As title states, im looking for thos fun pictures where they take bill gates money and compare it too other celeberities, like michale jordan for example.

Bill Gates money:

Michael Jordan:

I don't see any resemblance.

commented: good response +0
commented: Brilliant! :) +0

Bill Gates money: school computers in African bush villages without electricity
Michael Jordan money: 200mph capable Ferrari stuck in an LA traffic jam

Both actual, Bill Gates donates a lot of money to organisations buying computers and medical supplies for developing countries, Jordan spends it all on expensive toys for himself...

Bill Gates money: school computers in African bush villages without electricity
Michael Jordan money: 200mph capable Ferrari stuck in an LA traffic jam

Both actual, Bill Gates donates a lot of money to organisations buying computers and medical supplies for developing countries, Jordan spends it all on expensive toys for himself...

One could also argue there is a significant difference between being richer than god (gates) and a pro. athlete.

Gates funds exhibit A:
Gates funds exhibit B:

Jordan funds exhibit C:
Jordan funds exhibit D:

most important is exhibits A, and D.

Also, exhibit D should satisfy your request.

I don't know how much money Mr. Gates has, Mr. Jordan, or God, so can't draw that comparison :)

I do know Mr. Gates, though living comfortably, doesn't live "the high life" like Mr. Jordan is want to do.

Bill Gates money:
Michael Jordan:

I don't see any resemblance.

I see some resemblance there. Make Michael Jordan white than add some glasses on his face and you got yourself a very fit Bill Gates.

I see some resemblance there. Make Michael Jordan white than add some glasses on his face and you got yourself a very fit Bill Gates.

Nope, nothing.

commented: lol +0

Nope, nothing.

yah, looks more like a poorly dressed Michael Stipe than an anorexic Bill Gates.

Nope, nothing.

it looks like in that picture that if it was bill gates he shaved his head for the bill gates foundation charity. There is some resemblance in that photo but not much due to the baldness of the body and so forth.

Bill Gates money: school computers in African bush villages without electricity
Michael Jordan money: 200mph capable Ferrari stuck in an LA traffic jam

Both actual, Bill Gates donates a lot of money to organisations buying computers and medical supplies for developing countries, Jordan spends it all on expensive toys for himself...

I would prefer Gates spending money on computer/engineering research, then donating money to African kids to BUY COMPUTERS!
As with Michael Jordan, I completely agree with you.

The Gates Foundation is a huge charity promoting computer education in schools in poor areas in both the US and abroad by giving grants for those schools to purchase computers and software (and maybe donating equipment directly), as well as funding research into things like HIV cures and vaccination.
I'm not quite sure how much money Bill Gates and his family have put in, but the figure is in the billions of dollars.

John kennedy must be Abraham Lincoln. It looks like the same person. It must be the same person!

you can say that again. Maybe its reincarnation but i don't believe in reincarnation

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