There are certain words and phrases that drive me absolutely bat-shit crazy. Some have been around for decades and others are relatively new.

"It is what it is". Not the worst of the bunch but mostly useless.

Any portmanteau beginning with "bro", e.g. "bromance".

"Pre-owned", "pre-loved", etc. Used is still used no matter how you try to pretty it up.

"Staycation". 'Nuf said.

"At the end of the day", unless used literally.

"Literally", when used to mean "figuratively". Sterling Arched consistently gets this right (bless him).

"Encore presentation". Call it what you will, it's still just a bloody rerun.

"Collateral damage". Please use the phrase, "civilian deaths".

"Alternative" anything. Please replace with "junk" as in "junk medicine" or "junk science".

Anything "engineer" that doesn't also include an engineering degree. In spite of some of my earlier comments regarding the coding prowess of some former engineering colleagues I actually do respect the profession and consider it unfair when blue collar workers start calling themselves custodial engineers and sanitation engineers.

"Architechted". We already have a perfectly good word in "designed".

"Mistakes Were Made". These are weasel words intended to prevent anyone from taking responsibility. I want to know who and when.

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not wanting to get in any political fights here but I feel like the phrase "Mistakes were made" is used a lot by government officials including politicians

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I hate when people misuse phrases

"downsizing" means fire a bunch of folks, replaces "pink slipping"

"That's not my job!"

"It doesn't matter, the customer wants like this!" - This drives me crazy!

I just disagree with the "Alternative"... In many contexts alternative is just used to distinguish from the mainstream version of something. Like alternative society... all alternative society are junk? The same occurs with medicine, alternative medicine is much used to refer to estern medicine, that isn't known or mainstream on the western society.
If anyone think that anything that isn't mainstream is 'junk', I'd suggest reading a little more.
I'm very skeptical and never trust anything that the mainstream media, or any other, tries to push down my throat.

By the way, if anybody would like to listen to one of the greatest artist from Brazil: Raul Seixas - Sociedade Alternativa

Alternative society? Why not. Alternative music? Sure thing (except for John Coltrane). But "alternative" medicine means medicine that is unsupported by evidence. "Alternative" science means the same - claims unsupported by evidence, at least evidence obtained in a rigorous, scientific manner. For many examples of "evidence" gathered by improper methods just look up Targ and Puthoff (make sure you also include James Randi).

Thinking about my last post, I'll add one more. "Anything" science that is not science. For example, Creation Science.

Already posted this once elsewhere

To tell you the truth (how long have you been lying)

Anything that requires a "but" i.e. I don't want to interrupt but...

But you see Jim, unsupported by facts is very far from "junk". Isn't it?

When Galileu said that the Earth moved arround the sun(and not the other way arround) it was an alternative view, that got him killed, but in any case, he was right. His alternative science latter became the "real" science.

A example about alternative medicine would be Acunpunture: an estern medicine that until today is called as alternative medicine by some people, but there's a lot of scientific studies that prove the healing factor of it.


Alternative(just some of the options):

    a. Existing outside traditional or established institutions or systems: an alternative lifestyle; alternative energy.
    b. Espousing or reflecting values that are different from those of the establishment or mainstream: an alternative newspaper.

People, at least in Brazil, usually refer to "alternative medicine" for anything that isn't done by an graduated doctor, but medicine is much greater than that.



  a. The science and art of diagnosing and treating disease or injury and maintaining health.
  b. The branch of this science encompassing treatment by drugs, diet, exercise, and other nonsurgical means.
  2. The practice of medicine.
  3. A substance, especially a drug, used to treat the signs and symptoms of a disease, condition, or injury.
  4. Something that serves as a remedy or corrective: medicine for rebuilding the economy; measures that were harsh medicine.
    a. Shamanistic practices or beliefs, especially among Native Americans.
    b. Something, such as a ritual practice or sacred object, believed to control natural or supernatural powers or serve as a preventive or remedy.

And to not lose track too much... "Just more 5 minutes", specially when someone says that 10 times in a row.

When Galileu said that the Earth moved arround the sun(and not the other way arround) it was an alternative view

Yes, but one that was supported by direct observation as opposed to church doctrine which was not. Galileo made a hypothesis that agreed with the observed data. The church just dug in its heels, covered its collective ears and said "la la la can't hear you".

it was an alternative view, that got him killed

Now that is not a fact. He recanted then lived the next nine years under house arrest before dying at the ripe old age of 77.

A example about alternative medicine would be Acunpunture: an estern medicine that until today is called as alternative medicine by some people, but there's a lot of scientific studies that prove the healing factor of it.

Actually, double blind studies, where some patients got actual acupuncture and others believed they were getting acupuncture but the needles never penetrated the skin, have shown that the only effect of acupuncture is due to the placebo effect. There are no serious scientific studies that have shown acupuncture to be effective treatment for anything other than the financial woes of the practitioners.

Something, such as a ritual practice or sacred object, believed to control natural or supernatural powers or serve as a preventive or remedy.

Under that definition, waving chicken entrails over your head while speaking in tongues would qualify as medicine. I disagree. I would look elseewhere than thefreedictionary for definitions.

I hate an american expression:
nothing personal - just a business

Usually used just after they have done something so nasty and personal that the only way to attempt any kind of justification is to use the 'only business' line.

Money can't buy love.

I hate it too

I hate the phrase "just sayin'". It usually follows some rude remark such as "I've never met anyone as monumentally stupid and ugly as you. Just sayin'."

Most things preceded by the word, "artisanal". What this is, is mostly restaurant speak for "regular" whatever that they are charging a premium price for because they are calling it "artisanal" whatever. It is also used in other industries. For example, Daneson makes single malt scotch-infused artisanal toothpicks. For $36 you get 48 toothpicks.

If you really want your eyes opened, watch the Penn & Teller episode of Bullshit, season 1, episode 7 (Feng Shui/Bottled water).

"Working vacation" the kind of BS you tell your boss.

"Moving Foreward" implies "just keep moving, no idea where it goes".

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I hate when people say "no offense" Usually they just said something that was offensive and it was apathetic attempt to smooth it over.

I hate when people say "no offense"

My response the last time someone said that to me was "And you are a fucking a$$hole. No offense."

I'm more irritated by the 'modern' phrases:

  • Yolo !
    and all that crap.

Believe it or not, I actually know someone who actually says "lol" when she hears something funny. She doesn't smile, just says "lol" ...
Not sure she ever noticed the irony, she certainly never said it out in a louder voice than any other phrase she said.

"there should be a law against it"... There should IMO be far fewer laws and far fewer restrictions on what people can and cannot do, not far more...

Believe it or not, I actually know someone who actually says "lol" when she hears something funny. She doesn't smile, just says "lol" ...
Not sure she ever noticed the irony, she certainly never said it out in a louder voice than any other phrase she said.

I tend to do that at times... Usually during phone conversations though, not face to face.
If people are allowed to type in SMS shorthand in formal communications, I should be free to use internet terms like "lol" in casual conversations :)

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Sometimes I will use txt slang but that's if it's a very informal occasion. I do use "btw" a lot.

Lie is something you can do by yourself, but you need an object to lay.

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