Just like it was set up awhile back, only members of the News Posters usergroup are allowed to display their posts as news on the TechTalk homepage.

The main reason for doing this is to block out spammers from wanting to make their questions, etc attract more readers by posting them as news.

If you have something important to say, or think you ever might, just head over to the Usergroups section of the site and request inclusion in this group. Otherwise, just respond to this post if you want to be included :)

Will posts be featured directly they're posted or will they be moderated? Also, will you be putting up some form of guidelines?

Any member of the usergroup will be allowed to post, and posts will appear automatically. (Therefore, the formation of the usergroup will act as the moderation).

No rules as of yet ... guess we'll just wait and see if any are needed.

OK, thanks.

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