A plague has swept the online universe of popular game World of Warcraft! Cities have been wiped out. Travel became a dangerous activity indeed. Online gamers returned from a nature call to find themselves amidst desolation!
When Blizzard Software released the version 1.7 Patch for the online game they included a new event to join those already available, but it has had unforseen outcomes. Zul'grub, apparently, is a 20 person raid event in which groups of players can attack a perilous Troll city. Inside the City is Hakkar, God of Blood who has the uncanny ability to infect nearby players at random with 'infected blood'. This causes a large 'hitpoint' loss over a short period of time, and can be transmitted to other characters nearby whilst still 'infectious'. What wasn't forseen, however, was that if players who were affected used a 'hearthstone' to teleport back to their ingame native city, they carried the infectious disease with them to spread!
Hundreds of 'low-level' player characters died when this occurred, many high level characters spread the plague further, and even high level non-player characters became carriers. Chaos reigned in World of Warcraft.
From recent reports, the result has been chaos on many game servers!