Nick, welcome to the community, get in touch for any info. you need in regards to computer programming
osemi 0 Newbie Poster
LadySidhe 0 Newbie Poster
Hm...well, I guess the easiest way to put it is, "check my profile." *grins*
A little here...well, I'm married and I have a three-year-old daughter. I like to read and debate, and I'm a big rock collector. I do freelance artwork, painting murals in houses, and I'm trying to get back into school to upgrade my degrees.
mbrate 0 Newbie Poster
Hi My name is Maria,
i just start learning java. And I need your help.
jonhlord060376 0 Newbie Poster
Birthday 06/03/1976
Age: 29
Language: English/tagalog
B-place: Tanauan, Batangas
Civil Status: Married
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 155 Lbs
Religion: Roman Catholic
Knowleadgable In Some Computer Operation
Such As: Dos, Ms Word, Ms Excel, Programming Language
1. Knowleadge In Computer Hardware And Software
2. Computer Literate
3 Computer Troubleshooting And Repair
4. Local Area Networking
5. Internet
6. Encoding
7. Motorcross Riders
Eurolink Network International Corporation
This attachment is potentially unsafe to open. It may be an executable that is capable of making changes to your file system, or it may require specific software to open. Use caution and only open this attachment if you are comfortable working with x-ms-bmp files.
vfexx28 0 Newbie Poster
hi my name is Elie I am 16, I bought this laptop, it is an old IBM 365 xd, i really just realized how I really like working with computers so I got it as a starter to fix it up. I basically know NOTHING about it compared to most people on this site but I am tryng to learn. the problem with this laptops is It has been reformatted, it does not have an external floppy but it does have an internal cd-rom, the problem is that I cannot get it to boot right from the cd rom( I dont know how to), I went to the BIOS to see if I could change the boot sequence but the CD rom is not in there. so I'm stuck, if you could help me or indicate someone who can I would REALLY apreciate it. thank you SOOO MUCH. Elie
Fuso 0 Newbie Poster
Name: Cenny Wenner
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Occupation: 2nd year Student of theoretic physics and philosophy, Lund university, Sweden
Hobbies: General creation, especially theoretics. Discussing physics and philosophy, Programming and CIS, AI in particular, Go (asian board game), anime at times.
Proficient in c++, ruby, vb, php, asm86 and 16x74 (html, javas, css, et.c.). Also knows or has known asp, lisp, java, and likely several I have forgotten the name of by now. Been programming as a hobby for the past 7 to 9 years.
Personality traits: Usualy highly focused on the few tasks at hand and rather ignorant of all other activitiy. Increadibly analytical and logical. Attempts to solve various scientific problems during spare time and hasn't "been out" for the past 1.5 years.
I've attended several forums focusing on several different subjects in the past few years but none devoting itself specifically to Programming and CIS. Scavaging the net, this was one of the few which featured a grand userbase, decently advanced (for one, even having a CIS thread rather than simply the programming languages) and not overrun by ads, if I leave, that's the reason. I hope to learn and carry the ability to discus various topics and meet interesting people here, greetings!
odhiamboomumbo 0 Newbie Poster
Nick, welcome to the community, get in touch for any info. you need in regards to computer programming
MIGSoft 0 Posting Pro in Training
My name is Mike. I am a Junior at Binghamton University, majoring in Computer Science.
I am new to this place. It looks like it is packed with geeks, and nerds (such as myself).
I know programming, web development, network, OSs, Computer Architecture (my favorite), and various scientific subjects in the area of computer science. So if anyone needs help, feel free to ask. You can try to help me, but I've been told that I am a hopeless geek, and that its simply too late for me (at least thats what the doctor said)!
I am looking forward to talking with you.
Sarahsuze 0 Newbie Poster
Name: Sarah
Nickname: Sarahsuze
Height: 5'1''
Weight: ???
