If you're like me and enjoy Steam's service (not having to mess with DVDs and CDs),
you may have purchased Skyrim through steam.

Now if you're in the Americas and this category fits yourself, you might like to know all you need is an IP in a different country to play the game a few hours before it's official U.S. release date.

Now, once you've preloaded the game as I have, it's sitting on your hard drive in encrypted form yet still unplayable?

Not so if you're lucky enough to be a subscriber to a quality VPN service!

Needless to say this is a simple "tip", connect to a server in Australia/New Zealand and you can play the game at 7:00AM Central time, 20 minutes from this post. Some benefit if you've time in the morning, rather than at 11 or 12 PM at night (it's official U.S. release date).

I hope I've alleviated a bit of asinine boredom this evening/morning/afternoon for at least some Skyrim players.

My apologies if you should think this isn't Daniweb geek's lounge worthy.

and most likely you'll then never be able to play it again without that hack as Steam has a tendency to lock things to the system it was first used on, which would be registered as an Oz based machine.

If you're like me and enjoy Steam's service (not having to mess with DVDs and CDs)

I feel far more comfortable with media than steam. Also keep in mind that if you're playing on a PC, the modders will almost certainly offer a no-DVD patch so that the media will only be necessary for installation. Those patches have been built into the script extender launcher since Fallout 3, I don't suspect Skyrim will be any different.

p.s. Dammit, I'm in New York for the Daniweb party and won't be able to play Skyrim until Monday. :@

p.s. Dammit, I'm in New York for the Daniweb party and won't be able to play Skyrim until Monday. :@

So use your Ipod and play Angry Birds :icon_twisted:

and most likely you'll then never be able to play it again without that hack as Steam has a tendency to lock things to the system it was first used on, which would be registered as an Oz based machine.

I don't think that's accurate and I'm willing to bet on it.
Also, just got done playing some skyrim--pretty, pretty good.

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