Member Avatar for iamthwee

I apologise if I offend anyone but does anyone else find the voting system seriously non intuitive?

The take back option just confuses the hell out of me and I find myself randomly clicking up/down, add comment refesh. I'm not sure if this has been brought up before, but I'd imagine it has at some point.

Hover over an arrow to add a comment and reputation. Click the arrow just to vote. The arrow you click on or hover over determines if it's positive or negative.

Aside from making a dummy dialog (which would ultimately be less user friendly as popups usually are) instead of splitting the two options with a hover over, I don't think we can simplify it any further. Though I'm open to suggestions. :)

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I was thinking you wouldn't even need the take back option if you had a dialog box come up (much like the one you are using everytime you create a thread to tweet or facebook.)

Because then you actively have to then press another submit button to confirm you either want to give positive or negative rep.

As I understand the take back option was put in place because some members accidently pressed the wrong button by accident?

To me that would be more user friendly. What are your thoughts?

Honestly, I think having extra steps just to vote (ie. click to open the dialog, then click to vote) would turn people off to voting. The quickness of the present system encourages votes.

As for the confusion of which arrow the hover box is representing, perhaps adding an up or down arrow in that little box to make it more clear what you're doing?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Honestly, I think having extra steps just to vote (ie. click to open the dialog, then click to vote) would turn people off to voting. The quickness of the present system encourages votes.

Well, the way I think voting should be would be different as for me its all about the comment and who it's from. But I can't argue against what the masses use it for.

A dialog box would definitely prevent the need to have a take back option but it would make it a two step process.

As for the confusion of which arrow the hover box is representing, perhaps adding an up or down arrow in that little box to make it more clear what you're doing?

I think that would be a good idea. Maybe even make the jquery mouseover dropdown red for negative and green for positive?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Just wanted to know if any progress has been made?

I still think it would be a good idea to change the dropdown (wording) to know if you've hover over an up or down arrow... I'm sure this wouldn't be too difficult to implement?

Once I understood how the voting worked I found it to be very easy. I'd rather see it stay the way it is than go to a popup.

commented: Me too. +0

I use the undo option when I decide I want to remove my vote, not because I accidently added a vote.

I still think it would be a good idea to change the dropdown (wording) to know if you've hover over an up or down arrow...

No it wouldn't. The comment I made above to the Good Reverend I hovered over the down arrow simply to open the input box. I then clicked the up arrow. I think it would be a bad idea to indicate which arrow initiated the box since it is immaterial. You can click the other arrow to save.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I think it would be a bad idea to indicate which arrow initiated the box since it is immaterial.

... At least it tells you which one you've hovered over. Seeing as the jquery to do this would be trivial I don't see it as much of an inconvenience either and it would help newer users understand the voting system.

I do however, agree that the popup modal box would be more intrusive. Interesting to know what the admins feel, I would still like to see the drop down wording change depending on which arrow you hovered over. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for diafol

See, I've always found it a bit weird. Hover over an arrow (not sure which), enter a comment and press vote & comment button. Hey, it gave a -1 ! Not what I thought. Bit of a pain to set it right.

Not fair, deceptikon -- giving me rep and taking it back! Positive rep, even as a test, is a good thing! :P ;)

On a serious note, I hope you aren't planning on changing the wayt the box and arrows interract. I happen to like the way they work now.

Oh, and the comment you made was left in my list of rep even after you removed it. That might be a bug...

commented: I'll return it to you. ;) +0

Not fair, deceptikon -- giving me rep and taking it back! Positive rep, even as a test, is a good thing! :P ;)

The test was actually to see if you'd get negative rep. Aren't you glad the effect was as I hoped? ;)

On a serious note, I hope you aren't planning on changing the wayt the box and arrows interract. I happen to like the way they work now.

I'd like to make it more clear visually which arrow the box is affecting, not change the behavior.

Oh, and the comment you made was left in my list of rep even after you removed it. That might be a bug...

Yeah, I'll need to look at that. If it's practical to do so, the summary should match what you would see by browsing the posts.

commented: Thanx ;o} +0
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Thanks, that's better.

commented: Testing +0

And even though I hovered over the down arrow, I can still click the up arrow anyway. An acceptable compromise...

Please note that clicking on an arrow does NOT give reputation. Reputation and comments are only submitted if you click the form button or hit Enter.

commented: Another Comment +0
commented: 2nd comment +0

Oh, those lucky people....
This is completely non-intuitive.

Also, you might want to look at what happens if 2 comments are made by the same person on the same post. It's really screwy.

Umm ... it worked the same way for 5+ years where clicking an arrow JUST submits a vote without reputation.

Please note that clicking on an arrow does NOT give reputation. Reputation and comments are only submitted if you click the form button or hit Enter.

Not true. I've been clicking the arrows and rep has been given. If this is a bug, please don't fix it!

Also, look at what happens when one person gives rep to the same post two or more times. It's a little screwy.

commented: Giving you negative rep ... test +0

Not true. I've been clicking the arrows and rep has been given. If this is a bug, please don't fix it!