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Location: NV
Age: 28
Hobbies: Spending time w/my kids. Personal Protection sports - interest not doing it yet - too busy
Relationship Status: divorced
Fav Music: everything
Education: studying for electrical engineering and computer networking systems @ITT Technical
Work: jr systems administrator
Favorite Food: Indian
Favorite Movies: Most
Favorite TV Shows: Nature
Stuff you Dislike: ants and flies
hinde 0 Junior Poster in Training
Hello. I had a program I needed help with, and my usual forum for asking programming questions was caput, so I googled a programming forum site and ended up here. I might actively post, I might lurk. Anyway I am working on a Comp Sci major math minor here at Millersville University. I like to play video games and watch movies. I am going into my senior year. Um my favorite tv shows are the shield, nip tuck, and rescue me. My all time favorite movies are Primary Colors, Goodfellas, Bruce Campbell vs. the Army of Darkness, Shawshank Redemption, and the Lord of the Rings movies.
arnellkathy 0 Newbie Poster
:p :p hi every one my name is kathy, here is a little bit about my self, i like to cook,i like to swim, love to go to church, read,watch movies i;m a very laid back person.and love to talk and meet new people. :p
mrjersh 0 Newbie Poster
Hi all,
I'm Josh. I just joined up here. At 33, it looks like I am a bit older than some here, but that is ok. I started out doing everything for my site myself, but am now resigned to the fact that I can't be an expert in anything. I'm hoping to learn a few things, or find some folks that might be able to help me out. I'm in CA, have pretty ecclectic tastes in everything. Anything else anyone wants to know, just ask.
Buck 0 Newbie Poster
Name: Chris
Nickname: Buck
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 164
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Location: North Coast SNW, Australia
Age: 28
Hobbies: Playing and watching sports, golf, cricket, tennis, surfing, footy etc. movies and music, social events... anything really!
Relationship Status: Long-term relationship
Fav Music: Into a heap of things, fav's atm would be Evanescence, Fuel, Daniel Powter, U2, Powderfinger, Jet ... the list goes on.
Education: Cert 4 in IT tech support
Work: Self employed computer business
Favorite Food: Seafood and Italian
Favorite Movies: Another lots of question lol .. Braveheart, The Matrix Trilogy, LOTR Trilogy, Super Troopers, Anchorman, Armageddon.. u get the idea.
Favorite TV Shows: The Simpsons and South Park for sure, Lost, CSI anything, too many here again.
Favorite Video Games: Anything Final Fantasy
Stuff you Dislike: Arrogant people, thats about it really.
Stuff you like: Genuine people, there aren't enough around these days.
Foxtrot 0 Newbie Poster
Hi, I've been looking for a good support forum and began to look around until I found this one which seems to cover everything and has a nice feel.
I'm male, average weight but a bit on the tall side, older than some here but younger than others, :lol: light brown hair and green eyes, love good food and cooking. Prefer easy listening music and can't stand rap noise or any hate stuff. Play guitar and love to drive to small towns and stay a weekend just looking around. There's lots more but that'll have to wait until after the engagement. Heh. :)
techz_boy 0 Newbie Poster
Name - Galuh Prasetyawan
Nickname - galuh / mento
Height - 175 cm
Weight - 55
Hair - Black
Eyes -
Location - Malang Indonesia
Age - 20
Dial_tone 0 Newbie Poster
Name: Steve
Nickname: DT, Rumpy (don’t ask)
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 235
Hair: hair?
Eyes: Brown
Location: CA
Age: 40
Hobbies: Listening to music, cycling, movies, sleeping in, working out, people watching
Relationship Status: single but taken
Fav Music: just about anything except country and Gospel - LOVE 80’s synth Britpop – Erasure, The Smiths, Morrissey, Metallica, Enya, Tupac, Delerium, Diana Krall, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Sarah Brightman.
Education: Degree of Difficulty from the School of Hard Knocks. (Actually 3 yrs undergrad at University of West Georgia and soon finishing at U of Phoenix)
Work: Information Services Manager for a small executive search firm.
Favorite Food: Pizza, Chinese/Mexican Food, Chicken, Steak, Tacos,
Favorite Movies: The Usual Suspects, Pulp Fiction, Carlito's Way, GoodFellas, , Shawshank Redemption, Heat, Swingers,
Favorite TV Shows: nothing I really have to watch. Lots of oddball stuff on Discovery Channel, A&E (Investigative Reports, Cold Case Files), cycling on OLN.
Favorite Video Games: don’t really play them.
