Undead --> Horror (The horror...The horror!...)

Horror --> Office Job

(talk about the horror!!!)

office job --> cushy

wish -> genie

genie --> Aladdin

Aladdin --> Atlantis

Atlantis --> Milo

Milo -> sugar

sugar --> drool

drool--> ewwww!

ewww! -> sissy

sissy --> first words

words -> letters

letters --> love

love -> passion

passion -> Rouge


MacGyver -> hahahaha

hahahaha --> Aye Carumba!

Aye Carumba! -> Bart

bart --> Lisa

Left eye -> Flappy (da 3v1l bunny)

flappy --> wind

Scorpions -> Spiders (8 legz...8...crawling...saying....here I am!)

Spiders -> Peter Parker

Peter Parker --> comics

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