somebody-else --> identity crisis.

identity crisis-->idolism

idolism --> American Idol

American Idol --> tv

TV - biiiiiggggg!

(heh heh...... Just purchased a new one yesterday, and it's HUGE!)

biiiiiggggg! --> little

little -> brother

brother -> bear

bear --> Yogi

Yogi --> Yoga

(Funny, "Yogi Bear" was already mentioned on page one.)

yoga -> ninjitsu

Ninjitsu --> Ninja

ninja -> scroll

Scroll --> Mouse

mouse -> optical

Optical --> Illusion

illusion -> effects

effects --> special

special-->person(in my life)


people --> crowd

crowd ---> alone

alone --> solitude

solitude --> loneliness

loneliness --> sad

sad --> depressed


soyabeans --> protein

protein --> milkshake

milkshake --> bannana

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