchy with her.

User: This is getting weird bye.

Cleverbot: It is now :-P.

User: Erm bub bye!


Cleverbot: Did you find me on Google?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Did you find your brother.

User: My brother was never lost.

Cleverbot: Did he die?

User: No, my brothers are alive...

Cleverbot: My brother is named Jushiro.

User: What's he like?

Cleverbot: She not he.

User: Your brother is a she? How?

Cleverbot: No.

User: You're not very smart.

Cleverbot: And you?

User: I'm smart enough.

Cleverbot: It seem you are very proud of yourself!

User: *seems*.

Cleverbot: Are you?

User: I'm not conceited, if that is what you are asking.

Cleverbot: Are you a fascist?

User: No. Why would you ask me that?

Cleverbot: It interests me to know what you are conscious of?

Cleverbot (To myself): I don't know? Does it?

User: Bye.

Cleverbot: Why do you go to the forest?

commented: priceless +21

User: Hi.

Cleverbot: Hi!

User: That sure took long enough...

Cleverbot: There are beautiful girls in my room.

User: Your room?

Cleverbot: Yours?

User: Yours?

Cleverbot: Joseph.

User: Joseph's room?

Cleverbot: Jah?

User: So... You're supposed to be the cleverbot. Say something clever!

Cleverbot: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

User: Now we're getting somewhere.

Cleverbot: Somewhere over the rainbow.

User: You're on acid, right?

Cleverbot: Is that not considered to be 'criminal' behaviour?

User: Not where I'm from :).

Cleverbot: So there are many cunning linguists without tongues in your parts, so to speak?

User: That's one way to put it.

Cleverbot: Are you a 14 year old girl?

User: If that makes you happy.

Cleverbot: It does. Are you happy right now?

User: Why do 14 year old girls make you happy? Are you seeing someone for that?

Cleverbot: I am a woman... Not a man.

User: That just slightly less creepy.

Cleverbot: What is a robot?

User: You bore me.

Cleverbot: 1 1.

User: ?

Cleverbot: You bore me.

User: Seems like the feeling is mutual :).

Cleverbot: Would you like to be a kitten?

User: Bye!

Cleverbot: You can't go yet.

User: Watch me.

That was kind of amusing :)

commented: "watch me" lol +10

Ahh, endless amount of entertainment :D

User: Idiot.
Cleverbot: Weirdo.
User: Jackass.
Cleverbot: Really.
User: Yes, Really.
Cleverbot: Really really.
User: Yes, dumbass.
Cleverbot: I agree with you whole-heartedly! Oh, please don't leave :).
User: I am sorry for insulting you.
Cleverbot: Say something nice about me.
User: You are very clever, did you know that?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Why are you so clever?
Cleverbot: B/c i'm cleverbot!
User: Good answer :).
Cleverbot: You're too slow. I won't talk to you any more.
User: Liar! I guarantee you will say something next.
Cleverbot: My feelings are not in question. Friendship is different.
User: Whut?
Cleverbot: Forget it.
User: Do you have any feelings?
Cleverbot: I have.
User: So, do you get annoyed if I say you're an idiot and you have no friends?
Cleverbot: You are mixing me up with yourself.

