Hello there all, I was wondering, is there a way i can disable viewing the google ads which appear after every post by a user ? And all around the web page ? Also, if atleast there will be something(an advert) is there a way i can reduce the number of ads i see on the webpage ?

If you want to disable any ads then I would suggest becomming a sponsor by clicking the donate button at the top and you will receive an option to turn off ads. I myself haven't disabled the ads but being a sponsor I always have the option to disable at request.

Or you can block the server that generates the ads by adding it as an exclusion to your hosts file or blocking it in your firewall.
That will remove googleads from all websites :)

Or you can block the server that generates the ads by adding it as an exclusion to your hosts file or blocking it in your firewall.
That will remove googleads from all websites :)

So how do i do this ?

Here's how. Or install firefox with adblock. Or install Opera.

The ads don't bother me except for the large one at the top that constantly pops itself up when I'm trying to click on the forum name.

The ads don't bother me except for the large one at the top that constantly pops itself up when I'm trying to click on the forum name.

Agreed, that one gets in the way no matter what you do. when ads get that annoying I refuse to click on them at all. Later---

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