Well obviously, you can't program all the way. Specially when you get old. For sure you're gonna have some problems specially when you're starting to lose your memory a bit. (Oh fiddle sticks! I forgot the function to print numbers again!) Most of the programmers retires when they turn 50.

Honestly, I don't know what to do. I just want to know what you guys are planning to so I can have some good idea :P But I'm planning to go travel around the world and take some good Photos and put it on the web :)

So, what's yours? :)

Will go my Native Village n do Farming.

Will go my Native Village n do Farming.

Sick! :) I wanna do that too :) just live in a farm... so quiet... so peaceful...

ya me too. i want to live peaceful life......

retire at 50? What would I pay the mortgage, tax, insurance, food, electricity, etc. bills with for the 17 years after that until my retirement fund kicks in?

It's not as if the developer job pays so much one can build up a nestegg large enough to live 15 years at anything approaching a decent standard of living...

I just hope I survive until I can retire. What comes after, we'll have to see. It'll be another 25+ years (depending on the good graces of our government overlords who're talking about raising the minimum retirement age) before I retire, enough time to worry about that.
But it will likely be something which minimises computers :)

i will not touch computer/phone.

I didn't retire from programming until I was 63. Shortly after that I got bored so I took a part-time non-programming job. People who just go out to pasture to "live a peaceful life" usually don't live very long because they fail to keep their mind active. That's one of the tricks to beating dementia and Alzheimer's disease. There are several 80+ year old people working part-time where I work, one woman recently had her 100th birthday.

So to suggest people retire at 50 is nonsense.

So to suggest people retire at 50 is nonsense.

Well I'm not suggesting that or I didn't mean to. What I'm trying to say is most of the programmers stop programming at the age of 50 in Industry. Of course, when you turn 50 or up, you lose your ability to work efficiently. (well every job is) but of course it depends on the person. I can say that you did a good job you made it until 63 :)

But, what I'm really trying to say is What will you do if you retire in Development? :)

Cheers :D

Most of the programmers retires when they turn 50.

I don't think so. Most of the famous computer engineers are start becoming famous at 50 :D I will never retire. I will do programming until I die. I really want to be one of those old programming geeks who say "back in my days computers had only 2 colors, and no fancy graphics! We used to stand in the line to use computer and the computer was the size of a building.......".

retired already, see below Sig, travelling summer in Canada, seeing all my wife's country, then travelling the other summer in Aus, my wife seeing all my country

got to love royalties

back when I started, , , Fortran punch cards, 600 punch cards to print one naked ascii lady

back when I started, , , Fortran punch cards, 600 punch cards to print one naked ascii lady

You did it back in the day too ;) How old are you?

I don't think so. Most of the famous computer engineers are start becoming famous at 50 :D I will never retire. I will do programming until I die. I really want to be one of those old programming geeks who say "back in my days computers had only 2 colors, and no fancy graphics! We used to stand in the line to use computer and the computer was the size of a building.......".

Well that's cool! Just don't forget to drink some memory enhancer. You might forget how to do some while loops! Just kidding! :D

Now you guys are depressing me, I'm 21 already and haven't even got to use my skills for money. 50 - 21 = some wasted time, <sigh>.

50? way to late
it was easier to get ahead "in the old days",
much of what you thought of hadn't been done yet,

Presumably I'll have a family by then, So I'll hang around with them, Im a fun guy!!! Other than that, I have no idea, only time will tell

When I retire at ~50 I will do part-time consulting to support applications I helped author in the 30 years prior while fishing in my brand new boat. I'm with AD on this one -- I don't think I could survive without having at least a part time job.

Now you guys are depressing me, I'm 21 already and haven't even got to use my skills for money. 50 - 21 = some wasted time, <sigh>.

Dude I'm already 23 and still not using my skills to earn some money. =/

Dude I'm already 23 and still not using my skills to earn some money. =/

Maybe it's time to think about moving to where the work is. I don't know where you live but you may be living in the wrong place. At 23 you should not be living with mommy and daddy.

Maybe it's time to think about moving to where the work is. I don't know where you live but you may be living in the wrong place. At 23 you should not be living with mommy and daddy.

I know, but here you stop living with mom and dad when you finish your study. Actually I'm studying MS right now and doing some Open Source projects. I'm gonna graduate next year March after this and I'll be far from home :)

Honestly, where we live is kinda like that. Most of the people here just stop living with their parents when they get married AND (Like what've said, MOST) Some are still living with their parents even though they already have Childrens.

Personally, my father want it also for me. But I disagree... That's why we are having some family issues :)

eating popcorn ... watching movie (action and porn to be more specific ) ..

commented: Crap +0

Sleep to make up for the 5 accumulative years of missed sleeping time spent coding.

Assuming I get to retire....

I would probably occupy myself with survivalism, or maybe be too lazy. I might just end up banning myself from PCs and start reading books. Archery sounds fun too.

You come here and answer the same questions you answered 10 years ago, just different people

Not possible -- DaniWeb didn't exist 10 years ago.

I didnt write that it was the same site,
I wrote it was the same questions

I don't see a problem with that at all. People ask the same questions right here at DaniWeb hundreds of times. So I don't see the significance of your comment.

significance, none,

This is one thing I am doing in my retirement, as long as airport lounges have wifi, my houses all have wifi
answering online the same questions

sig below says 'retired'

thread title, what are you going to do when you retire
I am retired this is one thing I do, in my retirement

drink stella, ( with antihistamine [wasp sting] a mistake I wont make again every thing is so green and blurry)
kiss my ladylove
cut the grass with the tractor
visit the road of houses she bought
she bought another house today (= 40)
planning next vacation, sep1 to apr30
eat pie and icecream
deposited this weeks cheques, love residual incomes
walk the dog
meet new residents


I retired the first time when I was 42, but I couldn't imagine myself doing nothing for the rest of my life. Living in airport lounges for over 10 years would be sooooo boring.

Well good question.
But I'm just starting into the developers world.
I kind of started late I'm near my 50's and hope my memory won't go so soon.

I retired the first time when I was 42, but I couldn't imagine myself doing nothing for the rest of my life. Living in airport lounges for over 10 years would be sooooo boring.

Airport lounges are awful, except Dulles
I plan to get routed through Washington as often as possible, perhaps its a sop to the travelling pollies
& one of the few places where there are connection to Halifax
I am enjoying everything that we do at either end of the flights,

Its nice to do anything I want to

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