You know you are a geek you find it more natural to count numbers
in the power of 2 then decimal.

William Hemsworth commented: nice thread. +0

I would say you know your a computer geek when you have done over 1000 posts on daniweb. lol That's me alright.

Btw, how do you calculate to the power without a calculator? eg. 1024^50 using only addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Just wondering as it would have been handy in the past without doing endless multiplication.

cwarn23 you are right (though my posts are still way below 1000). Before I joined daniweb, I knew very little in the software development field and on a lighter note, How may solved threads makes one a geek?

You know you are a geek when you can say your name in binary without having to think twice. 01110111011010010110110001101100011010010110000101101101 :P

You know you are a geek when you can say your name in binary without having to think twice. 01110111011010010110110001101100011010010110000101101101 :P

That binary value = the int 33611436624798061
also the 23 in cwarn23 = 10111

I would say you know your a computer geek when you have done over 1000 posts on daniweb. lol That's me alright.

Btw, how do you calculate to the power without a calculator? eg. 1024^50 using only addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Just wondering as it would have been handy in the past without doing endless multiplication.

Addition,subtraction,multiplication and division ? What ?

I can do without that! Just look here :

I can do without that!

I found a long way of doing it but for to the power of 50 it would take years to find the answer by pen and paper. For example 2^4

2x2=4   (^2)
4x2=8   (^3)
8x2=16  (^4)

That is the old fashion way but wasn't sure if there was a faster way.

Well if you insist to do it that way then you can use the exponent

2^6 = 2^3 * 2^3 = 2^5 * 2^1

2^ 5 = 2^ 2 * 2^3

1024 ^ 50 = 

(2^10)^50 = 

2^500 = 2^100 * 2^100 * 2^100 * 2^100 *2^100

2^100 = 2^ 50 * 2^50

2^50 = 2^20 * 2^ 30

2^20 = 2^10 * 2^ 10

2^ 30 = 2^20 * 2^10

2^10 = 2^5 * 2^5

2^5 = 32

now just plug back in x amount of times and you have a whole mess.

You know you are complete computer geek when you like Google's new language Go.

You know you are complete computer geek when you like Google's new language Go.

Done that and only works on Linux and Mac although it's hard enough to get working on Ubuntu since it's not in the Synaptic Package Manager. - Lazy Google making things hard.

You know you are a geek when you are a member of a programming forum :)

Done that and only works on Linux and Mac although it's hard enough to get working on Ubuntu since it's not in the Synaptic Package Manager

Google do have an apt/deb repo though, maybe they will release dpkgages soon...

When the can of frozen Orange juice says "Concentrate" and you do.

When the can of frozen Orange juice says "Concentrate" and you do.


When you give out your number to girls in binary.

commented: Never give out your number, always get theirs. ;) +0

You know your a geek when your plan of world domination has worked (eg. Bill Gates and IBM)

When your definition of a party is 100+ people in a fire hall playing Counter Strike and Warcraft 3.

When your black rim glasses are held together with white tape.

I have been a geek for years but i hit my ultimate geekiness yesterday:
i was doing rough sketches of entity relationships for a database design. Key point here; i was using good ol' pen and paper.
The geeky bit was when i started a second diagram and for an instant, i actually attempted to 'drag' an entity from my previous sketch!!

... when you program the computer in your dreams!

When you program a computer game based on a dream you had...

when you program a game of programming a game in your dream.

When you name your roomba and try to understand why it does what it does (and hack it to make it do what you want).

When you think this is a good idea

You know you are a geek when you can say your name in binary without having to think twice. 01110111011010010110110001101100011010010110000101101101 :P

Thats truly awesome...

when you know PI by heart : 3.141592653589793

You know you are a geek when you go and read threads like this :)

You know your a geek when you write a program to print out the internet.

You know you are a computer geek when this makes sense to you:
Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF.

You know you're an old geek, if you used to say "cool" when it wasn't cool to do so (late 70's, 1980's..)

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