Hi guys,

Im running debian (lenny) and have just installed my wireless network card and want to configure it using the lovely gui network manager in gnome but it seems to have disapeared from my menu. I have checked that it isnt deselected in menu options but it isnt there have tried reinstalling network-mangaer-gnome and network-manager but no luck. Is there a command to run it from the command line i have tried nm-applet but that didnt work.

thanks in advance for any help.

go into administration and choose network

I tried James' suggestion...instead of the nice gui with all the available wireless networks, I see a gui titled "Network settings" that just lists my wireless and ethernet connections. At this point it doesn't look anything like what I was expecting...any ideas? I'm running the latest Debian on a Dell Inspiron laptop with a Netgear pcmcia card.

you should have an icon on the top toolbar that has a monitor icon -- click this and enter your password. this is the network manager gui. it's minimal but it's a gui that lets you add hosts, change network connections settings, etc ...

you should have an icon on the top toolbar that has a monitor icon -- click this and enter your password. this is the network manager gui. it's minimal but it's a gui that lets you add hosts, change network connections settings, etc ...

Thank you for taking the time to respond. Hmmm...under Gnome (the default desktop manager which I'm currently running) I'm not seeing a monitor icon in either the top or bottom toolbars. The top contains the menus "Applications", "Places", and "Desktop" along with icons for Evolution and Epiphany (on the left side). The right side of the top menu bar has a battery icon (power), a network plug icon (wired network), the time, a speaker icon and a window chooser icon. The wired network icon doesn't open the network manager gui...it just shows the current status of the wired network.

If I follow the menu options Applications->Debian->Apps->System and open the program "Network Admin" I get a basic gui like you're describing (entitled "Network Settings"). However, it doesn't have the nice interface to see available wireless access points like Network Manager is supposed to have. Any other ideas?

go into administration and choose network

James, I tried your suggestion...it brings me to the same basic gui (entitled "Network settings") that I described earlier. My connections are listed and I can change their properties, but I don't get access to a list of available wireless access points.

Here's a link to the download site for NetworkManager that shows what I'm expecting to see:

It appears like I should be able to click on the network plug icon and see the list of available wireless networks, but all I see is information relating to the wired network.

Hi Chris,

I've had the same problem and solved it using the Knetworkmanager (yes I'm running GNOME - not KDE).

I tried WiFiRadar and Rutilt, neither established a connection. Knetworkmanager however did the job.


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