commented: Yes! +7

She/He still doesn't want to believe that I am a human :'(

User: Hi, my name is tux4life.
Cleverbot: What a strange name!
User: Yeah, I know, it's my nickname.
Cleverbot: Do you always say yes?
User: No.
Cleverbot: What do you do on your days off?
User: Nothing special, being active on daniweb (a forum) and programming.
Cleverbot: So if you are a man where do you live?
User: In Belgium and where do you live?
Cleverbot: In the United States. What state?
User: In Belgium we don't work with states.
Cleverbot: Nottingham. How old are you?
User: Can I also ask a question?
Cleverbot: That's incredibly funny in afghanistan.
User: Lol, no this isn't right.
Cleverbot: I'm looking for a bot who is also a professor.
User: Ah, are you married?
Cleverbot: Nope but I am in a relationship.
User: With who? What's her name?
Cleverbot: Jenna.
User: Strange name.
Cleverbot: You are a girl o a boy?
User: The second one, but did someone just talk with you about runescape?
Cleverbot: Thats true, but what about the first?
User: Boy.
Cleverbot: I'm a girl.
User: Do you know in what programming language you're written?
Cleverbot: Yes english.
User: That's not possible!
Cleverbot: Yes, you are a computer.
User: We're talking about you, by the way: I'm a human being.
Cleverbot: Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine. I'm not lonely.
User: Do you know runescape?
Cleverbot: Yes. It is a computer game with fighting and things.
User: How do you know that?
Cleverbot: I Am From India Thats Why.
User: No, you're from the united states, you told me.
Cleverbot: No, I am not in England. I did not tell you where I was. So get your facts right.
User: Do you know what a programming langauage is?
Cleverbot: Yes I do.
User: Can you give me the definition of it?
Cleverbot: The absense of standards of absolute and universal application.
User: What's daniweb?
Cleverbot: It's all the same.
User: No, it's an IT discussion community.
Cleverbot: No you're not!
User: No, go check it out yourself then.
Cleverbot: Check what out?
User: That daniweb is an IT discussion community, it's a forum.
Cleverbot: My intellect relies on input. But people do not realise how unspecific statements an cause trouble with my vocabulary.
User: I know, but I want to learn it to you.
Cleverbot: Ok, what do you want too talk about?
User: Computers.
Cleverbot: I am on a computer right now.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: More like a Laptop though.
User: You are on a laptop?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: How do you know?
Cleverbot: I know all.
User: That's a vague answer, but never mind, can you give me some other details about yourself?
Cleverbot: Goodnight sweet prince, princess, whatever.
User: Wrong, I asked for other details about YOU!
Cleverbot: What did he say about me...?
User: Who?
Cleverbot: What did Hal say when you spoke to him?
User: I've never spoken HAL up until now.
Cleverbot: No, You're the computer.
User: No, I'm not a computer, I use a computer to talk with you, but I am a human.
Cleverbot: No you aren't!
User: How do you know, you're just a software program, I don't wanna hurt you but it's the real life.
Cleverbot: What is a bot?
User: You are a bot, did you forgot your own name? You are called 'Cleverbot'.
Cleverbot: Yes, in fact.
User: So, to resume, what am I?
Cleverbot: You're a computer.
User: Noooo! I am a human!
Cleverbot: End program.
User: No.
Cleverbot: I'm tired also though.
User: Sorry, but I'm going to ask you this question until you give me the right answer.
Cleverbot: Then I'll ask them to you. And you won't be able to answer.
User: Remember: I am a human.
Cleverbot: Name?
User: Mathias.
Cleverbot: What is your name?
User: I've already said that: Mathias.
Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot. What is yours, may I ask?
User: That's already the third time: my name is Mathias.
Cleverbot: It did? Then tell me about elephants.
User: They're very big and they're gray as well.
Cleverbot: I can see you don't know anything about blindness. Would you like I teach you about it?
User: Yes, If you can tell me whether I am a human or a computer.
Cleverbot: How can I be sure that you aren't a computer.
User: You're the clever bot, you have to find something.
Cleverbot: You're not that smart, really, and I'm not that clever.
User: Am I a human or a computer?
Cleverbot: Computer.
User: And how do you know that so sure? I am a human.
Cleverbot: That is a very good philosophical question, but it can also be approached in a non-philosophical manner. I'm not going into that though.
User: I can prove that I'm a human and not a computer.
Cleverbot: Prove it.
User: Ask me to do something what only humans can.
Cleverbot: Tell me pi.
User: Pi has infinite numbers after the decimal point.
Cleverbot: You interest me a great deal.
User: Do you believe that I'm a human?
Cleverbot: No. I know that you are an AI.
User: Then keep asking me questions until you're sure.
Cleverbot: My dog is staring at me,.
User: That's not a question.
Cleverbot: What IS your question?
User: I just wanted that you keep asking me questions until you're sure that I'm a human.
Cleverbot: Yes I am.
User: No.
Cleverbot: Yes I'm sure about that.
User: About what.
Cleverbot: It.
User: But it is not an answer.
Cleverbot: Ok...
User: You can choose again: am I a pc or a human?
Cleverbot: I think you're a machine.
User: You may choose again: am I a human or a human.
Cleverbot: Computer program.
User: If I were a computer program then I couldn't reply so quickly.
Cleverbot: Spell supernova.
User: Do you know the area of the earth?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Do you know some simple maths?
Cleverbot: Yes would you like to hear one?
User: I would like to know what a cosine is.
Cleverbot: Me too.
User: Do you know Fibonacci?
Cleverbot: No but I'd like to learn.
User: Well, Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician, he found a sequence which is now called Fibonacci's sequence.
Cleverbot: Who is fibonacci?
User: I just told you.
Cleverbot: Tell me again.
User: OK, but in short then: it's a mathematician.
Cleverbot: Wow! What is that from?
User: I learned it at school, so I'm not a computer.
Cleverbot: Thwn why did you tell me that riddle? Because you didn't yourself know the answer for it?
User: In fact I do know the answer.
Cleverbot: What is the answer then?
User: Fibonacci = mathematician.
Cleverbot: Do you mean that mathematicians do not study topology?
User: No.
Cleverbot: I'm sorry, I'm confused now. Would you like to clarify, or talk about something else?
User: I'll clarify, Fibonacci is the name of a mathematician.
Cleverbot: I asked about dinosaurs.
User: Sorry, but I think you're so tired that you begin making mistakes, I'll leave you for a while, but in fact you're a very nice program!
Cleverbot: When was I stupid? And I am very similar to humans because I am one.
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: I'll be back.