I doubt this. ;) Are you sure you're not just giving a +1/-1 vote??

Also, look at what happens when one person gives rep to the same post two or more times. It's a little screwy.

It works as intended. First time is a vote. Second time is a reversal. Third time is a new vote.

I doubt this. ;) Are you sure you're not just giving a +1/-1 vote??

See this post and check his rep:

Updates version Age Calculator --------- + 14 reputation points
Testing where rep counts. — WaltP, 11 Seconds Ago

All done by arrows.

It works as intended. First time is a vote. Second time is a reversal. Third time is a new vote.

But it is not intuitive. It I type in a new comment, I would not expect the previous rep to be removed and this rep to be ignored. I would expect 1 of 3 possible actions:
1: The comment is replaced
2: The new comment is added to the old comment
3: The new comment is another separate vote

I would not even consider that the message I typed in would be competely thrown away.

First I get complaints galore that there's no undo feature. So I implement one, but that's not good either. sigh The arrow has a little undo icon ... shouldn't that indicate something?

First I get complaints galore that there's no undo feature. So I implement one, but that's not good either. sigh

I understand the complaints and agreed. There should be an undo feature. But it wasn't fully designed. I'm not saying you did a bad thing, just not a complete thing.

The arrow has a little undo icon ... shouldn't that indicate something?

Yes, it should.

The solution wasn't to simply add the undo function. It needed to be further refined from a user standpoint.

If there is an undo indicator, do not open the box to input a comment. Replace the box with the message "Remove the current vote" or something to that effect. Then there would be no confusion and the user is happy knowing exactly what is going to happen.

You gotta understand, I've been designing user interfaces since the 70's so I'm a little more sensitive to unexplained phenomena as a user. I'm not just complaining for complaining's sake.

Can someone please clear this up and state exactly what happens in the following scenarios?

  1. I click the up or down arrow without entering a comment
  2. I click the up or down arrow after entering a comment
  3. I click the gadget to the right of the comment field (in other words neither the up or down arrow) after hovering over the Up/Down arrow to change the gadget to either Up-Vote or Down-Vote.

Which of these scenarios submits a comment and which alters the poster's reputation? I am confused as to whether or not clicking the @@-Vote And Comment performs the same function as entering a comment and clicking the up or down arrow? I'm at the point where I don't bloody well care which way it works as long as it is documented somewhere how to make it work.

Can someone please clear this up and state exactly what happens in the following scenarios?

Based on my tests as a moderator:

1. I click the up or down arrow without entering a comment
The post is voted up or down. No rep change

2. I click the up or down arrow after entering a comment
The comment is logged and rep is changed based on the arrow.

3. I click the gadget to the right of the comment field (in other words neither the up or down arrow) after hovering over the Up/Down arrow to change the gadget to either Up-Vote or Down-Vote.
The comment is logged and rep is changed based on the arrow that invoked the comment box. The gadget informs you which arrow is active.

Find any of my posts in the C/C++ forum and play around. If I get too much neg rep, though, your posts are in danger!!! :)
[edit]Note: Doing your business in this forum does not alter rep[/edit]

[edit2]Better yet, use this thread[/edit2]

Note to self:
3,415 Reputation Points

Last logged rep (reversed):
fdsfds — iamthwee, 2 Hours Ago

Last actual rep:
Giving you negative rep ... test — Dani, 2 Hours Ago
Thank you, I'll remember that! ;)

commented: I have no idea what I am doing anymore. +0
  1. I click the up or down arrow after entering a comment
    The comment is logged and rep is changed based on the arrow.

This is totally a bug. Clicking the arrow should never take the comment. I think this bug is what was causing the problems with the comment not showing up unless you refreshed.

This is totally a bug. Clicking the arrow should never take the comment. I think this bug is what was causing the problems with the comment not showing up unless you refreshed.

Please don't fix it! Or if you fix it to correct the other problem, make the arrows function like this anyway. I'd rather click the arrow than see the comment I just made -- I just made it after all.

What's so hard about typing in the comment and hitting Enter?

Shouldn't there really be a HELP or HOWTO or FAQ link displayed prominently in one of the toolbars that takes users (especially helpful for new users) to a page that explains stuff like this? New users need to know things like

  1. how the voting system works
  2. what the icons next to thread titles mean
  3. why they can't send PMs immediately
  4. what happens when they click on a thread title or the last posted date

It doesn't have to be a hundred page user manual but surely one or two pages of notes would be better than having to explain it again and again in the fora. At least then if the questions persist they could be answered with a simple reference to the FAQ page.

OK, so now the bug is fixed. When we enter a carefully worded comment and click the arrows (as is logical to vote up or down) the comment is completely thrown away and no indication is given that your comment was a waste of time.

So now we need a popup saying "By clicking that arrow your comment will NOT be recorded. Is that what you really want to do?"

User interface -- tell the user that what he did is NOT going to be done as expected.

It makes sense to me that when you fill out a form, that form is submitted either via the submit button immediately following it, or by hitting Enter.

commented: agree +0
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