establishment -> restaurant

restaurant ---> eatery

buttocks ---> peach

okay @virtuemart, you win...

peach -> fuzz

fuzz -> distortion :D
Dang I finished my toasted sandwich :'(

distortion -> picture

distortion ---> deformation

deformation -> deformed

deformed ---> wringed

wringed -> Twizzlers

twizzlers -> twiggy ramirez

twiggy -> stick

stick -> tree

tree -> life

life -> being

being -> alien

alien -> immortal

immortal -> highlander

do you ever sleep mate?

highlander -> scottish

scottish ---> whiskey

whiskey -> alcohol

alcohol ---> intoxicant

intoxicant -> drugs
Congratulations on your thousand posts :)

drugs ---> dose (huh, I have a 1000 posts? Let me drink something on that)

dose -> quantity

quantity ---> amount

amount -> waste

waste ---> dissipation

dissipation -> heat

heat ---> inflame :)

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