Maybe somebody can help me here. I am graduating with my bachelors in Information Technology. I don't have much experience in any IT fields, but have lots of other good office work experience: sales, accounting, office manager, etc... I have had some executives in reputable companies look at my resume and improve it, so my resume is good

Is there some trick to getting entry level jobs in IT? Help desk, etc...? I have accounts on all the websites, check the classifieds, I have friends passing my resume along in their fields, technical staffing companies have my resume. Is there something im missing?

I am very comfortable on the computer; have had my own since age 14 (28 now). But no, I don't have any specific "IT" job experience. How do I get some?

thanks for any guidance! I appreciate it!


Also, I have set up networks at home for practice. Server, Virtualization, DHCP, DNS, permissions, etc... I also have really good social skills and am very resourceful and motivated. Everywhere I have ever worked has been very successful and I have made many valuable aquaintances.

I know if I can just get my foot in the door somewhere, I can make it work. I will be good to go after that. Its getting depressing though.

Also, I have set up networks at home for practice. Server, Virtualization, DHCP, DNS, permissions, etc... I also have really good social skills and am very resourceful and motivated. Everywhere I have ever worked has been very successful and I have made many valuable aquaintances.

Did you put this in your CV?

I would suggest you try temping first; Have you tried putting your CV on jobsites. e.g monster.

If all fails try volunteering for a short while (works all the time)

It's all about networking. Unfortunately that's not an area in which most of us IT professionals excel in. (We did choose IT for a reason). The best jobs don't make it to the classifieds before they're filled. You should still scour every available job source and apply to every possible lead, but your best bet is to find someone who knows someone who works at ABC Company and find out if there are any openings, and get yourself on the shortlist of people they're going to call when there is an opening.

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