So our new design is live, but it's far from complete. There were quite a handful of changes that needed to be made on the backend, and I needed everyone on the same layout before I could make changes to the code base. Otherwise, it would break the old design.

Either way, some stuff is still broken, there's still a lot to do, but please let me know feedback, and please be sure to start a new thread for each bug report. Thanks so much!! :)

Santanu.Das commented: Nice design +0
cereal commented: awesome! +0

I'm little bit surprised that I've seen a beautiful interface, today. I'm always happy to stay here in DW. Its journey inspires me to get new possibilities.

Wow! Very nice design. I loved it from the moment I saw it. Keep up the good work Dani. :)

Wow! Very nice design. I loved it from the moment I saw it. Keep up the good work Dani. :)

Uh oh ... is the fact that you just double posted a bug?

Hmm. I'm not entirely liking the new design.
It's looks enlarged as if you're using the accessibility tools in Windows.
We're not blind or elderly. You can tone down the bloatiness of it. And the font size.
In fact, I liked the previous design better than this, and the one before that even more.
To me it seems to be getting worse and worse every time a new design gets published.

commented: I'm elderly and part-way to going blind +0

Well that's saddening to hear. BTW, may I ask what your screen resolution is?

I have surprised. In morning it was the old, now it is new one.
I like it. Design is cool. A great effort Dani. Keep it up.
In log in page , Login button,s alignment should be right aligned.

commented: Thanks for the suggestion. Change made. +0

Pretty sweet! Nice work Dani!

Thanks Dani.
Now I am missing a button at the topmost and at bottom of discussion page to go directly to the discussion thread.
You add a Finder Menu is great but to go to the discussion thread through Finder Menu every time is not user frindly. From my opinion you can make it easy.

I'm sorry, I'm confused. What page are you trying to get to? From the discussion page to the discussion thread? Huh?

I am sorry.
I tried to say that in the forum I was lying before going to discuss of an article.
For example
Software Development>>choose here an article and from here how could I shall go to forum from the article's discussion page easily without using Finder menu.

So there are two ways.

The first way is to use the breadcrumb trail at the top of the page. So it will look something like:

Software Development / VB.NET

where both of those are links, and you can click on either to jump to the VB.NET forum, or the entire Software Development category.

The second way is by launching the forum menu, by clicking the blue menu icon at the top right next to the search.

Thanks Dani. I overlooked topmost link and scroll down panel .

Overall, very nicely done. Clean and modern, professional look.
Some points though:

  1. the white margins on the left and right are rather big, costing a lot of room on screen. Make the main pane wider, so people need to scroll less.
  2. Font could be a tad smaller (1-2 points), again less scrolling
  3. Posts on the main page used to show in which (sub)forum they were made in the header. Makes filtering what you want to read in detail that much easier (plus often gives context that may be important in deciding whether to click through or not).
  4. When in a post or forum I now can't get to any other forum without going back to the main/entry page. Not userfriendly.

the white margins on the left and right are rather big, costing a lot of room on screen. Make the main pane wider, so people need to scroll less.

Will probably be implemented in the near future.

Font could be a tad smaller (1-2 points), again less scrolling

Have yet to decide this one.

Posts on the main page used to show in which (sub)forum they were made in the header. Makes filtering what you want to read in detail that much easier (plus often gives context that may be important in deciding whether to click through or not).

They still do show the forum, but it is no longer the main focus. The link is now small in the quote footer.

When in a post or forum I now can't get to any other forum without going back to the main/entry page. Not userfriendly.

Yes, I will look into finding a solution to making it more user friendly. For right now, you can click the blue menu icon in the top right corner of the top navigation. You can also use the Finder menu to bring up your favorite forums.

For right now, you can click the blue menu icon in the top right corner of the top navigation.

The reason it's hidden, in this way, is because I have a funny feeling that only DaniWeb oldtimers rely on our old navigation menu (which has been in use for 15 years).

I like the new design, it's a more 'natural' look compared to the older, but just a few things I noticed first time seeing it.

Usually, I directly go to the java forum (through a link in chrome, not through the main page)

It is less clear what the Sticky Threads in the forum are (I just assume that the green tags 'Read me' point to Sticky Threads, since I know those two threads to be sticky, but I don't think would've immediately seen it if I hadn't known)

In a thread I visited just this morning, I saw a notification top right ' :( Not yet answered', which might be a bit misleading. In fact it had been answered: the OP just hadn't marked it as 'Solved' yet.

Further more, as JWenting already noticed: In order to go to a new forum, you need to go back to the main page if you are in a subforum.
I think having a dropdown in the title bar (like the one with all the user information, but pointing to alternate fora) would be a lot easier.

It is less clear what the Sticky Threads in the forum are (I just assume that the green tags 'Read me' point to Sticky Threads, since I know those two threads to be sticky, but I don't think would've immediately seen it if I hadn't known)

We haven't been calling them 'Sticky' for about 3 years. They used to just say 'Read Me' in the old layout as well, so I'm confused by your confusion. They used to say 'Read Me' in a bold and slightly smaller font. Now they look different but ...

