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I really can't believe I saw a soccer game with snow.

Whoever schedule this game should be kick in the A88.

The game is in Denver and it's cold. Soccer should play in a much warmer weather than this:,-united-states-beat-costa-rica-amid-heavy-snow?cc=5901

Even though the US won they still have a long way to go.

Lets not be surprised, soccer isn't the only sport where they have played in the snow.

I have seen football games in the snow and i am pretty sure it is possible to play any sport on a field during a snow.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Lets not be surprised, soccer isn't the only sport where they have played in the snow.

Try playing soccer in your shorts and you can't touch the ball in your hand. It's all feet.
It's really cold if you wear shorts in the snow I used jog in my shorts when I was young it's really cold.

I have seen football games in the snow and i am pretty sure it is possible to play any sport on a field during a snow.

You can't compare football to (football) soccer. American football is very violence. I still like baseball more than football, basketball, hockey. I like Soccer it's once every 4 years World Cup.

When I grew up, in the school yard, we used to play soccer only during the winter. The summer was for basketball, kickball, dodgeball, and street hockey, and the winter was for hockey, soccer and football.

Playing soccer in winter time (and outside) is pretty nice actually, I don't know why it isn't more popular. And I certainly don't see any problem with playing under a light snow-fall as shown in the linked video, just like they do for football. It's certainly nicer than playing in the rain, and with very little risk of lightning, making it even safer. As for slipping, it's no worse than a wet pitch.

Whoever schedule this game should be kick in the A88.

I don't think you can blame the guy who scheduled the game several months in advance for not being able to make a weather forecast that even the biggest super-computers in the world aren't able to do. And when the snow came, for the reasons mentioned above, I see no reason to cancel the game.

@LastMitch, I know how intense it gets to play soccer in the snow (I watch my cousins in Norway).

You can't compare football to (football) soccer. American football is very violence. I still like baseball more than football, basketball, hockey. I like Soccer it's once every 4 years World Cup.

There is a reason why I am in varsity football (also with track and basketball) then :). For me, baseball is one of my least favorite sports... I don't know why (even though I like the Yankees).

I don't think you can blame the guy who scheduled the game several months in advance for not being able to make a weather forecast that even the biggest super-computers in the world aren't able to do. And when the snow came, for the reasons mentioned above, I see no reason to cancel the game.

I actually think that games are more intense (with football) when it is in snow.

Best experience I ever had with soccer (when I was in elementary) was I when I played in a deep fog... no one can ever see the ball flying.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Playing soccer in winter time (and outside) is pretty nice actually, I don't know why it isn't more popular.

I mean playing soccer in the snow is fun. But getting pay to play soccer is to win it's not fun noone wants to lose. I mean I agree with you it looks fun to play soccer in the snow. Watching the game was like WOW I can't believe that much snow.

I actually think that games are more intense (with football) when it is in snow.

I remember the Steelers beating the Patroit if I remember maybe I'm wrong. That game was alot of snow but it was exicting. It was a low scoring game.

I don't remember that game but you may remember the Ice-Bowl? (packers vs. cowboys)

Why not, as long as they don't ask you wear snowshoes.

ha, picture track and field with snowshoes.

They would look like ducks that are sprinting.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

I don't remember that game but you may remember the Ice-Bowl? (packers vs. cowboys)

I don't think I was born yet.

Hmmm... maybe AD might remember it :)

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Hmmm... maybe AD might remember it :)

I think AD might remember that one I wasn't even born yet maybe 10 years later.

in Europe the ONLY weather related reason football (what Merkins call soccer) games are cancelled is if playing on the field in its current condition would destroy it or if there's such poor visibility it's impossible to play.
That usually means the field is too waterlogged, walking on it would churn the grass into the mud, killing it all, or dense fog or heavy snowfall that make it impossible to see the players from the stands.
If there's simply some snow on the ground, snowblowers can be used to clear the field before the game and during halftime.

Probably a game would also be cancelled if the weather conditions are extreme enough to cause a direct and accute health hazzard (heatstroke or frostbite almost guaranteed during the duration of the game).

I really can't believe I saw a soccer game with snow.

Really? You should have a look at cycling! 5-7 hours on snowy days and the fans love it!

Really? You should have a look at cycling! 5-7 hours on snowy days and the fans love it!

Love what? Watching it live and waiting for it to end or watching it home skipping to the end?

Love what? Watching it live and waiting for it to end or watching it home skipping to the end?

watching it on the television recap, especially the accidents as riders skid off the road or collide into pace cars they can't see through the snow, what else?

I can imagine downhill socker.

Dear god, i will never be the team that is in the bottom, i want to be on top of the hill :)

hahahaha .. Downhill soccer would fun. and dangerous .. :P

You can't compare football to (football) soccer. American football is very violence. I still like baseball more than football, basketball, hockey. I like Soccer it's once every 4 years World Cup.

Learn to accept that in many parts of the world, people call it football, I guess. We also spell neighbour, colour, flavour and a bunch of other words with a 'U' like they were originally spelt before Webster tried to change English.

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