What most interests you ...

Tough to make a single choice!

Cars, computers, music, and females. THAT IS ABOUT IT

Yeah... fast cars, fast computers, fast music, and fast women. ;)

Cars, computers, music, and females. THAT IS ABOUT IT

Yeah... fast cars, fast computers, fast music, and fast women. ;)

ya hit that one on the head ;)

Yeah, I didn't actually mean that when I said "fast women." Yeah, you're right, they do suck (no pun intended). I like to have relationships rather than one night stands. Just me I guess.

I like to repair, and program computers..

Just to confirm, that guest post was me forgetting to log in. Maybe Dani could fix that in the DB?

/me hides waiting for Dani to kill him

i've treated my computer about the same as most people treat their cars. i maintain in, clean it, modify it, make it look cooler, make it faster. i love my computer....well not like i wanna get naked with it or anything...i mean...nevermind.

well not like i wanna get naked with it or anything...

It's ok everyone already knows, it's no secret anymore, come out of the closet.. Do they have terminology for people that make love to their computers ?

no really
i'm cool i swear.
..ok you got me...
i'm a smelly otaku.

no really
i'm cool i swear.
..ok you got me...
i'm a smelly otaku.

It's all good...

For now it is gaming.

If I go computer science as my major, then more so towards a programing side. Best learn whatever you can when you can.

If you ask me, too many guys think with the wrong head.

If you catch my drift......

mostly gaming and upgrading and speed

hopefully thats speed as in cars and planes (fast)

I wouldn't be male if I didn't enjoy talking about cars.

Computers, mainly networking and system tweaking. And while there is always something to improve upon with a system, you can be entirely too anal about some things. Example: memory timings, temperatures, and raw speed in general.

)Big"B"Affleck's join date was 10-02-03.
My join date was 10-08-03.
)Big"B"Affleck has 612 posts, for an average of 18.52 posts per day.
I have 143 posts, for an average of 5.29 posts per day.

And dont forget jealousy and envy. Feinged
I was sent to this boarding school in INDIANA http://www.culver.org/sitemap/
Feingend abviously attended to some cheap public school.
Everyone should fill this out

Come on guys, haven't you read that quote floating around on the net lately?


But he thinks he's vicious, and 100% correct with everything he posts.

I only prove him wrong. I've backed him up a few times when he gave a good point of advice, but that's a rare occurance.

Este sitio es muy caliente! Tiene mucho informacion para los techies muy frios!

Este sitio es muy caliente! Tiene mucho informacion para los techies muy frios!


This place is very warm! It has very much information for the very cold techies!

I love to tweak people up.....

does anyone have reg tweaks

Location: Brooklyn NY You off that butter right now right playa!

hey hey hey enough internet wars i was in one myself ( mircrowar II ) i won number I. microwar was a internet arguement i had myself. i would just liek to say fieng u have no life. and fieng calling peoepl trolls are not nice even if they are one. if b affleck or what ever wants to spend his tiem on the computer looking through this site and posting let him do it he obviosuly enjoys it and i cannto spell for my life. i cant tpye either i suck balls. Im sure u do what you enjoy feing or what ever ur name is. i must say i have no life also. So we are all losers argueing on the internet forum please use aim inwtead of posting it here.and if u dont wanna use aim u can call my stripping business 1(800)-456-F#$%-you

hahaha god i am usless make fun of me if u want i really odnt care what peopel think of me in 5000 miles away

Please tone it down a notch, people. Thanks. Remember, this is a public forum for all ages.

This was asked somewhere else, so let me clarify: Any age to view threads, 13 or over to register/post.

This me I am a right litte :evil: .
I like older woman and fine wines and Dragonball Z

back to the original idea behind this post....

Deep Champagne Powder for my snowboard to play in, driving faster than those around me, and discussing & doing techie things with people that actually understand them. :cheesy:

I like DBZ,videogames,basketball,women, and JTP.

and thread necromancy looks like :P

Damn this is an old thread!

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