Comics --> Marvel

Marvel --> Wonderment

Wonderment --> Amazement

Amazement -> Flying(I like aviation)

Flying -> Without Wings

without -> goat

goat -> farm

farm -> deers

Deers -> Panther

(OMG thats a great setup for Mac people :P)

panther -> haventseenyouinawhiletekmaven

haventseenyouinawhiletekmaven -> LOL

LOL -> Acronym

Acronym --> TMA

(I'll let yall guess what that means....)

acronym -> seen everywhere

crap, sry for last post, didnt notice soundman's since his was the first on a new page, anyways

TMA -> Too Many Acronyms

Too Many Acronyms --> Networking

Networking -> WIFI connections

WI-FI Connections --> Security

Security --> National

national -> debt

debt --> repo

repo -> ripoff

ripoff -> e-bay

e-bay -> agreed

agreed -> affirmative

affirmative --> Okee-Dokey

Okee-Dokey --> wassuuuup!

wassuuuup --> nonsense

[nonsense--> pantyhose?

pantyhose ==> nylon

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