I recently started a web/software based business. I would love to get some advice from you guys.

The main problem I'm having is getting clients. Perhaps the market really is overcrowded as every business even the new ones have some sort of IT infrastructure or partnership with another company in place to maintain their systems. I have acquired one contract which is a monthly one (although doesn't provide that much of a profit) but it has taken 3 weeks to get it.

What can I do to get more business? Is the market oversaturated and should I shut down? Am I just expecting progress too quick and should wait?

It's really stressful as I as a person have never been a fan of cold calling, but I need to do it to some extent. And as you can expect there is a lot of rejection involved in there. Is there a better way to generate interest in other businesses and get them to meet with you and discuss your services?

I guess I just want some pointers.

I think your biggest competetion is free help sites like this and many others. As I'm sure you already know, you need to get your website out there in the internets, what are you doing to do that? Are you branding yourself on Instagram, Facebook, G+, or even here?

I've been running a home-based business since the end of October 2014 and have been smartly branding myself on the above social networking sites. As of about 2 weeks ago I finally got my first customer from IG and since then I'm at 5 from IG and 1 from G+. In short, it takes time to build your brand.

I recently started a web/software based business.
This is a very vague description of what you are doing. Are you writing software? Are you re-selling it? are you hosting it? ... ?

So, we know nothing about what you do, but you want us to recommend you on how to do it better?
If you don't like contacting people out of the blue to get a client-base starting, maybe you should consider hiring someone who isn't bothered by doing so.

Starting a business is not something you should do lightly, nor is quitting one.
It seems to me you thought through all the legal necessities, but not the practical ones. Does that mean you need to quit? no.

As stuugie says: it might take a while. Don't expect because you now have a business, money is flowing in from day one. Being your own boss has it's advantages, sure, but that doesn't mean you don't need to work hard to get far enough to enjoy them.

At this point, you have three options:

  • do nothing: continue as you are doing and hope it to turn out for the best
  • quit your company, which basically means you just throw away everything you invested in it so far
  • adjust to the actual situation and your (and your potential client's) needs.

me, I would recommend the third one. Hire someone if you must, advertise yourself, without becoming a spammer or liar, and make sure that (whatever it is you actually provide) you deliver quality.

You are experiencing the age old business problem of finding customers. It is made more difficult when you are spending your time running your business and/or supporting your existing customers. Your particular issue is compounded because it sounds like you have no sales experience.

I would advise you to give us more detail on your business. Is it just you? Do you have a partner? Do you have employees? What is your particular professional background? What is your product or service? Do you sell to consumers or businesses?

Not having these answers, let me give you some general advise.
1. Stay away from cold calling
2. If you are a B2B company, stay away from PPC
3. Find a partner that has the strengths or expertise you lack ie if you are a developer, don't get another developer. Get an outgoing salesmen!

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