This forum area is how do i say it... DEAD

Tech Talk Forums:
February 2002 to
February 2002
It lived a good life
But like the rest
Just another .com

Almost a year and a half later and ... well, still going strong! Okay, well, still plodding on ;) But the important thing is that we have over 400 members now and are gaining new members and posts every day! :mrgreen:

Thank you everyone who's contributed to techtalk in any way! You've all been great.

Good job so far. Just don't go crazy with the layouts.

Almost a year and a half later and ... well, still going strong! Okay, well, still plodding on ;) But the important thing is that we have over 400 members now and are gaining new members and posts every day! :mrgreen:

Thank you everyone who's contributed to techtalk in any way! You've all been great.

Thank you, without you their would be no So the praise should be mostly contributed to you.

Thank you everyone who's contributed to techtalk in any way! You've all been great.

I know... :P :D

And the site is growing strong still :) ... and hopefully it'll grow to double by next year.

And still going strong :)

I love this site and im glad i came to it!

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