Hi everyone!

Does anyone know of any good freeware programs (which you have used yourself, preferrably) that would fit in my site at www.appsoftheweb.com?


If you want to get into ftp, SmartFTP is my ftp client of choice (www.smartftp.com) though I know many others prefer Flash FXP and the like. For ftp servers, I like GuildFTPd (www.guildftpd.com).

Other useful free stuff I use ... well, there's TweakUI and other powertools for Windows XP from the microsoft website

As far as unzipping goes, I'm not a winzip fan, but rather like Stuff-It (www.aladdinsys.com).

Also, you gotta be in contact with your internet peeps ;) www.aol.com for AIM, www.yahoo.com for Yahoo! Messenger and www.icq.com for ICQ. Plus, Windows/MSN Messenger comes with Windows ;) Or, for those all-in-1ers out there, there's Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com/trillian/index.html).

Hope some of this helps ya!

I know more than one. 8) Here are some free programs I rely on a lot:

AIM + DeadAim - DeadAim is an addon to AIM. Has logger, cloning(running more than one AIM process at a time, and more)

Winamp, Sonique - MP3 Players
http://www.winamp.com/, http://sonique.lycos.com/

Weatherbug - Shows the weather. Displays the current temperature in your area on the System tray.

Winace - Used for compression/decompression

Web Matrix - ASP.NET development

Maguma Studio - Awesome PHP Editor

SQLYog - MySQL Manager

OptiPerl - The Best Perl Editor for Windows (I love this thing). The free version lasts forever, it just runs like a 3 second message when you run it then doesn't nag you again.)

Dev-C++ - Awesome C/C++ IDE

Oh, but of course you didn't post those in the freeware/shareware software category of the Links section ... You do know that now I'm going to have to add them for ya ;)

Yeah. Hey, you can't blame the guy for trying to make a living. 8)

Well that's really phooey.

To the best of my knowledge it used to always be free? I never used it myself, though. Version 4 of DeadAIM was recently released, maybe they changed their policy with this new version?

Yeah, it used to be free. He recently updated his page, and I do mean just recently.

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