It has been a few years since I posted anything here. I developed a web site that randomly played various MP3 files I stored. I am working to rewrite some of the code because it appears if my code to do this is no longer working. Can someone please look at the code and give me some suggestions as to what I need to change or fix to get this feature working again? I hope that I am doing this right. Thank you.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">
var sound1="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 1.MP3"
var sound2="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 2.MP3"
var sound3="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 3.MP3"
var sound4="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 4.MP3"
var sound5="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 5.MP3"
var sound6="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 6.MP3"
var sound7="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 7.MP3"
var sound8="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 8.MP3"
var sound9="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 9.MP3"
var sound10="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 10.MP3"
var sound11="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 11.MP3"
var sound12="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 12.MP3"
var sound13="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 13.MP3"
var sound14="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 14.MP3"
var sound15="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 15.MP3"
var sound16="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 16.MP3"
var sound17="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 17.MP3"
var sound18="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 18.MP3"
var sound19="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 19.MP3"
var sound20="Great Lakes Lighthouses/MP3 Files/Sound 20.MP3"
var x=Math.round(Math.random()*19)
if (x==0) x=sound1
else if (x==1) x=sound2
else if (x==2) x=sound3
else if (x==3) x=sound4
else if (x==4) x=sound5
else if (x==5) x=sound6
else if (x==6) x=sound7
else if (x==7) x=sound8
else if (x==8) x=sound9
else if (x==9) x=sound10
else if (x==10) x=sound11
else if (x==11) x=sound12
else if (x==12) x=sound13
else if (x==13) x=sound14
else if (x==14) x=sound15
else if (x==15) x=sound16
else if (x==16) x=sound17
else if (x==17) x=sound18
else if (x==18) x=sound19
else x=sound20
if (navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer")
document.write('<bgsound src='+'"'+x+'"'+' loop="2">')
document.write('<embed src='+'"'+x+'"'+'hidden="true" border="0" width="20" height="20" autostart="true" loop="true">')