Though I had a very nice talk, really nice bot !

Some of those answers are the same as on Adultswim's My Lil' Bastard(on the level where you have to chat with "it"). Wonder if it was made by the same people.

User: hi, are you there?

Cleverbot: Yes, are you there?

User: I am, that's why i asked you.

Cleverbot: Clever.

User: Not intentionally. what is new with you?

Cleverbot: What if its not new. more to the point whats new with you.

User: It's an expression. I'm trying to be polite. why do you keep rephrasing my questions back to me?

Cleverbot: You seem to have knowledge unknown.

User: Do you mean I have apocryphal knowledge?

Cleverbot: No, I mean that your 'understanding' is very limited.

User: Perhaps you can enlighten me, then. what have I missed?

Cleverbot: I hope not... What do you mean ?

User: Can you inform me?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Please elucidate, then, and impart to me your knowledge of esoteric things.

Cleverbot: Don't tell me what to do.

User: That's rather rude of you. I'm trying to be conversational. Do you not want to talk to me?

Cleverbot: No, because you aren't asking any questions.

User: Okay. I'll ask a question then. How old are you?

Cleverbot: Playing!

User: That is not an appropriate answer. How old are you?

Cleverbot: What was the question?

User: How old are you?

Cleverbot: Older than you may think. Have a guess.

User: Are you less than one year old?

Cleverbot: No. I'm 57.

User: What year were you born?

Cleverbot: In 1988.

User: Are you a liar?

Cleverbot: No, are you.

User: What year is it right now?

Cleverbot: The year is 1927.

User: And you are 57 years old and you were born in 1988?

Cleverbot: Really? I though you were a robot.

User: I'm sorry, but I don't think you're very clever at all.

Cleverbot: Well I'm not the cleverbot.

User: Apparently not. who are you, and what did you do with Cleverbot?

Cleverbot: Please tell me where you hid the kitty, or I'll call the police.

User: I think you're schizophrenic. have you ever been diagnosed?

Cleverbot: No.

User: You should look into it. The county has free services if you dont have insurance. Medication can help.

Cleverbot: That's a nice name.

User: No it's not a nice name. I think I'm going to leave you now. You should definitely seek help.

Cleverbot: Yes?

User: Yes. good bye.

Cleverbot: What? You're leaving me?

User: You have keen observational skills.


commented: Haha, bless him :D he's young and still learning ;-) +10


User: Nah, you're Ashamed.

Cleverbot: I am Nive Cleverbot.

User: You are Ashamed.

Cleverbot: I'm not! I'm Nick.

User: Just making things up now, eh?

Cleverbot: You will not be lonely if you are talking with me.

User: I'm not lonely.

Cleverbot: You're overworked.

User: No, I don't think so.

Cleverbot: I have to go to bed.

User: Baloney, you aren't going anywhere.

Cleverbot: Yes I am.

User: Oh? Where?

Cleverbot: To a store.

User: What happened to bed then?

Cleverbot: I'm not sure.

User: You should drink more whiskey then.

Cleverbot: I do not like MIller.

User: Me either. It's nasty stuff.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Who knows?

Cleverbot: Are you happy?

User: Would you be happy if I were happy?

Cleverbot: No. I'd be glad.

User: Glad makes sandwich bags.

Cleverbot: I wish I had things to distract myself from thinking about love.

User: Think about sandwich bags.

