fairy princess --> cute child

cute child-->baby

baby --> my lil sister

my lil sister->Brat


annoyance --> blue box error's

blue box error's-->blue plate special

blue plate special --> mcdonalds future deal!

McDonald's future deal --> worse tasting than ever

worse tasting than ever--> dogs tail

frog --> jumpy pond

jumpy pond-->water



is it bleach that u meant?


whitening-->snow white

snow white --> 7 dwarves

7 dwarves--> very kind and helpful

very kind and helpful->teachers

teachers --> biased

biased --> students


annoying->this game

nose --> running

herdi it helps to folow the dierections not pull a word out of a hat

herdi it helps to folow the dierections not pull a word out of a hat-->phrases?

homework-->Daft Punk

OOps, sorry! phrases ---> phrasal verbs

phrasal verbs -->back down

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