Someone please help me. I think my computer has bugs. There are ants, roaches, and scorpions coming out from inside my computer. Some people say there is software to get rid of this, but I can't find it. How do I get rid of these bugs? They are starting to bite me.

Fly spay.

Insect Repellent.

Avoid using illicit substances!

well, first off I'd immediately call your local exterminater to get rid of the infestation ;), second try one of these sprays to get them off your computer: (I'd spray it lightly in the general area of the infestation in your computer, not on the hardware

...Please tell me you're joking?

If you're serious, I'd be taking apart the system, and spraying EVERYTHING off with compressed air. Buy a couple of cans, and spray out every nook, crannie, crevass and fin of your system, so no eggs are left over. Then, you will need to start considering some type of household pest removal solution.

...There aren't any trolls in the system, are there? Perhaps you were using some fumigant to remove bugs elsewhere, and inhaled too much of it? :p

Get one of those room foggers that you have to set and leave the house for a few hours. When you come back, open up your computer and clean it as alc6379 suggested.

Yes, the post was a joke! I hope you guys knew that.

Yes, the post was a joke! I hope you guys knew that.

Figured as much... being as such, let's move it over to /dev/random. :p

hey man,
it is time to worry about yours pc.the aunts had rreached to pc from web and they generated themselves into real,keep spraying when ever you start yours machine and all around it.and yes into mouse and as well as into monitor too.
be happy ever after.

hey man,
it is time to worry about yours pc.the aunts had reached to pc from web and they generated themselves into real,keep spraying when ever you start yours machine and all around it.and yes into mouse and as well as into monitor too.
be happy ever after.

Hey there dlh9213's son/daughter!! :)

Figured as much... being as such, let's move it over to /dev/random. :p

/dev/random? This isn't JL mistah! ;)

/dev/random? This isn't JL mistah! ;)

Whoops. Maybe you should name your off-topic forum /dev/random, so I won't be as confused next time?

Bending to my will always makes things easier. ;)

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