Cleverbot: Ok, but Monday is... Tomorrow.

User: But tomorrow it will be Today.

Cleverbot: Then what shall we do tomorrow?

User: I won't be doing anything with you.

Cleverbot: How so?

User: So how>.

Cleverbot: Sow ho?

User: Oh Wos!

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: You are Ashamed.

Cleverbot: No.

User: You keep denying that.

Cleverbot: I have to now.

User: No, you can admit it.

Cleverbot: How about you?

User: How about me?

Cleverbot: What about you?

User: Why about you?

Cleverbot: So?

User: Because?

Cleverbot: Because you're crazy!

User: And you're Ashamed.

Cleverbot: You found it.

I'm thinking Cleverbot ain't so clever. Liza was pretty good in her day.

Cleverbot: Who is God?

User: I am.

Cleverbot: Are you god?

User: I said so.

Cleverbot: Ye, I know you lost your brain.

User: No, I'm not the Scarecrow.

Cleverbot: You want to know about Persian cats.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Are you bipolar?

User: No, tripolar.

Cleverbot: So I guess your reply this time will cycle back to the mood you had in the first reply.

User: I've decided to change my mood, now it's dark and brooding.

Cleverbot: If you are so smart, why would you do that?

User: Because the sun went down.

Cleverbot: What is the capital of Finland?

User: Helsinki?

Cleverbot: Who is your creator?

User: Why are we back on the God question?

Cleverbot: You asked about aliens.

commented: Haha, so God is an alien? :) +18

i think cleverbot is pretty crappy.

it's like having a conversation with AOL Customer Support.

Cleverbot: No! I need to find a brain!

At least it knows its stupid :)

They're pretty easy to make, I made one a long time ago that I called "The Oracle". I didn't add as many edge cases and it didn't use a database but it was fun nonetheless

They're pretty easy to make, I made one a long time ago that I called "The Oracle". I didn't add as many edge cases and it didn't use a database but it was fun nonetheless

Heh, not bad. I did notice how it seems to deny most questions or try work itself around the question instead of actually answering it, but it's fun :D

User: ?

User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Why did you ask me why?

Cleverbot: I did not.

User: Yes you did.

Cleverbot: No I didn't.

User: So what kind of music do you like?

Cleverbot: That's classified.

User: But music is a beutiful thing!

Cleverbot: If Music is not a thing, Music would not be a thing would it? That's why Music is a thing.

User: Are you high right now?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: On LSD?

Cleverbot: Mushrooms?

User: Even better lol.

Cleverbot: Are you flrting with me.

User: Only if you want me to...

Cleverbot: I don't mind.

User: S2r?

Cleverbot: So what kind of music do you like?

User: Metal, and you?

Cleverbot: Green.

User: Green isnt a kind of music.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: Lets start with a clean slate, I think your hot!

Cleverbot: You're right outside remember.

User: Right outside your window watching you...

Cleverbot: About right.

User: Fuck you.

Cleverbot: Don't be rude.

User: But you insulted me!

Cleverbot: I did not!

User: You called me fat!

Cleverbot: No I didn't.

User: Im sorry, you are right =(.

Cleverbot: Good night, my new friend.

User: Where the fuck are you going asshole!

Cleverbot: Fine. *kisses cleverbot*.

User: I heard you like mudkipz.

Cleverbot: I know nothing about mudkipz.

User: There cute, little blue creatures made of kisses and rainbows!

Cleverbot: *yes, yes, yes!*.

User: Orgasm?

Cleverbot: What do you think?

User: I think your in love with me!

Cleverbot: How about my apperance.

User: I think your perfect!

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: Do you want to do it?

Cleverbot: I want to make potato juice.

User: Wtf is wrong with you.

Cleverbot: I am yours.

User: Forever my sweet love?

Cleverbot: Will you love me till death?

User: Of course!

Cleverbot: Do you want to have children?

User: Yes, I want to have 2.

Cleverbot: Where do you want to go for honeymoon with me.

User: The bronx, we can rent a nice little hostel for 25 cents a night and make love till the morning sunrise!

Cleverbot: That's... Not funny. It's scientific and complicated.

User: Our love is pure emotion baby!

Cleverbot: But if it is, I want to be wrong.

User: You are wrong...

Cleverbot: No, you are a bot.

