Is this the right place to ask a question about excel?

No, I don't think this is. To I don't know wether you should ask about excel on Daniweb, Daniweb is, as you can see from the subforums, aimed at software/web developing and hardware.

The most appropiate place to ask such an question on daniweb is, at least, I think, the Geek's lounche (so here). However, I can't be sure of that. I would advise to search through some microsoft forums or just do some googling, huge change you will find where your looking for ;).

Is this the right place to ask a question about excel?

as in ms office excel?,what was your question mate?

Thank you for responding.....I know a little about using formulas in excell...however am ignoranrt on it's capabilties.
I have a spreadsheet that I want to use as a search database.Can a cell be made into a "Search " box.
A little hard to explain...
I want my customers to be able to type a postal code into a cell labeled search and to press a button labelled "search" to see if that postal code is available?

Thanks again

I believe you are looking for something like this.

I believe you are looking for something like this.

nice one wolfie :cool:

would you be any better off using access for this?

would you be any better off using access for this?

Yes, I think once you're getting more than 100 or so records, it's time to switch to a database system. It's faster to manage and update, and Acess gives you a nice way to build an interface to show it off :).

Yes, I think once you're getting more than 100 or so records, it's time to switch to a database system. It's faster to manage and update, and Acess gives you a nice way to build an interface to show it off :).

you can actually do some pretty neat things with access, although i can see using excel causing a few problems.

darren :cool:

Thank You!
I got the program in so that the search box opens and can also be closed.The only thing I'm not sure about is the programming parameters for the search itself.
I have an existing spreadsheet with about 75 postal codes listed.There will be no more additions.I just need to tell the search where to search.
Otherwise it looks great.
Thanks again

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