Hello there. dc living in london. Am a sound engineer/music programmer. just upgraded to an apple powerbook. Anybody know about macs. Desparate for some help. Boss has got a problem with G4 tower memory. Any help much appreciated.
cane 0 Newbie Poster
EricaJanine 0 Newbie Poster
Hey Cane,
I am a newbie myself. Welcome! Re: Mac, there is a forum on here (I just discovered) called Tech Talk. There is a Mac forum there. Hope this helps: http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/forum11.html
wandajm 0 Newbie Poster
Name- Wanda
Age- 21
wieght- it is turning to muscle as we speak :D
Hobbies: Between two jobs, writting, drawing and playing my violin.
Status: Finally not single anymore :cheesy:
Favorite book: Right now or was Jane Lindskold Firekeeper series. Now Douglas Adam
Favorite Show: Numb3rs, CSI, and a few anime series that one can get with 8 tv stations.
Favorite music- classical, some popular, irish/folk, Enya(I'm "cultured" as many say, Unique I say) ;)
Biggest misconception- :( I'm a southern, N.C. born and raised, black girl, and a bit on the country side...okay a lot. I get comments I sound like I am from "across the pond" Brittish in other words. I was born in the U.S I promise.
Major of Study-Horticulture, but I do a large amount of techie things at my second job.
Biggest flaw- have yet to find my center of balance :confused:
Best thing about me- I'm very nice, and I love everyone (until you do something majorly evil and then I just avoid you. You have to kill someone to make me drop to that level) :cheesy:
josephpafume 0 Newbie Poster
Re: Tell us about yourself!
Georgia (Brunswick/Golden Isles)
Architecture Computers Family
I believe that what goes around comes around and to that effect I watch the world around me and see the same people making the same mistakes as they stumble through this exercise in futility we call life
(Unfortunately that includes me )J
Preferred Music:
Anything from Joplin to Bach and all the things in between with the exception of Hip-Hop Rap and Rasta
I prefer music that tells a story or sets a mood
Batchelor of life (Hey I am almost 60 and at the end of my career and still learning)
Programming Languages and Other Technologies:
Using a keyboard sot of sets me back so I’ll leave the programming to others LOL
Current Thankless, Underpaying Job:
I operate a small construction Company
Favorite Foods and Drinks:
Anything I don’t have to cook (If it lives in the ocean it should stay there) but Good Texas style barbeque can’t be beat and Mama’s cooking has never been equaled
Favorite Books:
For relaxation I’ll read anything by Louis LaMour or Bill Shakespeare
Favorite Movies:
Rocky Horror , Bird cage, Kelley’s heroes, Stalag 17, the great escape
Favorite TV Shows:
Television is a wasteland occupied by droll people inflicting their ideas and beliefs on an unsuspecting society
Things and People I Dislike:
Politicians who profess an idealism(conservative or liberal) when the only goal they have is reelection and power for its own sake.
People who are willing to blame America for every injustice whether it be poverty or 911
I’ll respond to any questions or comments here or joe@pafume.com
Saisonny 0 Newbie Poster
JUdging from your profile, you must be funny, friendly girl to be friend with but too bad I'm here in Canada.
mouse2go 0 Newbie Poster
So, what do you do? What do you like? etc etc (AS IF! :D ) I Good day and greetings friends around the world! Let me begin by begining at a point near the beginning. I am using pre-exiting questionaire provided in order to preserve both of my remaining brain cells.
My first memory in life was the evening I went out partying with Winston Churchill who is known to us today for saying witty things and for providing the name of the band called Blood, Sweat and Tears. He once said, "Madame, you are ugly. And tomorrow I shall get drunk all over again." Back in the '40s Wiston wrote books, puttered around the house, engaged in petty politics, saved the world from madman named Adolf hitler.Name: (For WHICH ONE of us? Who me? Mom called me John ... for (censored) reasons withheld for me from day one. I can not say.)
Nickname: Johnny Jump Up, Kingfish, John Boy
Height: I was in a plane once but I don't remember the details. I was above the clouds. I DO know that.
