Just saw The Island
Better quality of a movie than i thought it would be seeing its from 2005 (Alot of newer movies blow)
I give it a 3.5 out of 5 i guess :)
Not too much graphics and pretty intense all thru!!
Just saw The Island
Better quality of a movie than i thought it would be seeing its from 2005 (Alot of newer movies blow)
I give it a 3.5 out of 5 i guess :)
Not too much graphics and pretty intense all thru!!
Never got around to that one, my friends and I dragged ourselves over to the local theater to see 300... and as far as epic war movies go, that one wins.
Needs more blood.
Pirates of the Carribean 2... last july.. i hate films, too long :P
Pirates of the Carribean 2... last july.. i hate films, too long :P
Same here, except that I watched it 2 months ago.
ghost rider... the effects are pretty good.
I think the last one was Hannibal Rising.. which pretty much sucked =/ it didn't show the real character of Hannibal as shown in the earlier movies such as The Silence of the Lambs. But the last good one that I saw was probably The Pursuit of Happyness.
Last for me was Conan! On the big screen, too! Great movie.
I saw "Paruthi veeran" a tamil film revealing culture of madurai a metropolitan from India..
i just watched 2 movies last week... turistas and the chanting... both ok...
I've watched three recently, The Guardian, Flyboys, and Bandidas. The Guardian and Flyboys are good, Bandidas was better than I had thought it was going to be. What can I say...it had Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek in it, and I'm a guy. I will say this, Penelope Cruz must used a lot of double sided tape.
The last movie that I watched was "Green Mile" acting Tom Hanks.
It is my second time to watch this movie.
Pirates of the Caribean - Dead Mans Chest
verdict: Pants!
Johnny Depp is extremely funny, but that's about all it has going for it.
Recently i have seen the movie named "Pokiri" Tamil Movie released in India. Its about a life of IPS officer cum ruffian.
Saw Ghost Rider.. Man it sucked.. the worst movie of nicholas cage.. Ever.. Even the kids where showing the finger to him :lol:
The last movie that I watched was "Green Mile" acting Tom Hanks.
that movie made me cry..... hard.
Nice thread.. If ppl can also add a bit of review on a scale of 0-5 it would help..
Last I saw was 300.. It's the Troy/Alexander kinda theme.. I'll give it a 4.. The -1 is for the way movie winds up and be warned if you plan to take your kids.. it's gross at times.. (and I hear Apocalypto beats the hell out of 300 when it comes to gross)..
Happy Feet is the last movie I watched (Just bought it for my kids)
Otherwise I just watched Eragon a week or so ago. It wasn't the best movie but it was ok.
300 is the last movie I saw. I saw it opening night at 12:30! That movie was frickn awesome!
The last movie I saw was also 300. It was by far the best movie I've ever seen or will ever see in my life!
The last movie I saw was also 300. It was by far the best movie I've ever seen or will ever see in my life!
Boy, you don't have much left to live for... entertainment wise. :twisted:
Boy, you don't have much left to live for... entertainment wise. :twisted:
lol.. Yeah well 300 was good. The story line was excellent except for the slashing and killing. Half of the movie you can see human heads flying :eek: .
lol.. Yeah well 300 was good. The story line was excellent except for the slashing and killing. Half of the movie you can see human heads flying :eek: .
hell ya.. that was the most enjoyable part lol:lol:
A movie just isn't complete unless it has "slashing and killing" and "human heads flying." lol
lol last films i saw were Casino Royale and Rocky
The last movie I saw was also 300. It was by far the best movie I've ever seen or will ever see in my life!
Lol, so it's really that good... I haven't seen it yet. Would I like it? - being a girl?
haha.. It was like all college guys watching it openning night.. you should definitely see it. It is by far, the best movie ever! I'm actually downloading it right now.. lol
is it good?
i may go and see it then.
heck yea it is.. There is no word in the english language that can describe how awesome this movie is.
Lol great. I'd like to see it and I'm sure Duki (my bf) would too, he's definitely into stuff like that.
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