Stuff you Dislike: women who won’t go out with me LOL, arrogance, people who are late, spinach
gritty 0 Newbie Poster
Name - Curt
Nickname - Grit
Height - 5'6
Weight - 170
Hair - brown
Eyes - brown
Location - Bakersfield, CA
Age - 33
Hobbies - Civil war reenactment, dirt bike, fishing
Relationship Status - Married
Occupation: Network admin
Fav Music - punk, reggae, rock, classical
Education - Some college, but mainly lots of self taught skills, and IT certifications.
Favorite Movies - Once were warriors, big fish
Favorite TV Shows - the Simpsons
Favorite Computer Games - Civ 3
just-crosby 0 Newbie Poster
I've just this group and I thought I would tell you a little about my self
Name: Colin
Nickname: Barty
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 54KG
Hair: Dark
Eyes: Brown
Location: Germany
Age: 45
Hobbies: Listening to music, watching DVD's going out for evening meals, walking in the forest, Chatting on "Skype", running my Yahoo Group, Digital Photography, Incredimail, Helping people with PC problems, messing with the computer!, Trying new things, Spending my money!
Relationship Status: Divorced
Fav Music: Music from 1960's to 1980's
Favorite Food: Pizza, Chinese/English Food, Chicken, Roast Beef Fish and Chips,
Favorite Movies: Ladder 49, Towering Inferno, Ghost Ship,"Down", Space Cowboys, Speed 1, Harry Potter,
Stuff you Dislike: People dropping rubbish, Rude loud people, Getting up early,
glamo 0 Newbie Poster
how to post threads
mweshk 0 Newbie Poster
Am a 24year old Kenyan believed to be programmer.Currently working with one of the largest and sophisticated kenyan organizations which keeps alot of data.
What else?mmmh likes to invite all sort of programs through out the world so long as it'll be a clean deal.
glamo 0 Newbie Poster
hello my name is gaurav jain.i am from india currently pursuading computer science studies under the course.i am very fond of computers and hacking.currently i am in 3 year of my 4 year course.i like surfing ,chating,hacking and various computer stuff.currently i want to do a project based on java.
if anybody can help me mail me at
thank you :mad: :rolleyes: :idea:
ethereal_eagle 0 Newbie Poster
Name: Frank
Nickname: Hey Dumb Ass ("That 70's Show" causes me flashbacks)
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 230
Hair: Dirty Blonde (no not that kind of dirty you pervs)
Eyes: Hazel
Location: Oklahoma, USA
Age: 37
Hobbies: Listening to music, movies, sleeping, watching Major League Baseball and College Football, Fantasy League Baseball, The Web, Having fun with my daughter.
Relationship Status: Happily married with one child
Fav Music: My collection is very ecclectic. It amazes some but pisses off most, HAHA. (i.e. "how could you have that CD and like that one you moron!!")
Education: Computer Science, minor in English.
Work: Professional IT Network Manager
Favorite Food: Sushi and Japanese, Italian, Thai, Chinese, Surf and Turf, anything that smells good gets my attention.
Favorite Movies: Forest Gump, The Road to Perdition, Saving Private Ryan, The French Connection, Full Metal Jacket, Unforgiven, Any movie with Gene Hackman, Outlaw Josse Whales.
Favorite TV Shows: The Simpsons, X-Files, Cold Case, That 70's Show (cause it seems like my biography), Missing.
Favorite Video Games: I like flight sims, first person shooters, squad based shooters, and role playing sims.
Stuff you Dislike: Intolerance, bigotry, selfishness, arrogance (do it around me and expect to be brought down a notch or two), people with no sense of humor or are too uptight. I get a bit loud when I have fun, and I don't like being told to be quiet. :cool:
Lilac 0 Newbie Poster
Hi everyone, greetings from chilly Eastern Australia! Found this site whilst doing a little research and have to say what a wonderful and friendly bunch of people you all are.