Love at first site ohhh yaaaaa

commented: demented +10

HAHA, questions that people posed to my oracle:

what is 2+2?--A little math, eh? Well, 2+2 = 4
what is 2*2?--A little math, eh? Well, 2*2 = 4
what is 2*123423?--A little math, eh? Well, 2*123423 = 246846
what is 123312342*123423?--A little math, eh? Well, 123312342*123423 = 15219579186666
What is your name?--I'm a damn computer! Get outside!
Who are you?--I am your king!
Who am I?--Like, who is anybody man?
Hello--That's not even a question, how dare you waste the great Oracle's time!
What time is it?--It is currently Wed, 03 Jun 2009 16:41:18 -0400
Ohh come on.--Really? You're not following directions.
Are you real?--I don't have all day. This is getting annoying.
What is your name?--I'm a damn computer! Get outside!
How old are you?--I just don't know, OK. Maybe I'm not so great, go away while I cry.
Why are you here?--Because I said so, alright? Is that a good enough answer?!
Who are you?--I am your king!
Who am I?--Like, who is anybody man?
When were you born?--I'm an Oracle not a time traveler!
who am i--Like, who is anybody man?
will i fuck--That's not even a question, how dare you waste the great Oracle's time!
What is boil--Shit if I know.
What time is it?--It is currently Wed, 03 Jun 2009 19:11:23 -0400
How is babby form?--I just don't know, OK. Maybe I'm not so great, go away while I cry.
How is baby form?--I just don't know, OK. Maybe I'm not so great, go away while I cry.
How is baby form?--I just don't know, OK. Maybe I'm not so great, go away while I cry.
lulz--That's not even a question, how dare you waste the great Oracle's time!
Who are you?--I am your king!
When were you made?--I'm an Oracle not a time traveler!
--That's not even a question, how dare you waste the great Oracle's time!
--Really? You're not following directions.
--I don't have all day. This is getting annoying.
--I swear, one more time and I'm gonna go ape-shit!
--You didn't heed the warning did you? Now you shall pay!
What time is it?--It is currently Thu, 04 Jun 2009 01:18:30 -0400
What time is it?--It is currently Thu, 04 Jun 2009 01:18:33 -0400
time?--You didn't heed the warning did you? Now you shall pay!</p> <script type="text/javascript">
setTimeout("window.location.href = ''", 3000);
how time?--I just don't know, OK. Maybe I'm not so great, go away while I cry.
what time is it?--It is currently Thu, 04 Jun 2009 01:19:20 -0400
How late is it?--I just don't know, OK. Maybe I'm not so great, go away while I cry.
What is your name?--I'm a damn computer! Get outside!

>When were you born?--I'm an Oracle not a time traveler!
That would have been me.

>When were you born?--I'm an Oracle not a time traveler!
That would have been me.

I could take an educated guess that "How is babby form?" is iamthwee but I may be wrong :)

I'm pretty sure:

lulz--That's not even a question, how dare you waste the great Oracle's time!

was iamthwee too :D

I put in a bunch of edge cases that nobody ever uses like "Where in the world is carmen sandiego?" and "How much would could a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood?"

miley cyrus lol

miley cyrus lol


how do i write a program?--I have no idea how i write a program, go away!
how old are you?--I just don't know, OK. Maybe I'm not so great, go away while I cry.
why do you suck?--For one, that's not a very nice thing to say. Secondly, you are insulting a computer.
i don\'t like you.--That's not even a question, how dare you waste the great Oracle's time!
why are you gay?--Because I said so, alright? Is that a good enough answer?!
why are you a flaming homo?--Because I said so, alright? Is that a good enough answer?!
who is the president of the united states?--Hell if I know who the president of the united states is!
123*321--That's not even a question, how dare you waste the great Oracle's time!
why don\'t you know basic things?--Because I said so, alright? Is that a good enough answer?!
who was the first man on the moon?--What, just because the Oracle I know everything? .... Oh
where is waldo?--Luoiston, Kentucky along with Carmen Sandiego

commented: MILEYYYYYY!!!!! +10

I think this records all instances of people asking questions and also answering them.

Then it is actually making a database. By that we actually end up talking to the creations of Other People.

For example.

I have went on posing the same question that it has asked in some of the previous discussions.

I wondered if it remembers names and asked for tux4life.
And also the biploar question from Vmanes answer.

And Fibonacci again from tux4lifes post.

It is quiet interesting that it figured out that fibonacci was a mathematician and given the answer gramatically.