Weight: Patient most of the time, sometimes in hurry (don't know why)
Hair: Oily, grey/brown (disgusting, messy, yucky)
Eyes: Breathtaking Blue mixed with Murky Grey Areas, red veins, strange bumps, tear ducts, dust, dust mites, pollun, bits of rusted shards
Location: Don't reveal your ignorance by laughing; I am from Mississippi -- and I happen to think its a very nice place!
Age: 51
Hobbies: Espionage, various forms of counter-terrorism, smoking.
Relationship Status: I am somewhat preoccupied with this guy named John (me, of course. No, this is not queer. It is perfectly normal-- somewhat self-defeating, but normal.)Fav Music: The Rippingtons, New Age, Latin jazz, Theme song from "Leave
it to Beaver," Carly Simon meets Paul Simon and gives birth to Violin/Sax Music
Education: Dropped out in the 15 1/2th grade but read about 10 books per year, (I have suffecient data in storage but it needs further processing.)
Work: Media Mogul
Favorite Food: I love cats
Favorite Movies: Clear and Present Danger, Changing Lanes, Ghost Busters
Favorite TV Shows: TV has been on the fritz for 4 or 5 years
Favorite Video Games: Never played
Stuff you Dislike: Evil (in others) Flatulance (in others) Stipidity (in others, of course. My own is acceptable)
mouse2go 0 Newbie Poster
So, what do you do? What do you like? etc etc (AS IF! :D ) I Good day and greetings friends around the world! Let me begin by begining at a point near the beginning. I am using pre-exiting questionaire provided in order to preserve both of my remaining brain cells.
My first memory in life was the evening I went out partying with Winston Churchill who is known to us today for saying witty things and for providing the name of the band called Blood, Sweat and Tears. He once said, "Madame, you are ugly. And tomorrow I shall get drunk all over again." Back in the '40s Wiston wrote books, puttered around the house, engaged in petty politics, saved the world from madman named Adolf hitler.Name: (For WHICH ONE of us? Who me? Mom called me John ... for (censored) reasons withheld for me from day one. I can not say.)
Nickname: Johnny Jump Up, Kingfish, John Boy
Height: I was in a plane once but I don't remember the details. I was above the clouds. I DO know that.
Weight: Patient most of the time, sometimes in hurry (don't know why)
Hair: Oily, grey/brown (disgusting, messy, yucky)
Eyes: Breathtaking Blue mixed with Murky Grey Areas, red veins, strange bumps, tear ducts, dust, dust mites, pollun, bits of rusted shards
Location: Don't reveal your ignorance by laughing; I am from Mississippi -- and I happen to think its a very nice place!
Age: 51
Hobbies: Espionage, various forms of counter-terrorism, smoking.
Relationship Status: I am somewhat preoccupied with this guy named John (me, of course. No, this is not queer. It is perfectly normal-- somewhat self-defeating, but normal.)Fav Music: The Rippingtons, New Age, Latin jazz, Theme song from "Leave
it to Beaver," Carly Simon meets Paul Simon and gives birth to Violin/Sax Music
Education: Dropped out in the 15 1/2th grade but read about 10 books per year, (I have suffecient data in storage but it needs further processing.)
Work: Media Mogul
Favorite Food: I love cats
Favorite Movies: Clear and Present Danger, Changing Lanes, Ghost Busters
Favorite TV Shows: TV has been on the fritz for 4 or 5 years
Favorite Video Games: Never played
Stuff you Dislike: Evil (in others) Flatulance (in others) Stipidity (in others, of course. My own is acceptable)
Croft .L 0 Light Poster
Name:Chris Beevers
Nickname: 'The Beev'
Height: 5'
Weight: Now thats personal :lol:
Hair: Blonde!
Eyes: Very blue
Location: Northampton, England
Age: 22
Hobbies: Anything envolving a computer! Programing-Hardware-software, ect!
