homework--> practice makes perfect

practice makes perfect --> SEX?

how inapropreate

this totally isnt working, people are making there own words!

not true, sex is practice tosome people, you have to be kidding. You can't take a joke?

joke --> g.w.bush


dumb--> boy

boy --> skiddle (script kiddie)

taste the rainbow-->kiss the sky

kiss the sky-->jimi hendrix

nice sig mike

g.w bush--> unfortunately president!!

unfortunately president-->unqualified president

unqualified president-->stupid elections

stupid elections --> Loser america, lets keep giving the iraqies cash so they can fuck us up again? DUH bush

Loser america, lets keep giving the iraqies cash so they can fuck us up again? DUH bush--> the wrong person at the right place and at the right time

the wrong person at the right place and at the right time-->you

when did the word association game turn into the sentence association game?


me--> beautifyl world

not omitted-->deleted

deleted --> past

past-->unravelled mysteries

unravelled mysteries-->solved

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