Hello all,

Im new in using this forum, so please pardon me if im asking dumb questions. Lately, i've been doing some bittorrenting. Because the files are large, so i leave my computer on overnight. Of course, i know to keep the machine cooled and giving it some break every now and then.

Heres the problem: When i checked back on my computer after only 1 hour of downloading the other day, the computer was frozen. At first, i thought its just a minor problem, so i forced shut down (held down the power button). But when i tried to turn it back on, the machine kept making intervals of long beeping sound, and the fan seems to be spining at full speed the whole time. Whats worse, the computer doesnt even start (meaning the screen kept saying "no signal"). :cry:

Did my downloading overheat my computer? or its something to do with the powersupply? or its something else... please give some advice on this...

My computer is about 2 and a half years old:

Model: Acer Aspire T100
CPU: Pentium 4 2.6GHz
RAM: DDR 256 M and Kingston KVR (dont know if thats the name of it)
LAN: 10.100 Base TX
FDD: 1.44M

Be glad to give more info and specs.

Thanks alot everyone

Please tell us the exact pattern of the beeps, and the make of the BIOS (if you know it). The different BIOS beep code patterns indicate different faults; if we can "decode" your beep pattern, we may be able to pinpoint the likely location/cause of the fault.

Try popping the RAM sticks out and cleaning the sticks and the RAM slots. From what I can guess from your beeps (as much as I can decipher, that is), this seems to be a RAM problem. But as DMR said, give us the exact beep sequence and we'll go from there.

The beeps go BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP- Pause for 2.5 seconds BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. pause for 2.5 seconds constantly over and over. Im having the same problem. if you could e-mail me at caitygremlinn@yahoo.com it would be much appreciated. I did the exact thing, ive unplugged and replugged and tried to restart it all but nothing comes up.

remove ram & bios, and clean ram with cotton or white cloth and insert again................ and after few mins insert bios

Hi members ............................................................................................
Im new in using this forum, so please pardon me if im asking dumb questions. Lately, i've been doing some bittorrenting. Because the files are large, so i leave my computer on overnight. Of course, i know to keep the machine cooled and giving it some break every now and then.

Heres the problem: When i checked back on my computer after only 1 hour of downloading the other day, the computer was frozen. At first, i thought its just a minor problem, so i forced shut down (held down the power button). But when i tried to turn it back on, the machine kept making intervals of long beeping sound, and the fan seems to be spining at full speed the whole time. Whats worse, the computer doesnt even start (meaning the screen kept saying "no signal"). :cry:
By regards

hey im having the same probelm to i took out my ram sticks and cleaned them and now tryinbg to insert them back in when i turn on my computer it goes beeep beep and then stops how would i change the bios my computer wont even boot up im desprate people.

hey im having the same probelm

hi, you hijacked an old thread ,please start your own thread explaing your problem , you expect us to read all the above post to try and figure out what problem you are having ,good luck

hi i had the same problem ,actually the problem is with the pentium family processors they seem to work on the higher side of temperature .you can check if your computer is overheating by going into bios setup and then checking the system health it will show you the current temperature.A solution may be to get a new cpu fan but be cautious dnt get a locally manufactured go for some good brand and do learn how to install it properly.

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