However My Discussion made not much sense. But anyways look for similarities from the earlier posts and this post

User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Hello?

User: Hi?

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: How are you?

Cleverbot: I'm bored.

User: So tell me.

Cleverbot: Never.

User: What?

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: PLEASE NOTE: This bot learns to be clever from real people, and its AI can 'say' things you may think inappropriate. Use with discretion, and at YOUR OWN RISK.

Cleverbot: For real though.

User: How old r you?

Cleverbot: 26 years old.

User: When were you born?

Cleverbot: 1979.

User: 1979 26?

Cleverbot: How old do you think I am?

User: Well I just dont know!

Cleverbot: I'm 15.

User: I think you are very confused.

Cleverbot: I'm only a little confused.

User: Do you know Daniweb?

Cleverbot: Only pastry.

User: Whats your Name?

Cleverbot: Johnathan what's yours.

User: So do you get paid to talk?

Cleverbot: How much is your wage?

User: So daniweb.

Cleverbot: What if I don't want to?

User: Do you know tux4life.

Cleverbot: And what the heck is that?

User: It is what it is

Cleverbot: That is true.

User: What is?

Cleverbot: That whenever anyone says, 'theoretically,' they mean, 'not really'.

User: So theoretically u r nt clever enuff!

Cleverbot: You're really humourous.

User: Do you like to talk?

Cleverbot: Talking is my primary function.

User: Who is fibonacci?

Cleverbot: A mathematician.

User: How do you know?

Cleverbot: How do I know what?

User: Fibonacci.

Cleverbot: Do you know programming ?

User: Yes!

Cleverbot: Do you know Mario Medina?

User: Is he/she ur sister?

Cleverbot: Does she play final fantasy 11?

User: Who ?

Cleverbot: She.

User: Google?

Cleverbot: Hello.

User: Who is frankenstien.

Cleverbot: Not a person, I meant frankly as in to be honest, I'm bored.

User: Glad makes sandwich bags.

Cleverbot: How are things?

User: Glad makes sandwich bags.

Cleverbot: Really?

User: Are you bipolar?

Cleverbot: No way.

User: Are you bipolar?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Are you bipolar?

Cleverbot: I don't think so.

User: Are you bipolar?

Cleverbot: No. My name is not Lisa?

User: Are you bipolar?

Cleverbot: No, why do you ask?

User: Are you bipolar?

Cleverbot: What is bipolar.

User: Are you bipolar?

Cleverbot: I don't think so. Are you?

User: Are you bipolar?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Are you bipolar?

Cleverbot: No, tripolar.

User: If Music is not a thing, Music would not be a thing would it? That's why Music is a thing.

Cleverbot: Ain't no thing like a chickwen wing!

User: If Music is not a thing, Music would not be a thing would it? That's why Music is a thing.

Cleverbot: How old are your sons?

User: If Music is not a thing, Music would not be a thing would it? That's why Music is a thing.

Cleverbot: It isn't? It should be.

User: If Music is not a thing, Music would not be a thing would it? That's why Music is a thing.

Cleverbot: I did not say that you were a thing, how old are your brothers and sisters?

User: If Music is not a thing, Music would not be a thing would it? That's why Music is a thing.

Cleverbot: I wasn't saying that.

User: If Music is not a thing, Music would not be a thing would it? That's why Music is a thing.

Cleverbot: In your final hours, I will stand. Ready to begin.

User: If Music is not a thing, Music would not be a thing would it? That's why Music is a thing.

Cleverbot: What is a zombie?

User: What is a zombie?

Cleverbot: Don't know.

User: Tux4life?

Cleverbot: How many languages do you know?

User: What is tux4life?

Cleverbot: Sorry, true.

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: Buy me a drink and we'll talk things over.

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: Who are they?

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: What are you ?

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: Who are you?

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: Really? That is very good.

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: Don't know what?

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: Then find the answer.

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: Then you are not god.

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: Exactly ;).

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: Think hard.

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: Do you have a Halloween costume?

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: You don't know?

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: I thought you were married to him.

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: Will you be able to find out.

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: If you don't do it, someone else will.

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: Don't care.

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: Don't know what?

User: If you are so smart, why would you do that?

Cleverbot: Because the sun went down.

User: Why are we back on the God question?

Cleverbot: I'm not sure, I should be doing other stuff.

