Joined less than 1 month ago (Jun 18th, 2009) this time he has
only 193 posts
but 45 solved threads.
and 597 reputation points.
I'm calling shenanigans.
Well AD was probably the biggest boost there.
i'm not at all complaining about his high rep. He deserves it, and i've found myself wanting to give more than the time restrictions will allow.
it's just odd.
and it's as much the 4:1 post/solved ratio, too. it's like he just hit the ground and started kicking ass without any warmup period.
I only contributed 10% of his rep points -- everyone else apparently thinks he is great too :)
posts:solved ratio doesn't really mean much because it says nothing about who helped solve the problem. I can make a post that says nothing more than "agree", and my solved post count will get bumped when the post is marked solved.
I can make a post that says nothing more than "agree", and my solved post count will get bumped when the post is marked solved.
true, but that's obviously not the case here, as testified by his highly concentrated positive rep.
so i'm just sayin... "will the real Tom Gunn, please stand up?"
so i'm just sayin... "will the real Tom Gunn, please stand up?"
... And introduce yourself in Community Introductions like every other respectable DaniWeb member has done
it's like he just hit the ground and started kicking ass without any warmup period.
Forums ain't exactly the bleeding edge of teh intertubes. You don't need a "warmup period" when you've already been doing this kinda thing for years (if that is the case, which might be my assumption). ;)
Forums ain't exactly the bleeding edge of teh intertubes.
of course not, but each forum has its own culture and character that invariably takes some time to figure out and fit into.
Tom Gunn's performance here has been pretty remarkable. You'd think it would take a bit more than 28 days before someone finds themselves eligible to run for Crown Prince of the C/C++ forums.
did i say 28 days?
am i going anywhere with this?
am i going anywhere with this?
Since when does that matter? :icon_razz:
of course not, but each forum has its own culture and character that invariably takes some time to figure out and fit into.
Some folks lurk a while before posting. (Probably quite the rare specimen these days, but anything's possible.)
First I get attacked for not being perfect right out of the gate. Now I get attacked for fitting in. What do you want from me? :confused:
First I get attacked for not being perfect right out of the gate. Now I get attacked for fitting in. What do you want from me? :confused:
lol, i'm not attacking you. if anything, i'm commenting on your awesomeness.
i just find it curious that you popped into existence some 29 days ago and been kicking ass like nobody's business .... coincidentally at the exact same time that a certain someone else ceased posting.
now who was it that used to post quite regularly, right up until their disappearance about ... oh, 29 days ago?
do you see where i'm going :)
I see where you're going. Should I be flattered that you think I am this guy who stopped posting at the same time I joined?
You're not. You're not mean enough.
>You're not mean enough.
> I'm calling shenanigans.
Maybe a time will come in the near future when you would have better things to do than worrying 'bout rep, and yeah, of course calling shenanigans. :-)
are you calling shenanigans on my shenanigans?
I called shenanigans and they delivered some Cock-A-Leeky soup and some nice roast mutton.
posts:solved ratio doesn't really mean much
Yeah that and rep dont mean much. Newbies never mark as solved, and thier rep doesnt count, so you never tend to get much of these if you help people in the windows forum, as they tend to post once or twice and dissapear forever.
I for one can say that post count says absolutely nothing either.
I for one can say that post count says absolutely nothing either.
Yep, it just tells you how long they have been here, not how good they are :P
I for one can say that post count says absolutely nothing either.
Yep, some of the best have very few (but very good) posts
Well, I don't know whether I'm allowed to ask this, but why don't you mods, just do an IP-check on both accounts?
Well, I don't know whether I'm allowed to ask this, but why don't you mods, just do an IP-check on both accounts?
Ssst. We don't want people to know how I also am, now do we?
Well, I don't know whether I'm allowed to ask this, but why don't you mods, just do an IP-check on both accounts?
YoU aRe NoT aLLoWeD tO aSk ThAt QuEsTiOn!!!!1
Um, what are you guys talking about?
OK, by now we all know who Tom Gunn is, why he has such high rep and how relevant reputation is. The `off-topicness' oozing out from this thread makes it a worthy candidate for closure.
i still think he's Narue's alter ego.
i still think he's Narue's alter ego.
The SS seeping through your keyboard into your pores?
Before some mod closes the thread: I guess it will continue to be a mystery...
... And introduce yourself in Community Introductions like every other respectable DaniWeb member has done
LOL, I forgot to do that when I joined Daniweb :P
Would it be advisable that I still do it ?
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