Relationship Status: single
Faved Music: God, defiantly Rage Against The Machine and The Kaiser Cheifs :!: :) :!:
Education: Drama, media, IT (Obviously)
Favorite Food: Hell man, i will eat anything! I can promise you i'm not fat!!!! :lol:
Favorite Movies: Nothing to over rated! Depends what mood i'm in
Favorite TV Shows: The Family Guy, The Simpsons, Friends, Futurama
Favorite Video Games: NFSU2, most racing games! I do enjoy shoot 'em ups as well!
Stuff I Dislike: When people go behind your back and are disloyal, old opperating systems :lol:
EricaJanine 0 Newbie Poster
Wayyyy too funny. Great 'profile' :!:
dj bill 0 Newbie Poster
Name: DJ Bill
Nickname: 'Hey DJ'
Height: 6'5''
Weight: 220
Hair: Brown
Eyes: greenish
Location: Twin Cities, MN
Age: 34 going on 20
Hobbies: Computers, DJing and making money online.
Relationship Status: married with 2 awesome kids
Faved Music: Tobymac and KJ-52. Usher, 50 cent. Hip-Hop/Rap
Education: College
Favorite Food: Fast food junkie and TGIFridays.
Favorite Movies: Shawshank Redemption
Favorite TV Shows: anything Reality TV
Favorite Video Games: GTA, Madden, Civ, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Rail Road Tycoon
Stuff I Dislike: mean people, doctors, spam (the email kind)
Plutonium 0 Newbie Poster
Name: Jason
Nickname: Pluto (Plutonium)
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200
Hair: dark Brown
Eyes: HZL
Location: WY atm
Age: 29
Hobbies: mmorpg, welding, metal fabrication, boats, cars, bikes, outdoors, camping, php/mysql/C++, CADD
Relationship Status: engaged
Fav Music: guess that I'm one of those people that listens to a little of everything, from counrty/rap/top 40 rock to what ever I find on the net dj chris (fetts vette)
Education: in and out of community colleges, certified combinations welding, self taught in nearly all other areas including but not limited to corp law, taxation, forensics, biological study, computer sciences, a hell of a lot of psycology with friends
Work: when I feel like it
Favorite Food: peanut butter and jelly
Favorite Movies: Knock around guys, Torque
Favorite TV Shows: used to watch that 70's show with Red but haven't lately
Favorite Video Games: AO
Stuff you Dislike: Froobs, ludes, and bad tatoos
New to this community so I would just like to say hello there. I'm fairly active online so I should be around. My main attraction here was the atmosphere that has been left in a majority of the posts and the information is clear and understandable. So I hope that maybe I can make a few new aquantances here... (btw my spelling sucks 90% of the time, my spell checker is broke since I decided that was a good place to start screwing with programming)
Mainly I'm a hobbiest programmer (at the lowest lvl atm) and find that a good tutorial or book is great, but a live forum is heaven.
1salmon1 0 Newbie Poster
Name: Jodi
Nickname: None
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 150
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Location: NY
Age: 20
Hobbies: Sleeping, dancing, playing music, laughing
Relationship Status: single
Fav Music: Love Reggae/ Soca. Like Soft Rock/ Alternative (MTV)/ Hip Hop
Education: (currently a College Student) Business Management
Work: student assistant at part time campus job
Favorite Food: Olives, spinach (all kinds of greens)/ Vanilla Ice cream/ Pizza (mainstream Italian foods) / Steak/ crab meat
Favorite Movies: Finding Nemo, Shottas, Dancehall Queen, The Witches, Coming to America, Harry Potter (all), LOTR (all 3)-
Favorite TV Shows: The Family Guy, Inuyasha, Case Closed, One Piece,
Favorite Video Games: Kingdom Hearts, Bubble Bobble, Dead or Alive 3
Stuff you Dislike: People who lie, people who are shady
Nexus Titan 0 Newbie Poster
Nexus Titan (Screen name)
Ming (Yes! I'm Asian)
5’6 (I think)
Dark Brown, Red Highlights (Sometimes)
Dark Brown
Canada, Hong Kong, China, Philippines
Taurus Sun with An Aquarius Moon (what ever this means)
137 what do you expect
Relationship Status:
With a sex slave :cheesy: just joking single
Sure :eek: ! Prefer DNA engineered (Then it’s not mine then?), if not, then it’s an accident :evil:
Believe there’s a higher power in whatever religion you believe in. :lol:
Does it bite, Is it dirty
Bad Points:
Forgetful when rush, Slow learner, Unsocial, Loner
Lazy, Leave things lying around, Daydream too much
English, Cantonese, Mandarin
Spare parts of machines, use to collect comic and magic cards
Again! Man, I’m not good at school but at least I took Computer Science (Not finished yet don’t have time :sad: )
Likes to take things apart put them back together (don't get to do that often). , Read about new inventions and gadgets on the web. , Read consumer magazines about computers and other gadgets and yes some can be achieve on-line. , Play with automation systems. , Surf for robotic news
Most Dislike Books:
Any books with fine prints (I like it when the computer reads it for me :cheesy: )
To build a private automation empire (Not realistic huh?) :o
I use to have a hamster, a bunch of turtles, cat, dog, birds and a lot of fish (They all died, the 3 sufferings in life to be born, sickness and death)
I guess I’m working for my dad. :-| !
