Hi and have been thinking about the big bang and wonder how did it all really start. Was it really like this theory or the effect of somebody doing an intergalactic experiment in the parallel universe. So many theories some based on science some based on religion and yet there seems to be no true answer. Most scientists say it started with two gas particles colliding at supersonic speeds. However how were these gas particles created - perhaps by god farting.

I believe in the theory of gods fart created the universe where in the Pegasus galaxy life was immediately created and that life (Atlantians) explored the universe creating other species and Stargates that the US is probably hiding or hasn't found then life from the Pegasus galaxy had eventually been transfered to Earth via Stargate. Also since the universe is always expanding you will find that the universe would have been relatively small back then. So what is your theory?

So what is your theory?

That size defeats us.

Beliefs are inarguable.
You started the post with "I have been thinking" and yet nowhere in the post do you offer any proof of such.

Why should anyone care what you believe? You posit stuff you found in a bad television program; not even anything of your own (other than using 'fart'). Offer us something to 'think' about; not something to believe about.

Why should anyone care what you believe?

I didn't say anyone had to care about what anybody believes but this topic is to share around ideas of how the universe was created.

That size defeats us.

I'm not sure exactly what that means.

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I don't think we'll ever know how the BB came about. We'll get within a fraction of a second of the 'event' but won't be able to go further. From what I remember of my basic physics, time did not exist before the event. So how could we 'see' the trigger? Maybe our large hadron colliders may shed some light of this, but it may be some time.

Was there a prime mover? Who knows. If there was a god-like figure that started this all off, it's left the building since then.

Has anybody seen the video linked to in the first post?

Has anybody seen the video linked to in the first post?

Yep, that's obviously how it happened :icon_razz:

How did it really start?
Well the Big Bang Theory was premiered in September 24th 2007 :P

Obviously thats the more important one :)

Well. According to the inductive reasoning involving the first law of thermodynamics, we can be fairly confident that the universe has existed in some form or another for eternity. It just may have been in a form we cannot currently learn about or understand.

And here I am thinking nothing goes on beyond the blue and white stuffy stuff above us.....

Man, I have some catching up to do!!!!:-/

Okay, now I understand what you want:

Up against the wall of science - where little Artie Choke is back from the shadows again and he swears that this the truth of it all (and there is lots more of me where I come from). There was this turtle and the turtle was alone and he looked around and he saw his neighbor which was his mother and he lay upon his neighbor and she bore him in tears an oak tree which grew on the banks of the river. It fell over (no fun at all) like a bridge and low under the bridge there came a catfish and he was very big and he was walking and he was the biggest he had seen and so with the firey balls of this fish one was the sun and the other was the moon and they walked across the face of time itself which brought forth another firey ball of rock covered with a scum where the

Ooh, look a shiney stone.

Grimjack, I could swear you have read Terry Pratchett before?

Very similar storyline and hillariously funny - if you are in to such readings....

In his books there is no big bang, just the discworld formed on the back of this huge turtle. Time normally has something to do with this as well mind you...:D

Big Bangs happen all the time. We are just too far way to observe them. I wonder what the opposite of a Big Bang is?

Grimjack, I could swear you have read Terry Pratchett before?

Very similar storyline and hillariously funny - if you are in to such readings....

In his books there is no big bang, just the discworld formed on the back of this huge turtle. Time normally has something to do with this as well mind you...:D

I have been reliving my youth - I ripped all 4 FireSign Theater albums and put them on my mp3 player. I adapted (see note1) my myth from their album I think we are all Bozos on this buss. Not being sure if anyone would catch the reference I did make oblique references for the older geeks (like anyone who was getting high in the 70s)

note1 - read as stole unabashedly

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Big Bangs happen all the time. We are just too far way to observe them. I wonder what the opposite of a Big Bang is?

Really? Would we even 'see' it if it happened in our living rooms?

I always thought the opp of BB was the Big Crunch, although I'm more akin to believe in Heat Death. Thermodynamics is a bitch.

Big Bangs happen all the time. We are just too far way to observe them. I wonder what the opposite of a Big Bang is?

Wouldn't the opposite to the Big Bang be the Small Silence. At least that is the opposite of those two words.

There are villains about and they want to suck your universe.

There are villains about and they want to suck your universe.

I know. When it's time lets move to another universe where there are no black holes. Now that's an idea.

Maybe a Black Hole after it has eaten a whole Universe gets indigestion and answers with a big belch (bang).

Or maybe the universe disappearing into a black hole is the big bang in another universe.

If time has no start and no end, what was before the Big Bang?

If time has no start and no end, what was before the Big Bang?

If you checked the video in post #1 there was god and his room mate shugs. They were arm wrestling and god was loosing so god did a fart. Then god won. Then god was about to do a second fart got a match and lit it behind him and did a fart which created the two gas particles and exploded to create our universe.

yeah,yeah,yeah - we saw the vid - you don't have to run it by us again.

It was the catfish's giant b----s bashing together that created the universe.

If time has no start and no end, what was before the Big Bang?

The point of that theory is that people's concept of time is untrue, i.e., there is no such thing as a start or an end. So the theory says that your question is meaningless.

Darn, another meaningless question!

Here I though I would stimulate somebody's thought process.

commented: Haha. Nice try ;) +0

Did you hear that big bang?
What a stupid name for one hell of an explosion!

Did you hear that big bang?
What a stupid name for one hell of an explosion!

Then to whoever is reading this what would you name this. My guess is "the boom boom theory". lol or even "the microbang". If you were to name the big bang something else what would you name it?

Since sound doesn't travel in space I would name it the Super Flash or something like that.

i thought the Big Bang was actually the Egyptian god, Ptah,who masturbated and his ejaculate became the universe.

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