8/10 first time I couldn't answer the average question cos I couldn't remember what mode and standard deviation are and I know it has to be one of them, I guessed mode the second time around and was right.

And I got the .4 < x < 1/2 wrong, seems easy second time round 45% but at first sitting I just had no clue.


I like how they get their terminology wrong, misusing the word, 'set'.

wtf i have a B at Intermediate level GCSE and got 4 how old r u when ur in the 8th grade (im in the uk)

10 / 10

And they really misused the word set there ( collection of values none of which is repeated !! )

how old r u when ur in the 8th grade (im in the uk)

about 13 or so -- and its been 50 years since I was in 8th grade :mrgreen:

I got it 10/10, but I am a mathematician after all, so any less would have been bad

10/10. Simple. But again I do this crap everyday.

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