Favorite Weather:
Winter, I like it a lot
Favorite Quotes:
So!, Who Cares!, Oh Well!
Favorite Clothing’s:
Black suites, Casual mix and match, Biohazard suites, Lab Coat
Favorite T.V. Show:
M.T.V it’s a must if I just happens to find the right channel, Science related, National geographic, CSI is not bad.
Favorite Movie:
Beautiful Mind (It’s not bad), Horror (But not too much), Any sciences fictions movies
Favorite Anime:
Ghost In The Shell (Only like the concept)
Favorite Music:
A lot, just likes the song but not any specific male or female singer (Prefer to watch it with M.T.V. mode if possible)
Favorite Sport:
Let see? I use my Yes and No muscle a lot?
Favorite Video Games:
Mostly RPGs with good story mode like Final Fantasies series.
Stuff I dislike:
Time goes by too fast, must move to a bigger rock (Jupiter). , Discovered all new gadgets that we have now is not really new, but old concept put in nice casing and packages (Boring). , When I buy gadgets comes in with a non-English manual or with the wrong manual (poo poo). , Programming language that I can't seem to understand (man, I’m getting old). , Japanese games that I can’t finish because there’s no walkthrough available on-line.
Things I Do When bored:
Zap myself a few times to see if I’m conductive (Not through Abuse ;) )
Things I Do When Away From Computer:
Library, Dates, Work, Movies, Sometime Workout, Go to exhibits (Any! If happens to be there)
Well Known For:
Being quite (Not a social butterfly), Called Crazy for no apparent reasons :twisted:
supertherapist1 0 Newbie Poster
:o Hello fellow members, I am new to this area, and wish to extend my thenks (in advance) for any help received or suggestions. Probably the eldest forum member too. Hmmmm. Therapist, psychiatry, musician with deg from LSMus and IT from IBM and MS OT HONS... play mean keyboards, v creative and can be a very stubborn! Other than that I am your common or garden average hi IQ person (I hope) with many years of life behind me and more in front of me. I help the disabled and I am very spontaneous...that's it!!!!!!!!
Stargate fan 0 Newbie Poster
Um, well I'm in High school, I'm not THAT technical but I can help epople with some of their computer problems. I have A LOT of websites but my main one is Randomville
I like Wyoming and talking to my friends and, well thats pretty ,much it about me.
bodygems4u 0 Newbie Poster
Name: Danielle
Nickname: Dani
Height: 5'4''
Weight: :eek:
Hair: Light brownish red
Eyes: Blue
Location: NY
Age: 36
Hobbies: Collecting Vintage and Antique Jewelry, Reading (Stephen King), Computers--of course!, refinishing furniture,drawing, etc.
Relationship Status: married
Fav Music:Very diverse in this area....love.. Nelly, Kelly Clarkson, Bad Company, Eagles, Heart, Ozzy, Nickleback, Pearl Jam, Bonnie Raitt...
