Hi and I have heard that the australian internet filter (isp level) is due in 2010 which is comming soon... Just like thousands of other people around the nation I will be finding a way around the filter. I have read some isp's have already installed the filter for a trial and just need to flick a switch to get it working.

Now that you are familiar with the situation aussies are faced with I hope daniweb isn't blocked on the blacklist. What do you think about this filter because I would say it sux. I know many computer languages and have had some experience with network filters so shouldn't be a problem to go around the filter as one day the whole internet will be blocked. I remember a place where google was blocked. Anyways your opinion...

If it works as desired, I am for it. There lies the problem though. Any bet's on them getting it right?

Just look up the WikiLinks list, if you're curious. Mostly its porn sites(including alot of user created "tube" style ones), few old shock sites no-one cares about anymore, alot of illegal sites that were already pulled by authorities, a number of accounts on major sites that have been deleted by staff, a few political sites that've been blocked for questionable reasons.
Over all, seems useless and easily abused.

As long as I can still download a chicken breast recipe. If it's done by the government it is bound to be stupid!

I think a government has much more other things to do than that. But sometimes politicians have nothing else to do to make themselves interesting. I should say, if you're an adult and you want to look at trash on the internet, be my guest! Kids should be restricted(parental control) but that is totaly the responsability of their parents, not mine.
I want to be rocking in a free world and not ending in something like 1984
And of course free does not mean totaly free;) There must be rules. In my country we drive on the right side of the road, I intend to keep it that way.

Generally you would expect something like that from Iran or Saudi Arabia.

If it's done by the government it is bound to be stupid!

I agree the Rudd government is that stew-pid. I bet Mr Rudd (The prime minister) is able to get unlimited unfiltered internet while everybody else has to suffer... I have seen the education networks filters which have been there for many years and they block everything. Even google in some places. For example I couldn't access my paid hosting at freewebs on the education network nor could I access ebay. So if this filter is anything like the education network filters then I might have to go back to books and scrolls with feather ink. That would be disappointing.

I agree the Rudd government is that stew-pid. I bet Mr Rudd (The prime minister) is able to get unlimited unfiltered internet while everybody else has to suffer... I have seen the education networks filters which have been there for many years and they block everything. Even google in some places. For example I couldn't access my paid hosting at freewebs on the education network nor could I access ebay. So if this filter is anything like the education network filters then I might have to go back to books and scrolls with feather ink. That would be disappointing.

Oh dear!
Look at it this way, the Australian children will be raised totally innocent and somewhat ignorant. Well, as some folks say, ignorance is bliss.

If Australia is an actual Democracy, you can vote the bums out of office.

If Australia is an actual Democracy, you can vote the bums out of office.

The only thing is that the opposition at this stage also supports the filter at the full extent. I wonder if that kid who cracked the governments first filter in half an hour will crack this new filter in a few minutes. That would be funny. :twisted: In cause your not sure what the first filter was, it was an optional client side filter which the government was trying to spread.

I think a government has much more other things to do than that. But sometimes politicians have nothing else to do to make themselves interesting. I should say, if you're an adult and you want to look at trash on the internet, be my guest! Kids should be restricted(parental control) but that is totaly the responsability of their parents, not mine.
I want to be rocking in a free world and not ending in something like 1984
And of course free does not mean totaly free;) There must be rules. In my country we drive on the right side of the road, I intend to keep it that way.

now there is an intense book!

Under the spreading chestnut tree
I sold you and you sold me—

I think they are only planning on blocking crap we don't really want anyway. But, who knows what will be allded to the list, or when? propaganda for the opposing parties blocked? filter search results so that The Party is always right?

only able to find pro-abortion pro-drugs etc websites? (or vice versa)

Kinda scary in concept

I am sure there are a few Australian slang words that would have to changed in the US version of Big Brother.

The only thing is that the opposition at this stage also supports the filter at the full extent. I wonder if that kid who cracked the governments first filter in half an hour will crack this new filter in a few minutes. That would be funny. :twisted: In cause your not sure what the first filter was, it was an optional client side filter which the government was trying to spread.

maybe, but probably not.

You see, the client side one you refer to was a piece of software in the background. basically a mini localised firewall with a few specific rules. it would be easy to bypass this kind of thing, clientside.

if it is installed server side, it is a whole other game. not saying it can't be done, it is just easier to get around something you can see than it is to get around something you can't literally 'sit in front of'

besides. all ou have to do it run through an USA external proxy and you can bypass any set of filters. I say USA because they tend to be the most liberal (read: morally ill- inclined) and filtering internet results is a crime against their constitutional freedom.

besides. all ou have to do it run through an USA external proxy and you can bypass any set of filters. I say USA because they tend to be the most liberal (read: morally ill- inclined) and filtering internet results is a crime against their constitutional freedom.

Wrong country to select, and if you're not a citizen of the USA; then you're not granted constitutional rights.

Actually I can see the benefits of the initial proposal which mostly targets child pornography and terrorism sites.

However I am a bit of a cynic. Once in place who's job will it be to say what is offensive and what is acceptable. I mean, we can't even get an R-rating for our video games, but I guess that is just a whole other issue...

BTW Happy New Year!

The US agency NSA was supposed to check phone conversations and e-mail of suspected terrorists, but spend much time checking communications that US soldiers in Iraq had with their spouses at home.

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