I believe in God 100% I completely disbelieve in religion, I do however believe it is required, all the bad things that happen in the world are supposed to happen just as much as the good, because we as a species are supposed to experience everything that can be experienced. I believe God is bored and wants an equal, so all life in existance is there to become his/her equal, God created everything therefore has experienced everything, all life is of one spirit that is supposed to experience all things so that God has a companion, I imagine infinity is a lonely place if you have no one to talk too.

And by birth and upbringing I am catholic, I have read the bible, I just believe religion is inherently evil, and that if God is in all things then we can talk to him wherever we choose, not in an old building with some guy telling us how bad we are.

Besides there must be some truth in it all most of the religions of the world have the same basic beliefs; one God, don't kill. However since most of them like to fight and disagree so much so be it.

Liliafan - I like how you put things. Very good points you make.


Paladine: What can I say I spend a lot of time thinking about the great beyond.

Hey "Unregistered"

Well Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all one and the same, they are part of the trinity, therefore, whilst being seperate to us, to God they are all him, so for company it is basically like having multiple personalities lets face it you can't keep yourself company forever.

In regards to someone who can watch everything, that is just it isn't it, watching, how long can you watch without wanting real interaction, in the event that God created everything, then do you not notice that in everything there is partnerships from animals, to fish, to insects, to people, to stars and planets, to galaxies there is interaction everywhere, there is a theme in all of it, nothing in the universe is completely by itself it doesn't work.

How long can you sit at a window and watch the world passing by before you want to get involved, or perhaps how long can you watch a messageboard before you want to say something? Watching isn't the same as interacting, if God doesn't mind being alone then surely his creations wouldn't mind being alone.

Nope as I see it God wants company so he created a spirit as big as himself and divided it amongst all life, so the spirit once it has experienced everything can be a partner to God.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me in fact based on my theory and beliefs no one should agree 100% with me perhaps 99.9% but this belief is my experience. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs from the person to believes in nothing to the person that believes whatever he/she is told, free will is a wonderful thing, I don't expect to convert anyone, but a question was asked and I answered, I don't critize anyones beliefs because in the end it is choice, if you want to be muslim cool, baptist cool, whilst I disagree with religion I personally don't believe it is right, I don't want to stop other people believing, my step daughter is going on a summer camp where she wants to be baptised I support that 100% she has found something that she believes in, if it makes her happy or makes sense to her then that is great, I don't expect my beliefs to make sense to everyone, perhaps some people see some sense to my beliefs perhaps to don't. I have a friend that believes God and the devil are one and the same, I don't know if that is right but he believes it and so be it.

So in a round about way of getting there, you don't have to understand my theory, from your statement you are a christian, belief and faith aren't the same as understanding, I believe what I say is accurate, where as you believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy spirit, there is some faults in my beliefs I am sure, but to me it makes sense, all beliefs have fault and points where they say 2 different things, read the bible old testament to new testament and tell me the bible doesn't contradict itself, it does and on some fairly major points, but that is fine because most of the world believes it to be the worlds of God.

Hope this explains my view a little more clearly.


commented: most enlightening... +17

I like Gravy...

yeah, i heard that. I saw on the news that people in the Philipines do that. Man, i don't know how they do it. It must hurt like hell. They must really have a lot of faith.

I'm from the Philippines and yes, people here do re-enact the crucifixion every year. most of them are die-hard devotees. They actually made a pledge to do it annually as a way of showing their repentance... and yes, it does seem to hurt like hell.. :)

Does religion require any kind of loyalty?

well IMHO, all you need is believe and have faith. Loyalty follows...

Loyalty and faith do not have to be together. I experimented with several religions before I decided on one (Actually, I am kinda leaning back towards buddism again).

Hmm that's interesting. Are you even allowed to do that? Experiment with religions like that? I mean, won't each "God" or whatever get pissed because you aren't serious about it? I can't imagine straying away from christianity, ever. My God has been loyal and loving to me, no matter what I do. Anyway, I'm not here to preach, why buddism?

Reincarnation perhaps?

I am reading an very interesting book regarding religion which contains a number of references that can be checked back as factual, no doubt the author is using a lot of artistic leaway but I recommend it to anyone with doubt about religion, or anyone that doesn't quite "buy" what most religions preach. "The Da Vinci Code", whilst it is listed as fiction, the historical references in it are mostly true, or where not true are the basis for supposition for many people.

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