In a thread I visited just this morning, I saw a notification top right ' :( Not yet answered', which might be a bit misleading. In fact it had been answered: the OP just hadn't marked it as 'Solved' yet.

Yes, I changed the terminology 'Solved' to 'Answered' because I thought it makes more sense that a Q&A has not yet received the A. Should I change it back? Did I just make it even more confusing?

Further more, as JWenting already noticed: In order to go to a new forum, you need to go back to the main page if you are in a subforum.

No, you don't. You just need to click the blue menu button in the top right, next to the search. I agree there is a usability issue since you're the third person in the past 2 hours to not find it without my assistance.

That being said, it is purposely put off to the side because I have a sneaky suspicion that only DaniWeb oldtimers actually use it. However, from a usability perspective, I intended to group the top navigation menu into two collections. The main dropdowns, links to PMs and shoutbox, are all links and alerts specific to you, as an individual user. Then, off to the side is the search and forums button, which are two generic non-user specific ways of navigating the site.

I have to agree with jwenting on the oversized spacing and fonts. If I go to the PHP forum page I see FOUR articles on a 1080p screen... There's just not enough info on a single page. In this thread the number of replies within view is just TWO for single line replies.

I do like the colour scheme, it's clean.

We haven't been calling them 'Sticky' for about 3 years. They used to just say 'Read Me' in the old layout as well, so I'm confused by your confusion. They used to say 'Read Me' in a bold and slightly smaller font. Now they look different but ...

Might just be being used to see them in another way. I thought now the notice appeared smaller, and unlike before, they appear in a similar layout as the 'sponsored' or 'solved' tag, so they don't "stand out" as they used to.

Yes, I changed the terminology 'Solved' to 'Answered' because I thought it makes more sense that a Q&A has not yet received the A. Should I change it back? Did I just make it even more confusing?

I don't think it'll be more or less confusing. In the end, it was just how I perceived it. Someone else might feel completely the opposite. There is also the difference between "Answers being given" and the "OP being answered", I just put down what I noticed at first glance.
If it's clear 'answered' is the new 'solved', the idea behind it stays the same.

No, you don't. You just need to click the blue menu button in the top right, next to the search. I agree there is a usability issue since you're the third person in the past 2 hours to not find it without my assistance.

Ah, brilliant :)
It's not as much a usability issue (imho), rather a visibility one. I must admit I didn't spot that button at all this morning. After I read your response, I looked to what "blue menu button in the top right" I had missed, and had I not known what it was for, think I would've taken it for an extension on the search field, being the size and shape (and proximaty) of the search button.

Overall, it's a nice design, and it sure is a good thing the components remain of decent width/height ratio when the browser screen is not maximized, but when the screen is maximized, the white space on both the left and right force to scroll over a post that -given larger width- could take up less lines on the screen, reducing the chance that it wouldn't fit on the screen.

Beautiful upgrade Dani!

Member Avatar for diafol

Pretty slick Dani. Like it. Love the clean lines.

Here are a few things I noticed:
The forum list in the blue burger menu was a bit weird. Wasn't expecting that. I was expecting 'Forums ' text - this could be really confusing to noobs who have never been to DW before.
The bell symbol for chat is a bit odd too - maybe a speech bubble more apt?
I agree with pritaeas and jwenting that maybe it's too 'airy' - not much of a thread in the screen - mostly that blasted sidebar (which I've never liked) and lines about the poster.
I know you mentioned about SEO and having the author beneath the post - similar to other tech sites, but not my cup of tea.

Having said all that, these are small things in the overall picture. Really like it - very big hand Dani :)

Wow, this is a very nice design Dani and team. Very smooth and honestly, refreshing to look at this morning. Great work with this!

Failing to understand what my resolution has anything to do with it.
Sure. A low resolution makes everything look big no matter what.
Is 1360x1050 considered a low resolution?

For example, in private messages. I don't think you need to see the message until you actually click to, you know, read it. Which is part of what makes it look bloated, I think.
Like others also has said. The font could be smaller.

Wow ... caught me off guard for a second there. I thought I was on the wrong page. New design is nice, I just miss having a top navigation bar (not a huge fan of if on the right side).

Actually, am I looking at this right? I have to go to the daniweb link on the top first to access all the other places? I do miss that. I did like accessing any section of the site from any page (like C# for instance).

Also, is it just me or does it feel squished together more. I got all this empty white space on either side. I usually like to utilize all my empty space, so to me this feel like I am wasting space

Other then those small issues, so far it looks nice!

One other question. In the older design we saw the "new" and "me" type icons to show posts we have commented on, and if new information was posted. What have those been changed it?

@JOSheaIV hi, to get the navigation click on the blue icon near the search bar.

How do I exit from </> Code window without inserting any code lines ?

Hitting ESC does it for me in Opera. Clicking outside the window works too.

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