scousemouse 0 Newbie Poster
elo everyone
name mark
live liverpool.england
12stone in weight
hair darkbrown curly when grows ha ha
eyes green
age 36
music bit of heavy bit of light touch of classical
movies got to say shawshank redmption scarface educating rita
education none really my ownfault (only realize when to late)never mind.A but i am good at art ha ha
work rooftiler and i am scared of heights ye no messin think its time for a change
fav games fps an rts
food italian and cheesy beens scrumshush
dislikes bullies selfish and spoilt poeple oh and sterilize milk
likes being happy and the peole around me being happy and knowing you can trust them aswell.right people im off take it easy
p.s. sorry about the writing this has took about an hour cant work this keyboard but i will very soon ha ha
Sword 0 Newbie Poster
Hi all Members and Guests I Have PR6 Site
If You Want To Know Me Better, You May Visit My Site
c_shaft05 0 Junior Poster in Training
Name: Cameron
Nickname: Cam, Cam Shaft or just "Shaft"
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 165
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Location: IA
Age: 18
Hobbies: Messing around with my computer, losing in poker or aka hanging out with friends, Swimming (the greatest sport in the world, next to computer gaming :) ) Gaming
Relationship Status: single
Fav Music: Alternative, Punk, all rock in a nutshell.... Eve 6's "Anytime"... or Rise Against "State of the Union"
Education: High School Diploma... starting to work on CS degree in the fall..
Work: Lifeguard, asst swim team coach (its a summer team, pays decent, and besides, gotta be able to pay for upgrades and games somehow right?)
Favorite Movies: Frequency, Swimming Upstream, Eurotrip, Out Cold
Stuff you Dislike: Smokers; Country + Rap = Crap (And no, I didn't come up with that saying. A friend of mine says it, and I bet he took it from somewhere else); Iowa... yea it sucks here.... Corn All over the place!
TURLOCK 0 Newbie Poster
Hi Everyone
My name is Terry, married, to the lovely Sue. We live in a beautifull part of the UK, South Wales to be precise.
Don't have any specific hobbies but I am trying to rectify that. We like travel and visit Majorca frequently. These visits have allowed me to take up scuba diving which is fantastic. Apart from our travels we tend to spend our time working; I know it's all very sad. I won't rabbit on here too much. Looking forward to some good news chat on this forum.
Bye For Now
MadDogSh 0 Newbie Poster
Hi ppl... I'm glad I joined your community, and yet I'm sad I didn't do that before...
What a pitty... yet, there is a reason - expensive Internet access and 7 years of loosing time at 56 kbps (in best case, of course, 90% of time somewhere 'round 33.6 kbps)...
So, let's go to the point:
Name: Sven
Nickname(s): MadDog (also at many other forums and Usenet, yet not always), MadDogSh (the other one forums and communities, as this one, where MadDog got occupied long before I came :) ), HR_MadDog (for Blitzkrieg players only)
Height: 182 cm (sorry, I use metric...)
Weight: 117 kg (metric, again, and fat...)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Location: Varazdin, Croatia, Europe, for closer reference
Age: 35
Hobbies: Reading, fooling 'round with computer games nad computers in general, music (occasionaly)
Relationship Status: married
Fav Music: well... ummmm.... Pink Floyd, The Doors, RHCP... what to say - old people, old music... (NHF to those my age that still consider themselves young)
Education: Computer Science
Work: Programmer
Favorite Video Games: Blitzkrieg, Red Alert 2, Tropico, Civilization, Diablo II Lord of Destruction
Likes: food (ref: weight), jokes (humor in all forms except see ref. under dislikes), reading, sleeping
Dislikes: smokers, false prophets, lousy cooking and bad jokes
Well... that's it...
Again... thx for letting me be in that community... hope we'll all get to know better through time... :mrgreen:
profution 0 Newbie Poster
Name: Ivan
Nickname: none
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 82kg
Hair: black
Eyes: Brown
Location: England
Age: to old
Hobbies: Listening to music, going out with friends and family, movies, laughing, sleeping, martial arts, working out,
Relationship Status: single
Fav Music: still not sure
Education: Computer HNC, Microsoft office
Speciality Microsoft office basics
Work: teacher :o
Favorite Movies: x men
Favorite TV Shows: John Doe,
Favorite Video Games: (Playstation)
Stuff I Dislike: Pain, , computer science( ), people with bad temper and who are loud, inconsiderate jerks 8)
First forum ive ever joined cuz im desperate for help hope ive done this wright
need to start some where... :rolleyes:
profution 0 Newbie Poster
can someone assist me with c programming i have a small programm to white but keep having problems but the worst is know one to ask how i should have done it if this is the wright method or place to use i will continue please help me or at least give good advice .....thankyou profution
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