Until it becomes so routine I just don't think about it anymore ... who got this month's issue of the DaniWeb Digest newsletter? :)

I didn't get it.

How was it supposed to reach us, via pigeons ? ;)

Nothing has arrived here as of yet...

On another site im on we have a seperate site setup for the NEWSLETTER and every month it is updated....

Maybe we can do the same here?? (http://www.daniwebnews.com for example)

On another site im on we have a seperate site setup for the NEWSLETTER and every month it is updated....

Maybe we can do the same here?? (http://www.daniwebnews.com for example)

...or maybe employ more pigeons....:cheesy:

On another site im on we have a seperate site setup for the NEWSLETTER and every month it is updated....

Maybe we can do the same here?? (http://www.daniwebnews.com for example)

I'm confused what you mean. We already have a newsletter archive: http://www.daniweb.com/newsletter/

Still no sign of a newsletter in my mailbox, by the way.

Can someone post a quick note to say they have got it, so that Dani and I can remove our cloaks of paranoia :)

I am just waiting for blud to get home so I can ask him what went wrong ... vBulletin seems to acknowledge they were all sent out but my mail server doesn't. Hmm ...

Crazily enough, the server is reporting only having sent out 10,000 emails of the 100,000 vBulletin reports were sent out. Hmm ... investigating this, and hoping to get the remainder of newsletters sent out before the day is over.

Haven't got mine either. I've only recieved one digest so far, which was the December issue. Good luck in getting the vBulletin email problem sorted out; email server software is prone to problems. :(

I'm confused what you mean.

I PMed you with the details :)

Mine has now arrived!

Whadda think of ME idea Dani??

My test account arrived at 12:30 PM EST. My stymiee account has not arrived yet.

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