or if there is one then where to find it ?

The spool chucker, spoil chicken, spleen kicker, sorry I mean spell checker, was something that vanished when the DaniWeb platform was overhauled. I'm sure deceptikon will be along to fill in the gaps soon enough, but essentially as I understand it a choice had to be made between a couple of bits of functionality and the spell checker option lost.

or if there is one then where to find it ?

Adding to Davey's answer, the technical reason is that if you use a "textarea", the browser pretty much automatically fills in the spell checker's role for you. Unfortunately if you'll notice, the Daniweb answer box is implemented as a div instead of a textarea resulting in no support from the browser. I'm really hoping Daniweb revamps the current answer area to use a textarea instead of a div. :)

commented: +1 +0
commented: Looked like a plus thwee... ;) +0

Unfortunately if you'll notice,

How would we notice? It's just a box ;o)

but why it is necessary to have a checking crietria ? I think we just need to convey our message. here, many people are there who are not so good in english and don't spell correctly. although, it will be good, but it's a thing which is not must and there is nothing like "IT MUST" be there. people who know the spelling will correctly spell and those who don't know will be helped by one thing that they will know that they are writing a wrong word. that's all!

I think we just need to convey our message.

Poor spelling can obscure the message.

here, many people are there who are not so good in english and don't spell correctly.

Actually, I've found poor grammar to be more obtrusive than all but the most grievous of spelling errors.

but why it is necessary to have a checking crietria ? I think we just need to convey our message

ey'll shoow ewe eyo. duz ts cuvay teh msesje eym treyngg tewo siay?

commented: LOL :D +0
commented: wow! so we need to laugh ? :-o +0

@deceptikon then why don't we have this spell check yet ? if this is the matter what you saying, then we must have this spell check thing here. ;) waiting for that :-D

Davey and Sanjay.....are you blaming eachother ? I don't see any good reason behind absence of spell check fuctionality on daniweb. You are the coding geeks, add spell check as it will help peoples from European and Asian countries a lot.

No, they are not blaming anybody. Sanjay explained that because of the change in the site, the spellchecker can not work as it used to and no fix has been implemented to correct it yet.

Ok, got you waltP :)

@deceptikon then why don't we have this spell check yet ?

Because it's not as easy as flipping a switch, otherwise we'd already have it. I could add general spell checking without too much difficulty, but it would spell check everything in code tags too. That would be super fugly given that code is assured to have many many misspelled words, so I need to figure out a way to spell check words that aren't in either code blocks or inline code without complicating the whole world.

Keep in mind that I'm working within the constraints of a very awkwardly designed parser for the editor, as well as multiple third party libraries around highlighting and formatting that need to be kept in sync. I don't doubt that it can be done, I just need to find the time to focus on it.

Keep in mind that I'm working within the constraints of a very awkwardly designed parser for the editor, as well as multiple third party libraries around highlighting and formatting that need to be kept in sync.

So we traded the below par VBulletin for the below par parser? I assume a slickly designed parser will be coming eventually. Or is that not in the cards?

So we traded the below par VBulletin for the below par parser?

For one thing, that's a nonsensical comparison given that vBulletin composed the entirety of Daniweb while the current editor is a relatively small (yet important) piece.

For another thing, bwahahaha! No, the utter shittitude of vBulletin's entire source base is insanity compared to CodeMirror's parser. It's actually a miracle that Dani was able to customize even a fraction of what she did under vBulletin. We're so much better off now.

And note that I said "awkward", not "below par". It's a perfectly good parser, but there are quirks that make lookahead and lookbehind tricky. I may not need to do anything clever to support a spell checker, but with my luck that's being unreasonably optimistic. ;)

I assume a slickly designed parser will be coming eventually.

Nope, we're reasonably happy with CodeMirror now that the basic functionality has been nailed down. There was a point where code highlighting was buggy, but I think I've fixed that. Highlighting was the single biggest reason why we went with CodeMirror over other options.

I too would prefer a straight textarea, to be honest, but it's not hard to see the added value of an editor that has the feel of a native desktop application rather than an HTML form.

@deceptikon I don't know how tuff it is! but i know if you will get time, you can easily do it ;) seriously, waiting for that! keep it up!

Member Avatar for iamthwee

So there was a reason why the post box was implemented as a div instead of a textbox. I see. Well the spell checker isn't that much of an issue I guess, but it would be a nice addition.

Member Avatar for diafol

Your stalker's back. :)

Spellchecking is nice but not essential IMO. As previously mentioned, poor grammar is far harder to decode than poor spelling. For example:

"Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe."

commented: I always love it when I see that, makes oi larf! +0

i thought it's always add ons on my browser.. :/

Until a spell checker is available in the browser, if you really need one then just compose your post in a program that does have a spell checker (Outlook, Word, TextPad, etc). Then do the spell check before you copy/paste into the browser. I prefer to do that with the longer posts in any case.

I would personally recommend an editor which supports Markdown to ensure what I'm typing is a valid markdown construct/document. There are different ways of going about this. You can either compose your posts in the editor offered by StackOverflow which has excellent support for Markdown. Or you can just use this on-line markdown editor which works fairly well.

I just use google to look up the words I don't know how to spell (which is most of them)

What about the words you don't know you don't know how to spell?

What about the words you don't know you don't know how to spell?

For everything else theres MasterCard. Couldn't help myself, lets hope the quote doesnt go over everyone's head.

For those who are really that inclined for a spell checker the wonders of google will find you an online one that even opens in a tab on your browser. So its not even in a different program! Ie. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Online+spell+checker

The wonders of technology eh!

no there isn't any spell check system here.. i guess!!!

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