There are a lot of threads asking to add new forums to Daniweb. These questions are usually answered by saying that DW has more then enough forums and I agree.

So how about cutting back in some of the less successful forums like the Computer Science forum?

In this forum more the half of the posts fit in one of these categories:
- Help me think of a fi_n_al year pro_ject (anti spam)
- I have an incredible difficult math-problem and I do not care how it works, but just solve it.
- Give me 2!
- I want X, can you tell me how to use google?

If someone has better idea's to make the posts in the CS-forum more useful, please do reply :)

Yeah, the CS forum has become a fly trap, for the lazy to lay about.

I like the nice green colours when viewing that base :)

commented: here is more green for you +6

>I like the nice green colours when viewing that base
That has got to be the most worthless comment I've read all day.

commented: Thanx buddy +11

If someone has better idea's to make the posts in the CS-forum more useful, please do reply :)

We should probably just redirect all the people starting threads in that forum to an English tutor.

commented: Sounds like a plan! +24

That has got to be the most worthless comment I've read all day.

Heh,thanx for your kind words John :)

In this forum more the half of the posts fit in one of these categories:
- Help me think of a fi_n_al year pro_ject (anti spam)
- I have an incredible difficult math-problem and I do not care how it works, but just solve it.
- Give me 2!
- I want X, can you tell me how to use google?

If someone has better idea's to make the posts in the CS-forum more useful, please do reply :)

But doesn't that define a large number of posts on the entire board?

  • My computer has gone stupid, but am too lazy to use Google to find the answer myself, or even to install an AV.... can you guys help me??
  • Hi - have only joined the site 5 seconds ago, but let me tell you all about this fantastic software app you've already been told alllllll about a million times over by other one-time members!!
  • Gimme freebies, or tell me how to get that downloaded app working on my PC - also without spending a cent!

Following your logic, we may as well close the entire site down.

  • My computer has gone stupid, but am too lazy to use Google to find the answer myself, or even to install an AV.... can you guys help me??

  • Hi - have only joined the site 5 seconds ago, but let me tell you all about this [I][B]fantastic[/B][/I] software app you've already been told alllllll about a million times over by [I]other[/I] one-time members!!

  • Gimme freebies, or tell me how to get that downloaded app working on my PC - also without spending a cent!

Following your logic, we may as well close the entire site down.

Well yes and no. If you see a post in (for example) the virus and nasties forum, you can expect a lower level of computer knowledge. Those people are 'normal' computer users who may not even have a clue what an anti-virus is. They just googled 'help me with my computer' and were redirected to Daniweb. So the fact that not all the posts in those forums are of a very high quality is not surprising in my opinion.

The second item you mentioned is indeed a problem in every forum on Daniweb. But those posts are against the rules and will be deleted or modified, so that's fine with me.

The last item is the problem I'm talking about. I spend most of my time in the C/C++ forums and there are quite a few people asking questions without wanting a freebie, but who are actually interested in learning something.
The computer-science forum has a very (very) low percentage of people asking things to learn something. They just want freebies, which is why I said that the CS-forum is less succesfull.

So I agree lazy newbies are a problem, but the problem is the biggest in the CS-forum IMO.

CS threads need to be locked after a set period of about eight weeks when there's no activity.

To prevent "I need this too!" posts and the "E-mail me for my patented works!" types, from reviving whatever random post they think suites their needs.

Someone should also really tell them that the OP flunked several years ago, according to the post date.
Which should be indicated by a new thread symbol.
I propose this symbol should be an animation of flaming kittens chasing butterflies(crossed with wasp).

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