Education: 2 year degree: cad/cam
Work:Worked for Corning Inc., but was laid off. Presently working from home. Co-owner in a jewelry business and building first website. Also working on other web design projects.
Favorite Food: Pizza, veggies (esp. spinach with vinegar and garlic), chili and grilled cheese, and anything Italian or Mexican!
Favorite Movies: Dreamcatcher, Rose Red, Red Dragon, Lord of the Rings, Shrek, Clueless, What About Bob?, Heartbreak Ridge, Twister
Favorite TV Shows: Forensic Files (anything on court TV), X-files, Seinfeld, whose line is it anyway?, The dog--Bounty Hunter, HGTV
Favorite Video Games: Who the heck has time to play video games?
Stuff you Dislike: People who are always LATE, Potty training (uggghh), mowing the lawn, things that are unfair, my alarm clock, and most of all--lying!
Yuki H. 0 Light Poster
Name: Yuki
Height: about 5 feet
Weight: I do not know 70 pounds?
Hair: brownish-red more on the brown side
Eyes: brown, blue rimmed
Location: New York
Age: 13
Status: It is obvious
Favorite music: I have none, whatever floats my boat.
Favorite food: I have too many
Favorite movies: ring, tarzan, the others, Shrek, etc.
Favorite shows: Mostly cartoons and anime
Favorite video game: Evil Zone and bust a groove >D
Hobbies: Drawing, Webdesign, Learning (not school related)
DavidXu 0 Newbie Poster
Hello,every one!
Name: David Xu
Nickname: Dave
Height: 170cm
Weight: 64kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Location: Zhejiang,China
Age: 20
I am honoured that join in this forumn , I am willing to make friends with everyone.
I'm chinese who is a younger programmer that programming for Barcode SoftWare.
David Xu
Gody 0 Newbie Poster
Name: Siddharth
Nickname: Sid
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 75
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Location: PUNE,INDIA
Age: 21
Hobbies: Listening to music, playing cricket, going out with friends , movies,
Education: Bachaelor in Computer Science Engineering
manutdrule1990 0 Newbie Poster
Hi, as you will probably know im new lol! Erm i bit about me: Im only 15 :-| I'm from Northwest England (United Kingdom) and I am very interested in computers, and have had alot of expirience in fixing pcs and working with them. :cheesy: lol. I prefer to fix computers and to fiddle inside and learn more about them compared to actually using software such as Microsoft word etc. So I'll hopefully learn more and help anyone else who needs help! ;)
Talk to you soon!
Telegraphy 0 Newbie Poster
Age: To young to die
Place: between the Oceans
Space: Earth
xfriday 0 Newbie Poster
Name - Naveen Bhalla
Nickname - T2
Height - 5' 6"
Weight - 50 Kgs
Hair - Black
Eyes - Black
Location - HY India
Age - 29
Hobbies - Programming, technology in general, hanging out of course
Relationship Status - Got enagaged last month and getting married on 911.
Occupation: CEO of xFriday Consulting Services India
Fav Music - All Punjabi, Hindi and popular dance stuff.
