Not to promote the use of alcohol, but it is in most places legal at least.

Well I turned 21 a few months ago, so I'm wondering what everyone else drinks when relaxing on their off days?

I like:
Miller Lite
Bud Light
Other non-traditional (non-mass-produced) beers like dos equis, killian's irish red
Miller High Life is dirt cheap, so when I'm on a budget it's great.

So, what are you drinking this weekend?

I drink bourbon and coke, normally - when I drink beer I go for something like Arrogant Bastard or just about and IPA with an IBU above 70.

I always hated bourbons and whiskeys. My favorites were gin & tonic, vodka and kahula (black russian). Ho Hum -- that's what happens when you get old, you have to give up all those things. Now I just drink unsweetened ice tea, diet soda, and bottled water.

Just brew some beer, $3-4 a gallon. Or harvest your own wines(including the yeast) for nothing.

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My alcoholic beverage at the moment is Guinness, but it takes some getting used to and Sailor Jerry's and coke. But I haven't drank for months.

Mineral water.;)

Beer. Lot's of it.

Castle or Black Label

25 year old single malt Talisker.

commented: very nice if you have the cash +0

Orange juice. Healthy drink. lol

Milk anyone?

Blood, sweat and tears is my choice of drink and a true mans choice as well

Not to promote the use of alcohol, but it is in most places legal at least.

Well I turned 21 a few months ago, so I'm wondering what everyone else drinks when relaxing on their off days?

I like:
Miller Lite
Bud Light
Other non-traditional (non-mass-produced) beers like dos equis, killian's irish red
Miller High Life is dirt cheap, so when I'm on a budget it's great.

So, what are you drinking this weekend?

A good single malt scotch whisky, spiced rum, and margaritas (in order of preference) make up my alcohol choices. Occasionally I'll drink wine or beer.

jameson and ginger ale!

Or, for the summer time- i pick up a jar of white corn whiskey- peach flavored. Pour it in a jug, add lemonade, strawberry juice and orange juice and freeze. because of the whiskey, it does not freeze completely... hence the perfect summertime slushie. (they're great in this 100 degree missouri weather!

jameson and ginger ale!

Try that ginger ale with a bit of uncle Jack from Tennessee!!

commented: delicious! +0

Scotch on the rocks.

commented: Now that's a drink... Jack Nicholson in The Shining. +0

"Warm gin with a human hair"
-- Tom Berenger in "Rustler's Rhapsody"

Gimme some Ruination IPA from Stone Brewery.

Coors Light if I'm cheap. Stella Artois if I'm spending more money. If I really want to spend money, I'll buy those fruity drinks with the umbrellas in them.

Calvados, sometimes too many :S

Mostly beer but now i like cool white wine with some sparkle water. And some Bacardi Breezer.

Apfelwein spritzer, in a bembel. Nectars and sodas on the side.

Malacca sweet rum on ice.

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Guinness, canned or draught, but no way that draught stuff in cans. Who the hell thought that was a good idea?
Brains S.A., Brains Dark, Felinfoel Double Dragon

I'm no longer allowed to drink Jack after what I called my mother-in-law. :(

I'm just chilling with a glass of whiskey. Really nice and interesting feeling. You should try.
Only on rocks!

Happy Independence Day USAsian!

I will be drinking Full Sail IPA tonight

Anyone drink minreal water? :)

I make and drink my own sparkling water - lately, I have been carbonating grapefruit juice.

water is my beverage of choice every day of the week. I don't drink alcohol by choice (I don't like it...), I've abandoned all drinks containing sugar (high carb food/drink causes me chronic fatigue plus I could loose some weight, and that includes milk), and I can't stand coffee.
Leaves pretty much water and sometimes a cuppa tea. And I don't miss it, tbh.

commented: Healthy Choice +0
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