I believe in God 100% I completely disbelieve in religion, I do however believe it is required, all the bad things that happen in the world are supposed to happen just as much as the good, because we as a species are supposed to experience everything that can be experienced. I believe God is bored and wants an equal, so all life in existance is there to become his/her equal, God created everything therefore has experienced everything, all life is of one spirit that is supposed to experience all things so that God has a companion, I imagine infinity is a lonely place if you have no one to talk too.
And by birth and upbringing I am catholic, I have read the bible, I just believe religion is inherently evil, and that if God is in all things then we can talk to him wherever we choose, not in an old building with some guy telling us how bad we are.
Besides there must be some truth in it all most of the religions of the world have the same basic beliefs; one God, don't kill. However since most of them like to fight and disagree so much so be it.