yes, sir -> affirmative

affirmative --> negitory

negitory-->fuck off

commented: No need for that! :( -6

F**K off -> naughty

naughty -> child

(Just like those who consider profanity amusing. A little more 'cleverness' in the wit, please?)

child--> Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson -> Plastic

plastic->bags (plastic bags :P)


bugs --> insecticons

insecticons --> robots

robots -> asimov

asimov --> Roddenberry

(two geniuses that left us entirelytoo early)

blueberry -> Avenged Sevenfold

Avenged Sevenfold -> music

music --> save

save-> lose

pain -> suffering

suffering-->Yoda ("...hate leads to suffering."Loved that sentence)

Yoda-->Jedi (Master)

nose-->fruit loops

fruit loops -> polo

polo-->horse (wait a minute weren't we last at the word jedi???)

horse --> voice

(Yea, we were. But I think we have alreayd gone through all the Jedi thing)

voice -> disturbed

disturbed -> schizo

schizo -> dog

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