Who here plays sports? Or at least did?

I do: Football (varsity, Wide Receiver & Corner), track & field (varsity, 100m sprinter), basketball (varsity, small forward & point guard), and (i am counting this one) a bodybuilder (bodyweight training with a bit of weights ;D).

What do you guys do?

i'm currently developing a belly on a skinny body. i like to run when the weather is nice and i can get up early in the morning.

btw , congratz on getting resurrected ( i think i made a typo ... )

btw , congratz on getting resurrected


i'm currently developing a belly on a skinny body. i like to run when the weather is nice and i can get up early in the morning.

The trick is in your nutrition, excercise/workouts, rest (in that order)


well , i meant you getting back your account after it got deleted mysteriously...

well , i meant you getting back your account after it got deleted mysteriously...

oh, in that case, thanks :D

I played high school football and college soccer/karate.

Racquetball, squash and badminton but years ago bbk (before bad knees). I never cared for team sports.. I preferred one-on-one.

Sailing was my sport.

commented: Yes! I got my captains license and sailed bathtubs +0

Track and Field (I was primarily a pole vaulter, but I was also a decathlete), basketball, long-distance running.

Recently taken up Judo (2-3 months) Going for my yellow belt in Early November.

I also attempt to play golf and have been for years...

Very much NOT me. I am not an athlete :)

The only sport I play regularly is Diablo III. Just got back from the gym where I did some leg and back exercises then spent some time on the tred mill. Does that count as a sport?

The only sport I play regularly is Diablo III. Just got back from the gym where I did some leg and back exercises then spent some time on the tred mill. Does that count as a sport?

Yes, it does count.

My girlfriend and I like sport.

commented: okay.... what kind of sport? +0
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