geeks are not known for their aptitudes at sports... nonetheless, there are some of us who do like sports, and like to get sweaty and dirty... so, why not get a bit off-topic and discuss about our favourite sports?

now... i play the most famous sport in the whole wide world... as much as the major part of men in the world... yeah... you know what it is... soccer...

but i also am into racquetball... it's just so exhausting... i love it...

Soccer sucks.. The greatest sport ever created is football.. then basketball..

yeah... i love watching football...although i will have to disagree with you... soccer doesn't suck... it's great...

i like watching all kinds of sports but especially tennis and formaula 1. then soccer, rugby and cricket.
by the way jocamps. if you are reading this and if you watch rugby. good luck on saturday. you guys are going to need it. that might be only a b team we are sending over but i think that it has the potential to beat anyone in the world. in fact i think that many guys playing in that b team is better than those in the real team.

I love most racquet sports. Tennis, badminton, squash, racquetball... don't know why, but they have a great appeal to me.

I love soccer.
Well, here in Spain " football" means soccer as well. :)

I like 'tap fingers on the keyboard' and 'sleep for minimum 10 hours' the most. They are so very constructive games, don't know why, but they have a great appeal to me.. ;-)

>'sleep for minimum 10 hours'

cough* lazy *cough

*cough* joking *cough*

*cough I know, I was joking about you joking *cough


*cough* I know you were joking about my joking so I was just joking around *cough*


*COUGH yes, but your initial joking around about me joking would have implied that in fact, I was not joking, but was serious about you joking about joking *COUGH

i've always dreamed on racing a formula 1 car... or at least a rally race... i'm addicted to speed...

I drive an '87 Nissan Pathfinder and i race it to 180 kph... imagine how i would grab a nascar racer...

by the way nieves, i guess in all spanish-speaking countries soccer is known as football... since it's not common to play football (american) in any latin or latin-american countries...

i don't even think they play outside america...

*COUGH yes, but your initial joking around about me joking would have implied that in fact, I was not joking, but was serious about you joking about joking *COUGH

I forgot already who's joking and who's laughing.
Wait a minute..., no one was laughing. Lots of coughs though. Are you guys getting sick?.

NBA Dallas Mavs!!!!

i'm not much a fan of basketball...

what do you like?

soccer, racing, cycling... and i'm pretty much into dangerous sports too...

like base jumping huh?Fav soccer player?

hmmm... i guess leo messi... 1.- because he plays in barça, 2.- because he plays soo great... have you seen how he gets rid of three defenders at a time?

I guess the whole world calls soccer football.What do they call NFL?

American football :P

Should've known.They say that the most popular sport for kids to play nowadays is soccer........or football if outside the us.........but it really doesn't seem like it since I see basketball hoops in every driveway.

but... have you seen them being used?

i'd say that is because soccer goals would obstruct vehicles if installed in the middle of a street...

Soccer is not popular here at all.. basketball, football, and baseball. It's much easier to play with a football or baseball.. nothing is required.. basketball requires basketball goals, and soccer requires at least something designating a goal.

commented: is scarce +2

erm... you can always use rocks... that's the best goals there is... :D

erm... you can always use rocks... that's the best goals there is... :D

I remember doing that all the time, in front of my house when I was a kid.
And for ball, we would have a bunch of plastic bags in a bundle.

i didn't get the idea of the plastic bags in a bundle? how did you do that?

near my house there were several (i don't know what do you call them, but they're like really small stores, to buy things like milk, candies, and basic stuff...) stores, where they had a bag full with about 20 or 30 plastic footballs... costing each about $.10... after that, we started buying leather balls... never hear anything about the soccer league except for the David Beckham thing.They never show it on tv.

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