aircraft ---> wings

wings -> flight

flight -> wright

wright ---> brothers

brothers -> masons

masons ---> organization

organization -> structure

structure -> integrity

integrity -> country

country ---> South Africa

South Africa ---> sunshine (rugby, braai and chevrolet)

sunshine -> sunburn

sunburn ---> sunblock

sunblock -> cream
I'm over 1000...wellllllllllll...on it.

commented: Nice on your 1000 posts! +0

cream ---> veteran ointment

ointment -> tube

tube ---> train

train ---> rails

rails ---> tracks

tracks -> running

running ---> jogging

jogging -> trainers

trainers ---> smelly

smelly -> cat

cat -> wheelie bin :D

bin -> rack

rack -> cd

cd ---> music

music -> loud

flight -> soar

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