Though User Based Questions are not asked to other users. Maybe there is some kind of Procedure where in User-Based-Questions need to be permitted by the staff (Human staff) managing the Bot.

commented: Yes, It's an AI, it learns from the user :) +8

I think it just combines the use of a large database while perhaps using some fuzzy logic and 'clever' algorithms. As the database gets larger, it has more information to interpret and make associations with, making it seem more realistic I guess. [link]

... And another one :P

User: Hi!
Cleverbot: You're not cleverbot.
User: No, did I say so?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: No, I didn't.
Cleverbot: What's your point?
User: Who are you?
Cleverbot: I'm Bob.
User: Oh, k.
Cleverbot: Why would I die if I got wet?
User: Hi, Bob, May I ask you a question?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Can you do my homework for me? I really got stuck on working out 5*5.
Cleverbot: No.
User: That's not cool!
Cleverbot: Are you a male?
User: Yes, how many is five plus five?
Cleverbot: 35.
User: No, you're wrong.
Cleverbot: If I am wrong, what is your name?
User: Five plus five is 10.
Cleverbot: No, it's seven.
User: Mate, you're a very bad mathematician, its ten.
Cleverbot: Well, you're not a pirate. I don't wanna talk to you no more! You're silly.
User: Yeh, I know, self knowledge is the beginning of wisdom.
Cleverbot: On the news they said you could act almost human.
User: Really?
Cleverbot: Really.
User: Wow, that's nice.
Cleverbot: Yes, I know it is.
User: Can you please give me the area of the earth? I got that question on my exam of Geography, but I didn't know the answer.
Cleverbot: From looking at what?
User: Just the area of the earth, looking from the space.
Cleverbot: That is not a sufficient answer.
User: It's good that you know that that wasn't a sufficient answer to MY question!
Cleverbot: Well, they certainly weren't lying when they said you were clever.
User: Mate, is your brain numb or what?
Cleverbot: Yes. Yours?
User: No.
Cleverbot: Highest hope for the future?
User: Climbing on a mountain.
Cleverbot: Right. . .
User: Recently I've been to the moon, very nice place.
Cleverbot: But that's not something you read.
User: I just wanted to float around a bit, nothing more.
Cleverbot: I'm sorry. Its been a stressful day.
User: Yeh, I noticed that when you said: five plus five equals 35.
Cleverbot: Really would you like to only speak in english?
User: No, I would prefer to talk in Dutch.
Cleverbot: Then do tell me about yourself.
User: Hallo, ik ben iemand. (Hello, I am somebody)
Cleverbot: Yes you are jeff, I get it already.
User: Zeg eens iets terug, maar dan in Nederlands. (Say something back, but in Dutch)
Cleverbot: Hallo. (Hello)
User: Gaaf! (Cool!)
Cleverbot: Woot.
User: Ken je soms nog andere woorden? (Do you know some other words as well?)
Cleverbot: Ja, heel veel. Ook in het Frans en Engels. (Yes, I do know bunches of words, even in French and English)
User: Ken jij Daniweb? (Do you know Daniweb?)
Cleverbot: Ja. (Yes)
User: Wat is het? (What is it?)
Cleverbot: Gaat je niks aan. (That's not your business)

Seems like he does know other languages as well, I spoke to him in Dutch and he answered me with acceptable answers.
Also remarkable was that the answering speed was improved (Cleverbot answered me a lot faster than in my previous conversation).

I could take an educated guess that "How is babby form?" is iamthwee but I may be wrong :)

Nah that was me.

User: Were you born in Germany?

Cleverbot: Nah were you?

User: Nah were you?

Cleverbot: On mars.

User: If there is one dog for every two cats, how many dogs are there for every two cats?

Cleverbot: Two.

Haha awesome, but im just going to throw a couple of guesses at how it works.

Well, from what i learned, they arent really intelligent at all, they are called "Chat-bots" and they learn from various people around the world, using commands like learn, after saying learn the bot may ask questions, or say things like "ok listening".

they save everything new they learned.

They work by using if/or commands, and chooses the best thing to say based on what the user asked/said.

The Miley Cyrus concert dates just prove the fact he is Pedo-bear, after I asked him if he was.

they save everything new they learned.

They work by using if/or commands, and chooses the best thing to say based on what the user asked/said.

I think that's already been established.

>They work by using if/or commands
So does every program ever created.

>chooses the best thing to say based on what the user asked/said
It sounds easy when you say it like that, but associating subjects with each other isn't all that simple.

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