Education - B. Tech in Civil Engineering, Diploma in Cyber Law
Laurence35 0 Newbie Poster
So, what do you do? What do you like? What do you hate? What are your hobbies? I think we all know that we have computers in common. Some of us are into programming, while others into networking, hardware, etc. But what's the other side of you like? The side when you're not around computers. (AS IF! :D ) I whipped up a questionaire:
Name: Daniel
Nickname: Danny-Boy (ooh, do I hate this one), Dan, Danny
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 173
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Location: NY
Age: 22
Hobbies: Listening to music, drawing, playing the piano, going out with friends and family, movies, laughing, sleeping, martial arts, working out, animeRelationship Status: single
Fav Music: damn, a lot of stuff...lol... U2, Greenday, Nirvana, REM, The Offspring, GoldFinger, Dave Mathews Band, Metallica, Aerosmith, Classical music, video game music, Techno/Trance/Dance, Jazz
Education: Computer Science, Business Computer Information Systems, Psychology
Work: Free lance web designer and programmer (web dev)
Favorite Food: Pizza, Chinese/Spanish Food, Chicken, Steak, Tacos, and Fetuccini AlfredoFavorite Movies: The Naked Gun (1, 2 1/2, 33 1/3), Total Recall, Predator, Terminator 2, Superman, Carlito's Way, GoodFellas, Dumb and Dumber, Liar Liar, High Fidelity, Shawshank Redemption, The Stand, and others I can't remember
Favorite TV Shows: The Family Guy, The Simpsons, X-Files, John Doe, Will and Grace, Seinfeld, Frasier, Everybody Loves Raymond, Just Shoot Me
Favorite Video Games: Secret of Mana (SNES), Zelda A Link to the Past (SNES), Street Fighter Alpha II & III (Playstation), Starfox(SNES), Super Mario Kart (SNES), Diablo II Lord of Destruction
Stuff you Dislike: Pain, people who flick their cigarettes out of their car window, rap and their singers, computer science( :D ), people with bad temper and who are loud, inconsiderate jerks 8)
Feel free to add more stuff :D
hay my name is Laurence Maisey,
I am a website designer
visit my website - << url snipped >>
oboler 0 Newbie Poster
Name: Andre Oboler
Nickname: -
Height: Umm... I really should find out!
Weight: Need to lose a bit :/ Doc suggested cutting down on the Pizza in take - ah well, we'll see if that works.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Location: Melbourne, Australia / Lancaster, UK
Age: 25 next month
Hobbies: Computers, Reading, Problem solving
Relationship Status: Single
Faved Music: Don't really listen to much music
Education: B. Comp. Sci. + B. Comp Sci (Hons) (Both at Monash, Australia)
Favorite Food: Hmm... my own I think. It just takes too long to make and cooking for 1 is no fun.
Favorite Movies: -
Favorite TV Shows: -
Favorite Video Games: FreeCiv
Stuff I Dislike: nuts. Specially the kind that don't get the impact they are having on others - or worse don't care. Good nuts are ok though. :)
rufryder 0 Light Poster
Name: Sunny
Height: 5'7 (aiming higher)
Weight: 165 lbs (aiming lower)
Hair: black
Eyes: black (hazel with contacts)
Location: New York
Age: 29
Status: Always Available
Favorite music: Anything to Everything.
Favorite food: Too many to list
Favorite movies: Too many to list
Favorite shows: Too many to list.
Have a full time job, plus << url snipped >> site on the side. I personally love the site regardless what others think. Only thing I wish I was getting more traffic on the site.
Favorite Quote: "First time for everything"
bandm 0 Newbie Poster
Hello Everyone,
I am new here. I am probably old compared to most of you. But my mind is still young.
I am an electrical engineer, trying to learn C++ programming. I found this place by accident and thought this community would be helpful in my endevors to learn programming. :) My experience in programming is Apple Basic about 20 years ago, or more. And Qbasic a long time ago.
anastacia 0 Junior Poster
hi there and a big n warm welcome to the daniwed community. well dont worry learning is a lifelong process .and to encourage you let me tell you a very famous quote. frankly to tell you i dont remember who saud it but this has helped me a lot in my life
' Age is a matter of the mind, if you dont mind, then it doesnt matter'
so go on and if you have any question just post your threads in the Tech talk forum
best of luck and keep it up!!
odhiamboomumbo 0 Newbie Poster
I am nicholas from kenya.I am first year student.I have diploma in information technology.I know alot of stuff about hardware.I wanna be a programmer now.I am counting on you guys
LifeisDeath 0 Newbie Poster
Hey I'm getting confused on try to navigate here, Yes there is another newb her. And that me.
osemi 0 Newbie Poster
Name: Osemi
Location:Somewhere in motown city
Profession:Computer Instructor
Age: Adult enough to be a daddy.
Likes: Be straight and no liesssssssss
Just join the community couple of hours now. Hoping to get the best dat i want from daniweb.
This is such a great web site that has alot to offer, take the best of it, and continue to support it. Wonderful job Dani.
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